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    hold on to

    1. Theo tried to hold on to himself

    2. Then, he grabbed the back of the chair again because there was nothing else to hold on to

    3. "The fastest way to lose love is to hold on too

    4. now hold on to that smell if you will,

    5. Fortunately, there is a rail I can hold on to

    6. SAMANTHA continues to hold on to his hand

    7. she too young to hold on to it,

    8. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Sally – hold on to that thought

    9. “It keeps him going,” Heymon said, “but how long do you think he can hold on to that?”

    10. a large man who was struggling to hold on to an

    11. Could the man have called Tracey and been asked to hold on to him? Tracey’s dad was sufficiently brutal to enjoy watching Andy squirm in a police station …

    12. There she stood, arms folded close to her chest, she wouldn't have admitted it, but it was to hold on to the warmth, she’d just encountered

    13. began to hold on to all their

    14. "No" she whispered kicking her feet, but it was more then she could do to hold on to the china

    15. because I couldn’t hold on to the stupid ball

    16. Hold on to what is good

    17. To dream that someone is a Cancer sign symbolizes your tendency to keep and hold on to everything

    18. To see the letter “J” in your dream means that there is something that you need to hold on to and grasp, as reflected by its hook shape

    19. There is something that you want to hold on to and preserve

    20. You are still trying to hold on to

    21. The mind, which deals only in finite images, thoughts, and ideas, cannot hold on to the concept of something that is not finite and is not a thing


    23. "At first, I thought it was stupid that he was trying to hold on to that old tradition

    24. “Hold on to the pole pretty good

    25. Yet, people refuse to accept this and against common sense, choose to hold on to foolish thoughts

    26. May as well hold on to it while the going was good

    27. Still, the people had to hold on to the belief that one day they’d emerge back onto natural Terra Firma, in a world cleared of radiation

    28. fought fiercely to hold on to the land they called their own

    29. Trying to hold on to the experience, trying to analyse it, caused it to fade rapidly

    30. She knew that Raven was struggling to hold on to his life and his sanity, but she knew that he would eventually lose that battle

    31. Love is something that you hold on to

    32. You can’t hold on to a vineyard, even your own

    33. She handed the folder over to Agent Anders and was tempted to hold on to it, but she-quickly changed her mind

    34. hurt only those who hold on to them

    35. And now even more years later, she strained to remember what she couldn’t seem to hold on to as well anymore, but the pain was still there

    36. What the sisters hold on to

    37. can you ever hope to hold on to it

    38. I could just as well imply that the British government is doing the same, trying to hold on to the oil contracts

    39. Hold on to the raft! that inner voice screamed its urgent command

    40. As long as you hold on to it, he will be

    41. This time he steeled himself to hold on to his glance and their eyes met a long moment before she looked down as she began her move to follow

    42. I shall hold on to reality…

    43. We should always let Him hold on to us and see us through

    44. I just need something to hold on to

    45. Where is God? What about Satan? Are we alone? What do we have to hold on to if we are truly alone? What divine purpose can we possess if their is nothing truly divine in the universe?

    46. His fingers slide into my hair, and I hold on to his arms to stay steady as we press together like two blades at a stalemate

    47. caught up trying to hold on to think about his facial expression

    48. This time my parry threw me a little off balance but not so much that I couldn’t hold on to my spear when he slammed my ribs with the butt end of his spear

    49. ▪ People who hold on to their possessions in a miserly fashion that all joy is banished from their lives

    50. Acid: Ridicule and mockery; resentfulness that causes one to hold on to offense; keeping a resentment; hatred

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