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    humming Beispielsätze


    1. I gave up humming and instead tried to erase everything from my mind except a picture of my mother and father

    2. I squatted down, still brushing like mad, wild eyed and humming loudly

    3. their pollen on the legs of lazy humming bees

    4. So with Captain Dimitris in the wheelhouse keeping a weather eye on the horizon, and me sipping the concentrated aniseed drink, I began humming the one sea shanty in my repertoire, Liverpool Lou and it wasn't long before the Princess of Stephanos was gliding over the waves along her way

    5. As we grew closer to the top, he grew more calm and even entertained us with some humming and fine wailing whilst looking through the rear windows

    6. My God, I can hear them! They were keening a very low humming; it was a soothing, warm, comforting sound

    7. She turned to face the moon and softly, but quite clearly, there came the sound of humming as if from bees in a hive

    8. She consulted an antiques guide book and after much humming and page thumbing, she turned to Annie and said, “Your father never was very bright, my dear

    9. Smiling she left the balcony and headed down to the stables humming to herself

    10. would start humming faintly

    11. She bowed once and began a low humming sound, which Naria answered with a purring sound of her own

    12. They touched heads gently and there was a humming sound

    13. I stick a small pizza in to the oven to bake while I put all the shopping away, humming to myself as I do it

    14. delighted in humming along to its very catchy tune whenever it was

    15. He could not hear the sudden humming

    16. The humming of the Companions increased and took on a lilting tone

    17. At the far end of the patio a young man stood alone humming

    18. A ruby throated humming bird, common throughout in these parts, had wandered close by

    19. Without further comment, she strode off down the path, humming to herself

    20. Alastair seemed to know where he was going though and started humming sea shanties

    21. Bex can hear sounds washing over the ramparts of her consciousness, humming notes, staccato glissades, particle waves, and she is both reassured by their proximity and confused by the language

    22. the low humming monks was accompanied only by something simmering in a pot

    23. There was an awful loud humming sound, not

    24. I could hear something in the distance, a low humming noise

    25. Clothier fetched his liquor then cleared a large space, and with Fizzicist humming a weird tune they managed to follow the instructions stamped on the inside of the case

    26. And one fine Sum day when all was humming with bees and sweet nectar the valley was shaken by a roaring that even made Granny look out of her kitchen window in suprise

    27. I heard you humming as I walked to the stream

    28. Suddenly a grey terminal against the wall started humming and a stream of paper began to come out of a slot located in the front of the unit

    29. It was a bit strange as the two of them spoke about the new country with the Skimmer humming away overhead

    30. Martin was jolted back into the moment by Warlock whose humming had become singing

    31. Chris became aware of a deep, humming sound, more of a throb really, from somewhere over to his right

    32. Stars were seemingly static as they were still within the sun’s gravity; the warp drive he could feel powering up beneath the deck – a barely audibly low humming

    33. Chris was just about to reach for the manual opening wheel when there was a sudden humming sound

    34. A change: he felt a breeze making a low humming sound

    35. My, how things were humming in North London that day, hence their not so extensive enquiries, but their rather lingering interrogation at the fracas

    36. Having already been through the teenage years with Ryan’s older brother, she ignored her son’s sullen mood and pottered about the kitchen, humming to herself as she prepared her breakfast

    37. Humming the signature tune to ER, I staggering over to the kitchen sink, picked up the chicken and deftly sliced around one leg with a sharp knife

    38. Humming a little tune, I kissed her head, her hair, her eyes, her nose, her chin, her ears, thoroughly, one by one

    39. If in doubt, it’s not happening,” he said and closed his eyes once more, humming the theme from Rocky

    40. Bulk cargoes didn’t go at high speed, but were dispatched regularly, to keep the factories humming with their precious cargoes of raw materials

    41. A faint humming noise echoed faintly throughout the chamber, which was otherwise deafeningly silent

    42. The hair on Trevor’s neck rose as a low humming sound grew and permeated the air

    43. Elior happily caressed Oloty who made satisfied humming sounds in his throat

    44. Cara felt loose and limber, her body humming with good health

    45. Ringing, humming, neighing, and ordinary laughter sounded from the beings on both sides of the army

    46. Realising that I was studying him, Tommy began bobbing his head and humming loudly in a clear, sweet treble voice

    47. humming sound from within, the noise dull and infectious

    48. Toward nightfall, I was able to find a small knoll on which to camp, but the mosquitoes were out in force, and while the bear grease discouraged most of them, the constant humming kept waking me up

    49. While Noah sat there humming his jingles, Manda took a candle into the kitchen and poured them both some water

    50. Because of her, he was sitting there in pain, humming silly jingles

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    humming hum