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    1. " She smiles and he returns it by standing, hugging her

    2. I lay there in the dark, hugging the tea spoon to my chest

    3. I moved the camp bed back against the wall and crawled underneath the blanket, still hugging the spoon

    4. over and clapped the boy’s back laughing and hugging

    5. Daniel went directly to Kate and took her in his arms hugging her for a long time

    6. Pale of face but in control, she hurries over to me, hugging me frantically as soon as I set foot on the ground

    7. " She spun and kept going, only hugging him on the way by

    8. 'Wasn't she into Wicca or some such thing last year?' I asked, a vague memory of Joanna hugging trees coming to mind

    9. Was it really only a month ago that he was at school with his friends, playing basketball, hitting the arcade after school, ogling the girls as they walked past in their mini shorts and figure hugging tops?

    10. Hugging that thought to himself, he turned off the lights and made his way to bed

    11. The hugging of hoodies and cash point fines are signs of a soft underbelly, of the yellow streak running through the modern world

    12. he was hugging his Dad – and a flamboyant brightly-coloured shirt of

    13. She was on the floor next to the bed with her arms hugging her knees, her

    14. She was still in the corner of the room, sitting with her legs drawn up and her arms hugging them, eyes still big and head drawn down

    15. “Desa, I’m sorry to hear you’re moving on,” he told her while hugging her

    16. It was late evening when I woke, thankfully not disturbed by any of the children then I heard the car come up the drive and as I dressed I saw Robin alight and run up the stairs, so I quickly donned my shoes and as fast as I was able then marched down that blasted staircase to the screams of excited children and Dulcie hugging her two sons

    17. " a line of undead littered the ground below, a string of black corpses hugging the outskirts of the inferno like a procession of ants

    18. she said, clutching at her mother and hugging her tightly

    19. Then she surprised him by putting her arms around him and hugging him

    20. Caius Chaerea, one of the foremost of the Imperial court and rumored to be among the Elder Council, had gracefully approached them all with a bow, hugging each of them and offering articulate words of consolation and accolades for the fallen Legionnaire

    21. They all spoke at the same time, hugging and kissing the couple to congratulate them

    22. ” He loosened his arms as our children started teasing him for hugging their mother

    23. My children filed from the room, each one hugging and kissing me

    24. It wasn"t too long and Jesus was in the midst of his family, greeting, hugging, kissing

    25. She walked as steadily as she could, hugging her handbag to her stomach for support and crossed the expanse of tiles

    26. “What the hell have they got you working in here for I didn’t know you could write?” He came out from behind the desk like a ‘Whirling Dervish’ throwing his arms round me and hugging me

    27. She shivered, hugging herself

    28. Wisely it seemed, Monique had opted to appear in soberly formal clothes: the charcoal-grey suit, not particularly figure hugging, and hair tied back – this was no time for distractions

    29. They were further joined by Nutylla Parfinn, who hadn’t stopped hugging and kissing Floppy all morning

    30. Carolyn ran to her mother, hugging her tightly, bursting into sobs

    31. Dawn shot out of her chair and into his arms, hugging him so tightly that he could scarcely breathe

    32. Others moved along the ally towards him, hugging the walls

    33. “Whoa, easy there,” he said hugging her back

    34. Hugging someone with your legs is almost impossible

    35. Reese rolled to his feet, hugging her close to him

    36. She burst out crying hysterically once more, throwing her arms around me hugging me, holding me with such force that I felt her body jerk with each and every sob and teardrop

    37. We stood there for several minutes hugging each other while they constantly wiped their teary eyes

    38. I let out a puff of air, setting the phone back in its spot and grabbing the graduation photo that sat beside it, with my Gramma hugging my shoulders as I held up my high school diploma in victory

    39. He said after the hugging stopped, “But I was at your funerals

    40. Trembling, shaking with the impact of revelation, she rose up on her knees, hugging herself

    41. “Thought I’d had it there for a moment,” he said, hugging her back

    42. Having done all she could, Macey backed away and slid down the wall, clasping her hands around her legs, hugging her knees to her chest

    43. She wandered aimlessly around their home, every once in a while hugging herself as if vainly trying to land herself in Amonas’ arms

    44. ” She was busy hugging Constance and weeping right along with her

    45. Lanris was hugging his face with one hand, always surprised at the ways Mott could sound like a complete dolt

    46. Hugging the coastline with blue sky above, a sign pointed to Shantytown, ten kilometres before Greymouth

    47. She was hugging her child as firmly as ever; they looked like they had been turned into stone

    48. Suddenly Nisaba, in a desperation marked by the anticipated loss that was etched upon her features, leaped across the narrow divide, throwing herself into the surprised arms of Nimrud, hugging him with an intensity that caused him to stagger back a step

    49. They lifted her up, hugging her spilled entrails in their lap

    50. As he did so, Nicole had already reappeared, this time with a Beretta in hand; she moved along hugging the walls with all the care in the world

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    caressing cuddling fondling hugging kissing necking petting smooching snuggling