Verwenden Sie „highly strung“ in einem Satz
highly strung Beispielsätze
highly strung
1. Though it is my view that it is all part and parcel of the problem of being highly strung and expecting too much of yourself
2. ‘I’d heard that chestnut mares tend to be sprightly and highly strung – it’s clear she likes a challenge
3. bodies are more highly strung and sensitive than those of the ordinary man
4. The girl's highly strung imagination, her affectionate and credulous mind, the primitive education which had surrounded her childhood with a circle of legends, the constant brooding over her dead father and, above all, the state of sublime ecstasy into which music threw her from the moment that this art was made manifest to her in certain exceptional conditions, as in the churchyard at Perros; all this seemed to him to constitute a moral ground only too favorable for the malevolent designs of some mysterious and unscrupulous person
5. An attacker, particularly one who has already wounded or killed someone, is likely to be very highly strung
6. I have no doubt he'll throw himself at your feet and burst into tears! He is a highly strung and unfortunate fellow; his wife is carrying on with Stavrogin