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    1. One day, just as the weather got warmer, there was a hive of

    2. She turned to face the moon and softly, but quite clearly, there came the sound of humming as if from bees in a hive

    3. Which reminds me,” Lytru went to the railing and pointed westerly, “We have to start another hive

    4. There is a hive of activity around Leona

    5. The android was deep inside the native hive now, if it wasn't for the three-d plot he kept running on a side screen up here, he would have no idea where he was

    6. Eventually the fallen lay so high and deep as to form a wall of death, preventing any more frontal attacks by the hive

    7. Now, however, the hive had started sending smaller parties, six or seven hundred at a time, over the mountains, seeking out any passable route

    8. But when a group did make its way over the passes the information was immediately known by the rest of the hive and thousands would advance on the same route

    9. It was working and, thus far, all encroachments by the hive had been met with total annihilation

    10. If he had been in charge of the hive that is what he would have done,

    11. At the same time, Ammon could not allow the hive to suspect that something untoward was happening

    12. They’re blending into their hive mind distinct personalities, or spiritual egos if you prefer

    13. The house was a hive of activity with Helez, her two sisters, Crissy and Helda making all the necessary arrangements

    14. “So, I must inform you that I smell a very interesting medley of smells coming from the arachnix hive

    15. “You shall find no animosity in this hive while

    16. The data in this hive is not permanently stored and is loaded every time you boot your computer

    17. As the hostages lay in the basement both Akbar and Muhammad rushed around in a hive of activity as they searched feverishly for the Chinese President

    18. It's well known that Bees will fight to the death, but they only do this to protect their hive and their Queen

    19. The road led us to the Tlatelolco market, a virtual hive of activity

    20. When we returned to camp after being relieved, we found it a hive of activity

    21. Colin continued, “All the evidence points to a hive situated

    22. sting, as with a sword, those who draw near their hive, and repel them even to death

    23. Only the Hive Queens of that race are intelligent, of which there are a few thousand, but there are hundreds of millions of worker drones of the hives, which are the size of squirrels and no smarter than dogs

    24. A huge hive queen appeared on the other side with her millions of workers and soldiers only a moment later

    25. 18 But why should we point attention to the sympathy toward children shown by irrational animals? 19 The very bees at the season of honey making attack all who approach; and pierce with their sting as with a sword those who draw near their hive and repel them even to death

    26. 37 But woe to you rich! for you hive received your consolation

    27. ’ The courtyard burst into a hive of activity as people begun rushing about their duties and messengers departed

    28. The enraged Uphrian warrior quickly finished the man off then continued his push forward and the hive of men that followed forced the Tanarian ranks apart

    29. Amid a hive of activity, the Aristrian troops were untethering the teams of horses and removing the large logs that had been used as rollers to extract it

    30. It seemed that I was in the middle of buzzing bees in a hive

    31. The place was a hive of scarecrow activity: some were clearing up the rubbish, others were busy hammering pieces of wood together, whilst the remainder had assembled by the Plunge Pool, where they filled wooden buckets with the murky green liquid

    32. The great legions of Lykanthros and the Hive Builders will infiltrate and conquer Mystic Down and the neighboring regions

    33. They used the boulders to assemble a great, vented Hive

    34. The Lykanthros packs made sure to stay clear of the Hive Builders as they hunted for food

    35. The halfling was surprised to see a gathering of Gaeans and Hive Builders at the base of the towering structure

    36. The Hive Builders buzzed a tone of warning among themselves

    37. Several of the Hive Builders were knocked out and rolled against the walls in curled knots

    38. Ride on a Hive Builder as we scale this fortress

    39. He climbed aboard a crouching Hive Builder, pausing to hold his head in agony

    40. The Hive Builders will wait outside The Spires

    41. We saw your giant Hive as we approached

    42. I suggest that you consult with your fellow Hive Builders and warn them that a war has begun between the Planes

    43. You may be forced to build a new Hive a greater distance from this menacing fortress

    44. I will lead my brethren to our Hive and hold council there with the elders who live at the heart of our labyrinth

    45. The Arachnoids bowed in farewell and skittered over the red hills to their Hive

    46. “The Hive Builders are strong and resourceful

    47. “Dweeble and the other Hive Builders are nowhere to be seen

    48. I will go out and check on the foundation of the new Hive

    49. To the Hive, My Kin

    50. We Hive Builders should move

    1. Instead of slithering through mud and bushes to steal the flag of the opposing team, a couple of young toughs had hived off and were tugging at each others erections

    2. Going into the shady outer room, he took down from the wall his veil, that hung on a peg, and putting it on, and thrusting his hands into his pockets, he went into the fenced-in beegarden, where there stood in the midst of a closely mown space in regular rows, fastened with bast on posts, all the hives he knew so well, the old stocks, each with its own history, and along the fences the younger swarms hived that year

    3. Therapontigonus Miles could walk arm in arm with Vadeboncoeur the grenadier, Damasippus the second-hand dealer would be happy among bric-a-brac merchants, Vincennes could grasp Socrates in its fist as just as Agora could imprison Diderot, Grimod de la Reyniere discovered larded roast beef, as Curtillus invented roast hedgehog, we see the trapeze which figures in Plautus reappear under the vault of the Arc of l'Etoile, the sword-eater of Poecilus encountered by Apuleius is a sword-swallower on the Pont Neuf, the nephew of Rameau and Curculio the parasite make a pair, Ergasilus could get himself presented to Cambaceres by d'Aigrefeuille; the four dandies of Rome: Alcesimarchus, Phoedromus, Diabolus, and Argyrippus, descend from Courtille in Labatut's posting-chaise; Aulus Gellius would halt no longer in front of Congrio than would Charles Nodier in front of Punchinello; Marto is not a tigress, but Pardalisca was not a dragon; Pantolabus the wag jeers in the Cafe Anglais at Nomentanus the fast liver, Hermogenus is a tenor in the Champs-Elysees, and round him, Thracius the beggar, clad like Bobeche, takes up a collection; the bore who stops you by the button of your coat in the Tuileries makes you repeat after a lapse of two thousand years Thesprion's apostrophe: Quis properantem me prehendit pallio? The wine on Surene is a parody of the wine of Alba, the red border of Desaugiers forms a balance to the great cutting of Balatro, Pere Lachaise exhales beneath nocturnal rains same gleams as the Esquiliae, and the grave of the poor bought for five years, is certainly the equivalent of the slave's hived coffin

