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    improbability Beispielsätze


    1. Out of the chaos from which you were born, out of infinite improbability as if it were nothing more than a young fertile vagina and you have to laugh

    2. improbability, and the current status of Santa's delivery schedule," she said

    3. Nexus of improbability, huh? Like Rudy's Bar edges on the unreal

    4. the edge of improbability in order to phase into other dimensions

    5. we set up our own sense of unreality on the improbability curve we can cross over to the next

    6. "Having old Paddy at the transitions and takedown increases the improbability quotient, since

    7. Maybe I was at a nexus of improbability, whatever that meant

    8. They took their positions on the sidewalk outside of Rudy's Bar And Nexus Of Improbability

    9. Even Charles Darwin knew the improbability of what he wrote:

    10. improbability that there would not be enough time in the whole history of the

    11. of exaggeration and improbability that even the greatestRomanticists failed to avoid when the check of

    12. The writers leave also the impression that this doctrine was as great a natural improbability to themselves as it is to us; that it was gradually forced on them by the overpowering evidence of the facts, by a divine inspiration, and by the words of Jesus Himself, supported, and proved to be true, by a blaze of miracles which rendered unbelief impossible

    13. (1) It is necessary to admit, in all its force, the antecedent improbability, according to the natural course of thought, of the speedy and general obscuration of the great light of truth kindled by God for the salvation of the world

    14. What is needed to arouse such profligates to reflection,—and still more to alarm those numerous Men of Education whom the divine revelation distinctly threatens with the greater 'judgment,’ but who never associate the idea of perdition with their own destiny,— I refer to the teaching and ruling class,—the unfaithful Ministers of Religion, the Traffickers in souls—and many corrupt Men of Literature and Art, who pervert to meanest or vilest uses heaven's divines gifts—the Statesmen, who defy in legislation and government the plainest laws of morals,—all at present encased like leviathan in impenetrable amour,—to make them 'tremble’ at 'judgment to come,’ and to bring them to repentance,—is the proclamation of a future remediless punishment, which carries its own credentials along with it; and while shaking the souls of sinners, even the most intelligent, as at a fiery 'handwriting on the wall,’ with a deep, convulsive dread, shall leave no valid ground for moral speculations on its injustice and improbability

    15. improbability, than that I was still mistress of that darling treasure, that

    16. improbability is not always what we should most mistrust

    17. "All these circumstances did not strike me as painfully at the time as they have since done; in fact, all that had happened (with the exception of the story of the diamond, which certainly did wear an air of improbability), appeared natural enough, and called for neither apprehension nor mistrust; but, worn out as I was with fatigue, and fully purposing to proceed could accurately distinguish every movement of the jeweller, who, after making the best onwards directly the tempest abated, I determined to obtain a few hours' sleep

    18. A number of similar stories were related by several others concerning the doings of different employers they had worked for, but after a time the conversation reverted to the subject that was uppermost in their thoughts - the impending slaughter, and the improbability of being able to obtain another job, considering the large number of men who were already out of employment

    19. But at any rate I have shown, have I not, that there is a certain element of improbability about the lady's story? And now on the top of this comes the incident of the wine-glasses

    20. The improbability of rescue, coupled with the soaring rate of accidental crashes, created a terrible equation

    21. The improbability of such a thing threw a doubt upon the whole statement

    22. I walked back to the Tube station and, with all the improbability of the movie version of our lives, walked straight into Nick Lowe, who must have been arriving to the Stiff offices in his capacity as their sole artist and potential house producer

    23. He could think of nothing cleverer than the daring improbability of saying that he wanted to see Rosy, and wished to know if she were at home this evening; and he was going desperately to carry out this weak device, when a waiter came up to him with a message, saying that Mr

    24. It is easy to mistake extreme improbability for impossibility

    25. “this is fantastic! We’ve been picked up by a ship powered by the Infinite Improbability Drive! This is incredible! I heardThe voice cut out

    26. “Arthur!” he said,rumors about it before! They were all officially denied, but they must have done it! They’ve built the Improbability Drive! Arthur, this is… Arthur? What’s happening?”

    27. The Infinite Improbability Drive is a wonderful new method of crossing vast interstellar distances in a mere nothingth of asecond, without all that tedious mucking about in hyperspace

    28. Another thing they couldn’t stand was the perpetual failure they encountered in trying to construct a machine which couldgenerate the infinite improbability field needed to flip a spaceship across the mind-paralysing distances between the furtheststars, and in the end they grumpily announced that such a machine was virtually impossible

    29. ”“Improbability Drive,” she said patiently

    30. Zaphod and Trillian pored over the figures that the Improbability flight path scanner flashed silently up in front of them

    31. “Can we work out,” said Zaphod, “from their point of view what the Improbability of their rescue was?”

    32. They showed tow-to-the-power-of-Infinity-minus-one (an irrational number that only has a conventional meaning in Improbability physics)

    33. “That’s one big whack of Improbability to be accounted for

    34. She scrabbled at the buttons on the Improbability flight path screen

    35. “Trillian,” he said, “is this sort of thing going to happen every time we use the Improbability drive?”

    36. “Why doesn’t anyone turn on this Improbability Drive thing?” he said

    37. “Well I was just saying,” said Arthur lounging by a small fish pool, “there’s this Improbability Drive switch over here…” he waved at where it had been

    38. Turn on the Improbability Drive for a second without first activating the proofing screens

    39. But at any rate I have shown, have I not, that there is a certain element of improbability about the lady's story? And now, on the top of this, comes the incident of the wineglasses

    40. The abstract improbability of such a tendency being transmitted through a vast number of generations, is not greater than that of quite useless or rudimentary organs being similarly transmitted

    41. With the many insects which imitate various objects, there is no improbability in the belief that an accidental resemblance to some common object was in each case the foundation for the work of natural selection, since perfected through the occasional preservation of slight variations which made the resemblance at all closer; and this will have been carried on as long as the insect continued to vary, and as long as a more and more perfect resemblance led to its escape from sharp-sighted enemies

    42. We shall, perhaps, best perceive the improbability of our being enabled to connect species by numerous, fine, intermediate, fossil links, by asking ourselves whether, for instance, geologists at some future period will be able to prove that our different breeds of cattle, sheep, horses, and dogs are descended from a single stock or from several aboriginal stocks; or, again, whether certain sea-shells inhabiting the shores of North America, which are ranked by some conchologists as distinct species from their European representatives, and by other conchologists as only varieties, are really varieties, or are, as it is called, specifically distinct

    43. No doubt he was conscious himself of the improbability of the story and strove painfully to make it sound more likely, to weave it into a romance that would sound plausible

    44. In such cases the first duty, the chief task of the investigating lawyers, is to prevent the criminal being prepared, to pounce upon him unexpectedly so that he may blurt out his cherished ideas in all their simplicity, improbability and inconsistency

    45. The first circumstance was the extreme improbability that these men would have engaged in this expedition, if the nature of it had been explained

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    improbability improbableness