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    Verwenden Sie „ill-bred“ in einem Satz

    ill-bred Beispielsätze


    1. There's a reason why the Order never recruited these people, it's because they're ill-bred, poor blooded idiots

    2. 'You hill-bred dog!' she panted, quivering with the impact of shame, anger, and the realization of helplessness

    3. And I think it so very ill-bred to be jocular in the wrong places

    4. All America, and the world has been sold the lie, the fallacy, and the fantasy of upwards mobility from endless, hidden, code-word messages used by the Media… trying to sell the unquestioned virtues of exclusivity, shallowness, stupidity, boredom ill health, ill-fitting clothes, ill-bred manners, etc

    5. I at once fixed on my plan, sat down by the mother, and began by saying that I too was a stranger and that people here were ill-bred and that they couldn't distinguish decent folks and treat them with respect, gave her to understand that I had plenty of money, offered to take them home in my carriage

    6. But those are for the most part the learned and all old fogeys, so that it would be almost ill-bred in a man of society

    7. dishclouts, instead of basins and jugs of pure gold and towels of holland, to such a person and such a beard; but, after all, you are ill-conditioned and ill-bred, and spiteful as you are, you cannot help showing the grudge you have against the squires of knights-errant

    8. "Indeed, senora," said Sancho, "I never yet drank out of wickedness; from thirst I have very likely, for I have nothing of the hypocrite in me; I drink when I'm inclined, or, if I'm not inclined, when they offer it to me, so as not to look either strait-laced or ill-bred; for when a friend drinks one's health what heart can be so hard as not to return it? But if I put on my shoes I don't dirty them; besides, squires to knights-errant mostly drink water, for they are always wandering among woods, forests and meadows, mountains and crags, without a drop of wine to be had if they gave their eyes for it

    9. The moment he said this the governor started to his feet, and seizing the chair he had been sitting on exclaimed, "By all that's good, you ill-bred, boorish Don Bumpkin, if you don't get out of this at once and hide yourself from my sight, I'll lay your head open with this chair

    10. "Then you would be very ill-bred," cried Mr

    11. I shuddered to be near him, and thought on the servant's ill-bred moroseness as comparatively agreeable

    12. He was certainly eating, and noisily too, like an ill-bred man

    13. It was as if darkness had swooped down upon her life; she felt that these children of hers, that she was so proud of, were not merely most ordinary, but positively bad, ill-bred children, with coarse, brutal propensities—wicked children

    14. “What an ill-bred question, Mrs

    15. After tilts with him from which she seldom emerged the victor she vowed he was impossible, ill-bred and no gentleman and she would have nothing more to do with him

    16. his courage, the ill-bred his gentlemanliness, and the cad his honor

    17. They wanted to know about the dreadful branding irons which planters used to death, and they evidenced what Scarlett felt was a very nasty and ill-bred interest in mark the faces of their slaves and the cato’-nine-tails with which they beat them to

    18. He never mentioned Ashley and thought it best to let sleeping dogs lie, so she did not ask for an explanation of their her love for him, or made any coarse and ill-bred remarks about “coveting her

    19. And Frank hardly cold! If you had “I—you are the most ill-bred man in the world, coming here at this time of all times with any decency-Will you leave this—”

    20. I shuddered to be near him, and thought on the servant’s ill-bred moroseness as comparatively agreeable

    21. It was ill-bred; it was wrong

    22. There is a spirit of irritation which, to say nothing worse, is certainly very ill-bred

    23. In that class there are types, and many of them, who are, so to speak, the very incarnation of all that's ill-bred, and one's more afraid of that than a beating

    24. I at once fixed on my plan, sat down by the mother, and began by saying that I too was a stranger and that people here were ill-bred and that they couldn’t distinguish decent folks and treat them with respect, gave her to understand that I had plenty of money, offered to take them home in my carriage

    25. most part the learned and all old fogeys, so that it would be almost ill-bred in a man of society

    26. " And what's more, he's awfully ignorant and ill-bred," I thought, as I went into the restaurant

    27. As far as my personal opinion is concerned, to care only for well-being seems to me positively ill-bred

    28. , if the parents and kinsfolk or acquaintances of the white are as ignorant and ill-bred as the black

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    Synonyme für "ill-bred"

    gauche uncouth coarse boorish common unsophisticated