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    high life

    1. The stolen money (for it is fraud) is spend on cars and the high life within weeks of getting it into their accounts

    2. In fact, during the season, at Century 21’s tent, I had won in a raffle a Carhartt leather work jacket emblazoned with the Miller High Life logo which I cannot wear around Groton lest I shock my fellow Friends of Bill

    3. Living the high life

    4. On his fiftieth birthday he owned an architect-designed canvas house (newspaper clipping) in the hills, a block of flats in Noosa that were only tenanted half the year, a Porsche, and an unquenched desire for the „high life"

    5. They travel more than usual and live the ‘high life

    6. Most of you won’t be living like millionaires, but you will be living in accordance with your own concepts of the ‘high life

    7. She had to talk to someone who wasn’t floating in the mist of the high life, someone who she could discuss the real issue with

    8. We will do the buying and other countries will be the ones producing and making all the capital and living the high life

    9. They are happy to pay you 100% commission because they effectively got a very valuable customer with a very high life time value to them for free

    10. he’d had a taste of the high life, and he didn’t want to let that escape his

    11. His wealth allowed him to enjoy the high life experienced by traveling in different social circles than would normally be permissible for a policeman, especially in a town where breeding was still considered a rite of passage

    12. On the other hand, at home in their private lives they are no different than the rest of us except for their high lifestyle

    13. He once got slashed on the side of his face by a broken Miller High Life beer bottle while trying to break up a saloon fight in the boardwalk area in the mid-70s

    14. It appears that, unknown even to many of his most intimate friends, he has been suffering from a complication of diseases, the result of his high life, and they have at last affected his brain, as they were bound to do in time

    15. The world had gone to pot, but there was no lack of finery for the elite, who could still afford their high lifestyles, thanks to the suffering of the many they helped to oppress by means of restrictive government policies and taxes

    16. We are moving in high life, Watson; crackling paper, 'E

    17. Mr Samgrass was a genealogist and a legitimist; he loved dispossessed royalty and knew the exact validity of the rival claims of the pretenders to many thrones; he was not a man of religious habit, but he knew more than most Catholics about their Church; he had friends in the Vatican and could talk at length of policy and appointments, saying which contemporary ecclesiastics were in good favour, which in bad, what recent theological hypothesis was suspect, and how this or that Jesuit or Dominican had skated on thin ice or sailed near the wind in his Lenten discourses; he had everything except the Faith, and later liked to attend benediction in the chapel of Brideshead and see the ladies of the family with their necks arched in devotion under their black lace mantillas; he loved forgotten scandals in high life and was an expert in putative parentage; he claimed to love the past, but I always felt that he thought all the splendid company,

    18. 'Oh, I think he quite enjoyed himself in his own ghastly way only of course there was no more high life for him

    19. Far from living the high life, he told me later that he was flat broke and living as a squatter in a dilapidated house

    20. They are Whores fer hire to anyone that fees ’em, whereas we are fer hire to no Man, an’ whilst we may mimick the Manners o’ High Life in our Clothes an’ Baubles, yet we are proud to be Low Life in our Morality

    21. And so I account my Whoring more honest than the common State of Matrimony, wherein the Wife is sold to her Husband in exchange for Land to be added to her Father’s Holdings and reaps the Benefit of High Life from the Rental of her Flesh in the Merchant’s Shop of the Matrimonial Bed!

    22. "I wanted it to go on for another billion years, the high life, the picking and choosing

    23. This man, who was old, moreover, had a thick nose, his chin swathed in a cravat, green spectacles with a double screen of green taffeta over his eyes, and his hair was plastered and flattened down on his brow on a level with his eyebrows like the wigs of English coachmen in "high life

    24. We are moving in high life, Watson, crackling paper, 'E

    25. Petersburg and Moscow, Maria Alexandrovna comforted herself with the reflection that marriages in high life nearly always were productive of scandal; and that such a result might fairly be looked upon as “good form,” and as peculiar to aristocratic circles

    26. High life has always possessed, as it does to-day, peculiar attractions both for the novel writer and the novel reader

    27. It is a story of English society, and, notwithstanding all the unpleasant truths that have been and may be told of this branch of “high life,” it is difficult to believe that any such considerable portion of it as Mr

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