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humanitarian Beispielsätze
1. She went the whole hog with publicity, approaching the local paper and putting the humanitarian case … not trying to swing the planning permission but underlining the need
2. Sports and humanitarian work come in second
3. humanitarian organizations in your community that will provide
4. This man was anything but a humanitarian, having told the OGPU, shortly after having achieved power, to go out and shoot ten thousand Kulaks, just to show them that he meant business
5. In Somalia, for example, humanitarian efforts spearheaded by the United Nations (UN) to provide famine relief to that starving country has resulted in inter-clan conflicts among tribal warlords who perceive such intervention (nation-building) as a threat to their territorial sovereignty
6. Fidel Castro‘s supporters on the American Left have historically argued that 1) most embargoes are ineffective in subverting autocratic governments (note these are the same people who summarily called for embargoes against Iraq as a viable alternative to war), and 2) that such restrictions promote unnecessary hardship to its citizens and should therefore be lifted if not for humanitarian reasons, alone
7. Send or at least offer humanitarian aid
8. In any critique of Communism, for example, one can point to humanitarian disasters like forced collectivization
9. From a humanitarian point of view, Teddy Roosevelt was a disaster
10. The introduction argued that substituting a political position checklist for humanitarian results is excuse making for one side or the other
11. Though fascism would have fallen on its own eventually, as it did in Spain, many years of fascism avoided was a great humanitarian achievement that saved many millions
12. In the face of all these challenges, and judging him not on politics and ideological tests, Obama can point to humanitarian victories, limited but still impressive
13. Holbrooke had a long history of humanitarian causes, but also two troubling episodes
14. After 1917, much of the US was somewhat inclined to invade overseas if humanitarian reasons or preserving order was the rationale
15. A UN humanitarian coordinator in Iraq, Denis Halladay, estimated 239,000
16. Many used all diplomatic means at their disposal, pressure, consultations, offers of peacekeepers and humanitarian aid, efforts to cut off weapons shipments
17. Could at least humanitarian aid be offered? This has been done, largely by non-state actors
18. But this is true for humanitarian reasons only if Nixon had been facing charges for Cambodia
19. Even the best presidents such as Lincoln and Carter made several huge humanitarian mistakes
20. After leaving office, Carter became the greatest humanitarian ex president of all time, and one of the greatest humanitarians in US and world history
21. The small humanitarian actions they have taken have been accomplished with our money and we
22. Besides, there is other trillion dollars that can be added by the billion of potential human beings that are sensitized with humanitarian cause
23. Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries and the immensity of money that it receives to transform these resources in humanitarian service and salvation of the planet
24. For those of you who are not familiar, HEWS is the Humanitarian Early Warning System
25. The Coast Guard was mobilized along with the Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Army to provide humanitarian assistance along the Gulf Coast in Joint Task Force Katrina (“Coast Guard,” 2006)
26. charities, and was a strong example of what a true humanitarian was
27. What began as a giant effort of cooperation and humanitarian relief transformed over a few days into something entirely other
28. She stated that she believed that the Federation supported their mission and would see to it that the humanitarian efforts continued unabated
29. Sinatra won six Lifetime Achievement Awards, The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, two Academy Awards, four Golden Globes, two Golden Laurel Awards, a Golden Apple Award for male star of the year and three other Golden Apples for least cooperative actor
30. We actually attach as much importance to humanitarian relief operations than to purely military operations in our plans, Admiral
31. As he had said himself candidly to Fernand yesterday, who in the Global Council would refuse to sell humanitarian supplies to someone who was both armed and ready to pay cash with pure gold? Besides, public opinion in the 737
32. “Actually, those containers were loaded directly in New Lake City, Natia: those supplies are a humanitarian donation from the Global Council
33. With all the humanitarian work to be done these days to take care of concentration camps survivors and refugees, we were in serious need of extra manpower
34. The stern face with unmasked traces of sorrow and extreme sadness obviously reflected his experiences in the world at large, especially in numerous humanitarian efforts, and gave Feltus a soothing and comforting feeling in the presence of this wise man
35. In exchange for humanitarian and reconstruction aid, the United States would wish to be allowed to establish and use a limited number of military bases on Japanese soil
36. It is a bit like watching the Cannes Advertising Film Festival, there might be a few seemingly humanitarian causes wrapped up in those technicolor dreams, but at the end of the day, they are all selling a product
37. Officially, the sea containers holding the weapons will be containing humanitarian aid destined to refugee camps in Syria
38. You have a humanitarian crisis exploding, beyond all proportions
39. Hope kept him thinking that Hurd and the council would come to their senses, would become humanitarian and would start helping the people
40. According to the files I found in Nancy ‘A’s office, she was discreetly approached in 1943 ‘B’ in Jerusalem by a mandated representative of the d’Orléans Foundation, who offered her financial support for her humanitarian projects
41. Finally, our force, with the support and resources of the United States, will provide humanitarian aid as needed to the inhabitants of Palestine
42. However, those convoys will carry only food, humanitarian aid and medical supplies, and no weapons or ammunition
43. Shoot and kill minds is far easier than securing life, good in humanitarian approach
44. Case in point: 12 May 1996 CNN World News—reporting on Liberian refugees aboard a leaking ship that was refused permission to land in their neighboring countries of Ivory Coast and Ghana, an official of the UN’s com-mission dealing with humanitarian concerns is asked by the news anchor to estimate the urgency of the situation for those 3,500 women, children and men trapped at sea without toilets or beds
45. Then, by such connection it gets the purification and becomes charitable and humanitarian, and for such charity, God becomes pleased with it and so does it with Him
46. I built a goddamned good career in a field that has absolutely nothing to do with the humanitarian background my parents gave me
47. Through this connection it then achieves purification and becomes charitable and humanitarian
48. When Money comes before life, tell me which is being sacrificed to whom? When an illusion supersedes compassion, who then is the primitive priest savagely ripping out beating hearts to offer to a golden idol? These incidental inconveniences and trivial tragedies, how often do you sanction them, while proclaiming yourself a humanitarian as you publicly guilt tithe to the cause that bears your foundation's name? Do you know the uninvited poor whose heads you anonymously airlift drop Morganics experimental foods and Whoremart blood-woven garments upon? Are you only giving to a stereotype and only giving the basic necessities of life? Because isn't that all a stereotype needs, just enough to stay alive? How do you know what to give them, if you do not know them? When we ask those in want to share their needs, we are asking them to trust us with their greatest intimacy, their deepest vulnerability
49. The institution of science has become so sanctified and whitewashed by the propaganda of the Western media that now most people actually believe that Science is humanitarian
50. The British Empire was supposed to have been more civilized, more scientific, more humanitarian