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    1. the way God created the earth, animals and human

    2. A gentle reminder that the most precious things in life cannot be bought nor are they made with human hands

    3. ~ Research studies have also shown that the human body tends to accumulate more fat when a person eats fewer, larger meals than when the same number of calories was consumed in smaller, more frequent meals

    4. However the native humans got here back in the ice age, they brought few diseases with them and almost nothing of the native biosphere could infect such an alien biology as a human being

    5. Electronic signals and frozen zygotes brought few pathogens but frozen human beings brought many

    6. A human being has the faculty of choice

    7. Our understanding of the human stress response has been based on the "fight-or-flight" model, which states that when confronted with a stressful situation, humans either will respond with aggressive behavior or will withdraw

    8. His snout became a noise, his lips human again

    9. It is said that entire mountains were destroyed and thousands of human slaves lost to obtain enough ore to smelt it

    10. These can be followed by respect giving salutations, cleanliness, loving others, and other experiences to give them the foundation to develop in to a good human being

    11. She thought the wizard's modification called the Instinct would have prevented this, but it only prevented violence done by one human on another

    12. Stress can make an animal or human more prone to flea attacks

    13. "You can take us from this star or that star, this age or that age and we're still just humans doing our silly human things

    14. In human interaction, particularly with relatives, friends and neighbours, one is often required to counsel either for what we consider as the good of the individual or for our common advantage

    15. "At the same time it is a stinking pesthole where most are addicts, burn-outs lie in the gutters and grey slugs of human beings lurk in the under-cellars

    16. The only part that still looks human is the blackened shape of a person

    17. Human nature is such that he always tries to benefit at the cost of others and in the process if palms have to be greased, it is accepted and in some cases even encouraged to take undue advantage of the loopholes

    18. To the naked eye, a human would think that Archimedes had built his ship poorly

    19. They were actually pirates, and they valued Archimedes for his ability to predict the most efficient way to loot ships and override human beings' living patterns

    20. Most human beings have been trained to ignore their true selves

    21. Human hair contains nitrogen and other trace minerals

    22. Like the magnificent form of the human body, the earth has the wondrous capability of healing itself

    23. However, if you are a patient and therapeutic Yoga is your need, you will benefit in learning it from a medical practitioner who is trained to understand the physiology of the human body and can thus be watchful of the effects of Yoga if performed incorrectly

    24. The body, mind and intellect are integral part of your current human existence

    25. a rare the human

    26. Secondly, can you tell us the scale of the operation and how many human organs were involved

    27. are merely human beings

    28. simply being human is that we so often forget that we always, always have a choice

    29. He found EndsWaving willing to take Estwig bareback and BobbingTwo was all bushy with pride at getting to have a human ride on him

    30. “Truth is, Heaven and Hell are entirely human things

    31. Heaven and Hell were human

    32. Wanted for human trafficking, prostitution, white slavery and of course, drugs

    33. The sale of human body parts, particularly human skin

    34. He was the one who actually helped me develop this contact and taught me enough about the human mind to build it

    35. Those using the name were many, but those using the name who also held a connection to human trafficking, prostitution and more specifically to the skin-trade, were a much more exclusive group

    36. Direct connection to the international skin-trade and human organ trafficking was a recent addition to his portfolio of accomplishments

    37. It can't be done remotely, human beings must take the controls

    38. The ship was built when the first human simulates were running in China

    39. At that moment she made the one truly human choice in her life

    40. Do you know what is the international trade in human body art?"

    41. It wouldn't be the first time he had made a law enforcer disappear and he would enjoy the slow task of peeling him down, literally, to the essential weakness underlying all human bravado

    42. "You are only human," he replied

    43. "I'm only human," Ava said, "I only speculated on the nature of intelligence, the self and the soul

    44. In the absence of human companionship, the most interesting thing continued to be the planet

    45. "Well he was a human being, wasn't he?"

    46. without the mark of human death, a time when lone wolves would appear as out of the

    47. "They still steal now and then, but when you get right down to it," Ava said, "There's no way to explain it other than admit that the wizards of the Kassikan have changed human nature

    48. While he might look, feel and smell the same, there was no way to pretend a bunch of logic and some rendering routines were wrapping a human soul when they weren't, they were wrapping the 'conversational preferences' thru 'lovemaking preference' you had dialed in

    49. A human being does

    50. One of them was sitting back in his chair at the rear entrance to the building, with a hole the size of a human fist through his throat

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    Synonyme für "human"

    homo human human being man anthropological anthropomorphic manlike mortal rational social person personage soul character individual