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    id card

    1. In this position I had to keep records and issue security badges, Air Force ID cards, and register all private owned vehicles on the base

    2. Alex dug into the waterproof pocket of his life-jacket and pulled out a plastic covered ID card that he carried in case of emergencies at sea

    3. The snapshot now on the ID card showed him wearing a uniform shirt and tie, so that his rank was indeterminate


    5. But the concept of ID cards containing biometric information together with the

    6. them extremely old, out of a solid cardboard box

    7. He showed his UVS Security ID card to Eddie and mentioned that Bill Mason had Eddie’s best interests at heart

    8. Gomes inspected at his new ID card and smiled as he was very impressed

    9. ” She handed Rachel a Swordsman Marine’s wallet with his ID card and said, “Someday you may need this

    10. Rani glared at him and then placed her ID card on the table

    11. You can usually do this by buying a prepaid card at the place where the access is

    12. In countries that already have ID cards or

    13. RFID cards to pay at toll booth's, and the London Underground now uses RFID

    14. For example, you can add a new ID card field for both teachers and students by simply adding it to the SchoolMember class

    15. The other thing I’ve been investigating is phoney ID cards –

    16. Once at the entrance of the subway station, Nancy slowed down and went inside, going down the mechanical stairs and using a prepaid card to pass the turnstile and step on the train platform

    17. He had an Ohio driver’s license, a university ID card, and a green-card identifying him as a

    18. Tarana: But what if they have deliberately put an innocent’s ID card here?

    19. He then asked for an ID and David handed him his corporate ID card

    20. She handed over a third envelope, which contained copies of birth certificates, passports, utility bills, driving licences and ID cards in respect of Bwonqa Mbele and both Will Bartlett and his father

    21. If anyone wished to volunteer for the Modi campaign, all they needed to do was dial 7820078200 and punch in their voter ID card number

    22. With a plethora of unpaid cards and a lot of debt

    23. or state or military ID card, and one copy of a utility bill

    24. laminated picture ID card that was suspended from a chain

    25. As I handed my ID card to the security check guard, I realized it was an android

    26. The android held my ID card to its eyes, the familiar beep of approval, and then handed the card back to me

    27. He handed the android his ID card and in a very awkward glitch crushed Stoneman’s card in its silicon-covered metallic hand

    28. “The damn android crushed my ID card!”

    29. As he moved away the officer behind the counter reached for the ID card of a European man saying: “Next

    30. There are some small villages in Thailand cut off from society, therefore don’t have any need or use for ID cards, Salaburi being one

    31. “Funny though, isn’t it?” said Cardiff

    32. at fellow’s not right in the heid,” said Cardiff as they hurried

    33. “I know the solution!” said Cardiff pointing to the ceiling

    34. “He isnae here,” said Cardiff , scratching his head

    35. You may pay by sliding your ID card and the price will be deducted from your

    36. Once again you could slide your ID card and have the amount deducted from wages

    37. pay for these things?” Carla asked “Oh, there is no charge they are all free to employees, even though you don't have your permanent ID cards I can see by

    38. Everyone on Mars carried an ID card and those on separate

    39. I have ID cards and passports in

    40. ‘ID card for some … association of

    41. After putting his NUS card to the back of the pocket, he uncovers his Student ID card

    42. ’ He takes an ID card from his pocket and shows it to her

    43. The stocky policeman scrutinised the ID card and handed it back to Proud

    44. The card was similar to the SOCA ID card that Friedman had shown her

    45. Prepaid cards can be used almost anywhere

    46. Cash up front is needed before any purchase could be made with the prepaid card

    47. This is a prepaid card for teenagers that could be loaded by their parents

    48. With the prepaid card you can use it once and throw it away and not worry about repeat billing

    49. Prepaid cards are the greatest thing to come to the internet scene since online shopping became convenient

    50. "I think so," said Cardenio, "for, as he shows, he accepts it as a certainty that everything those books relate took place exactly as it is written down; and the barefooted friars themselves would not persuade him to the contrary

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