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    imminence Beispielsätze


    1. the town, as though the imminence of winter was more profoundly announced away

    2. There seemed a deepening of the chill in the air as she climbed up and out of the town, as though the imminence of winter was more profoundly announced away from the lights and the chirpy clatter of bars and restaurants

    3. Assurances by the US to come to their aid in the event of an invasion, instead of soothing their fears, convinced them of its imminence

    4. Our absence should have been noticed at that time, at the school and at The Borrascosa, and the imminence of the repercussions that this act would bring sent a bitter taste to my throat

    5. The well-knit kingdom Conan had built up seemed tottering on the edge of dissolution, and commoners and merchants trembled at the imminence of a return of the feudalistic regime

    6. doctrine of imminence inherent in the pre-tribulation Rapture

    7. Imminence indicates that Jesus can

    8. reject the Christian doctrine of imminence, which is clearly found in 1 Corinthians 1:7;

    9. The imminence of physical birth is signalled by the breaking

    10. The imminence of physical birth is signalled by the

    11. The snow is frozen so hard that far from being cut off as I had feared from shops and food there is the most glorious sledding road down to Jena; and at once on hearing of Joey's imminence Vicki and I coasted down on the sled and I bought the book Papa has been wanting and a gigantic piece of beef

    12. He knew his little girl well enough to be sure she would relinquish church and white satin without a murmur at his request, but she might want to tell her aunt of the marriage's imminence, and then the aunt would, to a dead certainty, obstruct, and either induce her to wait till the year was out, or, if Lucy refused to do this, make her miserable with doubts as to whether she had been right to follow her lover's wishes

    13. brother was here, but she knew that with the imminence of

    14. I wonder if I’l ever get used to his imminence

    15. And warn them of the Day of Imminence, when the hearts are at the throats, choking them

    16. When the verb mello is joined to the present infinitive which is what is found in Revelation 3:10 (tes mellouses erchesthai), it always expresses imminence

    17. There was no bond of conviction, of common idea; they were merely two adventurers pursuing each his own adventure, involved in the same imminence of deadly peril

    18. Uncle Peter, even more sharply the imminence of Ashley’s departure

    19. The door at the top is half-open, the bottles massed on the uppermost step burning with the imminence of morning

    20. Quick—something must be done! done in a flash, too! But the very imminence of the emergency paralyzed his invention

    21. He felt that at a single word from that man all this vast mass (and he himself an insignificant atom in it) would go through fire and water, commit crime, die, or perform deeds of highest heroism, and so he could not but tremble and his heart stand still at the imminence of that word

    22. In the presence of the imminence of the peril, in the presence of the death of M

    23. But that is what she did at a crucial moment in her life, giving no importance whatsoever to the handsomeness of her suitor, or his legendary wealth, or his youthful glory, or any of his numerous virtues; rather, she was stunned by the fear of an opportunity slipping away, and by the imminence of her twenty-first birthday, which was her private time limit for surrendering to fate

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    forthcomingness imminence imminency imminentness impendence impendency