    1. "Me? Its the first one you used dimwit, Look there's more honey on that, than Jim Beaks hives

    2. The registry has a tree-like structure with its main branches called hives, small branches called keys and leaves called values

    3. " Detective Inspector Hives scratched at a yellow pimple on his nose, pulling a face

    4. "Yes, I can understand that," Hives smirked

    5. "Detective Inspector Hives is busy, sir

    6. Sitting down on the stretcher beside Aunt Martha, I studied the floor as Hives carried on relentlessly

    7. Do you know what he did, Barns?" Hives sat up in a frenzy, grabbing the lapels of my coat, dragging me nearer until our faces were almost touching

    8. " Hives shook my lapels in time with his words, pushing his face even closer into mine

    9. Throwing off the red blanket, Hives propped himself up in the corner of the ambulance, glaring at me dolefully

    10. " Hives shrugged his shoulders as though that particular action was beyond his comprehension, then, collapsing back onto the stretcher again, moaned, "Get me Shooter, I want Shooter, I want to go to hospital

    11. Surely I recognised that voice? Struggling to my feet, I swore quietly when I spotted Detective Inspector Hives scurrying around the corner of the house

    12. "What the hell did you have to go and shoot our parrot for?" I shouted, as Detective Inspector Hives walked into the room

    13. Hives looked around in bemusement, his mouth working soundlessly and it was some time before he was able to speak

    14. " Shaking his head, Hives slowly turned, still muttering, "Parrot? Parrot?" as he walked out of the room


    16. "He's replacing DI Hives

    17. "Because I hear that you have an uncanny knack of getting away with things, Barns, and unlike poor Hives, I've no intention of taking an early holiday

    18. Sierra was so badly shaken about the hives on her face, she wouldn’t leave the house the next day

    19. The doctor concluded that the hives were probably brought on by stress

    20. 42 And the people of those cities assembled and brought out the young woman, and anointed her with honey from head to foot, as the judge had decreed, and they placed her before a swarm of bees which were then in their hives, and the bees flew on her and stung her that her whole body was swelled

    21. that my limbs ached terribly, or that I had hives, and I could just be

    22. 42 And the people of those cities assembled and brought out the young woman and anointed her with honey from head to foot as the judge had decreed and they placed her before a swarm of bees which were then in their hives and the bees flew on her and stung her that her whole body was swelled

    23. Only the Hive Queens of that race are intelligent, of which there are a few thousand, but there are hundreds of millions of worker drones of the hives, which are the size of squirrels and no smarter than dogs

    24. That is before I count my fresh troops in Venak, or my eleven million ogres, or several hundred thousand hives of the Swarm that I have under my command

    25. And most of his dragons will be very young and very small, with barely enough intelligence to speak! His ogres and hives of the Swarm are worrying, but if he speaks the truth, their comparative numbers are minimal

    26. "But she'll be bedridden for weeks with horrible hives

    27. A man was using it for protection as he tended bee hives

    28. developed a case of hives

    29. rat hoards, bears, trail thieves, wild aggressive bee hives, and

    30. symptoms include: hives, skin rash, paw biting, itching, and obsessive licking

    31. My limbs felt heavy and my skin prickled as though I had hives

    32. Humans’ hives of habitation or of productivity, unlike those of bees, refuse to agree with their surroundings, preferring to call attention to themselves by competing with each other to see which one best overcomes what belongs and gently compliments its assigned place in this living mural some unknown artist worked long and hard to create

    33. to the large amount of bees needed, in some cases hives must actually be shipped in from other regions

    34. width and height with boxes of bee hives, stacked and tethered

    35. Hives (urticaria) is an allergic reaction in the skin characterized by white or pink welts or large bumps surrounded by redness

    36. While the basic cause of hives involves the release of histamine from white blood cells,

    37. What are the symptoms of hives?

    38. Allergy to foods and food additives is a common cause of hives, especially in chronic cases

    39. The foods most often reported to trigger hives are dairy products, eggs, chicken,

    40. produce significant reductions in symptoms in 50–75% of people with chronic hives

    41. People with hives not clearly linked to a known cause should discuss the possibility of

    42. In theory, high amounts of vitamin C might help people with hives by lowering histamine levels

    43. Vitamin B12 has been reported to reduce the severity of acute hives as well as to reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks in chronic cases

    44. vitamin B12 injections cause hives in susceptible people

    45. secretion by the stomach was associated with chronic hives, presumably as a result of

    46. the effects of green tea in people with hives

    47. Psychological stress is often reported as a triggering factor in people with chronic hives

    48. after the initial session, six people were free of hives and an additional seven reported

    49. and the sweet stuff found in bee hives? Whatever the history of the compounded word, the

    50. Now, like the pillars that supported the building, the hives were alive with termites

    1. No wonder so many actors were hiving off to the relative riches of TV

    2. The trick is to then "filter" them very carefully indeed so you don't go hiving off after every shonky deal that looks interesting (more on that trap later)

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    Synonyme für "hive"

    beehive hive