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    impressionist Beispielsätze


    1. A well-organized society grounded on and supported by fidelity to its traditional customs and manners once superseded by falsely conceived revisionist assumptions promotes an impressionist view of that society

    2. …That wonder of geological treasures is an inexhaustible source of impressionist paints that make the sightseer sigh: “I wish I was a painter!” As in Alaska, that is a fascinating landscape, a feast for the senses, a true natural scenic orgy, a peaceful and tranquil refuge where to escape from the earthly problems that constantly besiege human beings

    3. that she could have been a part of a field from an impressionist

    4. “The only one I do is Rich Little, the impressionist

    5. Loofah stared at the familiar clothes on the fat little body; it was insulting, like being imitated by a third rate impressionist

    6. With this subjective way of considering appearances—this "impressionist vision," as it has been called—many things that were too ugly, either from shape or association, to yield material for the painter, were yet found, when viewed as part of a scheme of colour sensations on the retina which the artist considers emotionally and rhythmically, to lend themselves to new and beautiful harmonies and "ensembles," undreamt of by the earlier formulae

    7. But from the new point of view, form consists of the shape and qualities of masses of colour on the retina; and what objects happen to be the outside cause of these shapes matters little to the impressionist

    8. In the case of the Impressionist the mental perception is arrived at from the visual impression, and in the older point of view the visual impression is the result of the mental perception

    9. Thus it happens that the Impressionist movement has produced chiefly pictures inspired by the actual world of visual phenomena around us, the older point of view producing most of the pictures deriving their inspiration from the glories of the imagination, the mental world in the mind of the artist

    10. And although interesting attempts are being made to produce imaginative works founded on the impressionist point of view of light and air, the loss of imaginative appeal consequent upon the destruction of contours by scintillation, atmosphere, &c

    11. Those who had been brought up in the old school of outline form said there was no drawing in these impressionist pictures, and from the point of view of the mental idea of form discussed in the last chapter, there was indeed little, although, had the impression been realised to a sufficiently definite focus, the sense of touch and solidity would probably have been satisfied

    12. The ultimate effect of any picture, be it impressionist, post, anti, or otherwise—is its power to stimulate these mental perceptions within the mind

    13. Interesting intellectually as is the theory that the impressionist point of view (the accepting of the flat retina picture as a pattern of colour sensations) offers a new field from which to select material for a new basis of artistic expression, so far the evidence of results has not shown anything likely seriously to threaten the established principles of traditional design

    14. What perspective has done for drawing, the impressionist system of painting to one all-embracing focus has done for tone

    15. The Pre-Raphaelite movement in England and the Impressionist movement in France were the results of this impulse

    16. It was a two-thousand-piece puzzle of an Impressionist painting

    17. The place is beautiful, though, like something out of a French Impressionist painting

    18. The French composer Claude Debussy had composed an impressionist ballet in 1894, L’Après Midi d’un Faun, which painted a sort of sound picture by breaking all the usual rules of harmony

    19. Quinn had only been here once and only under the most lamentable circumstances, and he was suddenly enthralled by the Impressionist paintings, which were quite divine

    20. Of course there was ormolu and inlaid wood everywhere, and a blazing new wallpaper of wine and beige stripes, and the garlands of flowers in the carpet seemed to be having convulsions, and the Impressionist paintings on the wall in their thick encrusted frames were like windows into a far far better, sun-filled universe, but it was a good room

    21. He fixed for a few seconds on the brilliant Impressionist painting above the sofa in front of which I stood

    22. It is one situation, a single catastrophe, yet, like a bit of impressionist painting of the finer sort, it reveals in a flash all the possibilities of the scene

    23. ' There were also some Impressionist pictures: elementary profiles, holding some sort of flowers in their hands: in monotone, out of drawing, and either quite blurred or else marked out with wide black outlines

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    impressionist impressionistic