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    in another way

    1. changed our identity in another way as well, calling us His

    2. But if the bounty did not repay to the merchant what he would otherwise lose upon the price of his goods, his own interest would soon oblige him to employ his stock in another way, or to find out a trade in which the price of the goods would replace to him, with the ordinary profit, the capital employed in sending them to market

    3. We could rotate the gadget, mounting it in another way, for example in the ‘fore and aft plane of rotation,’ as the explanation went

    4. Can you cope with it in another way, or shield yourself from it?

    5. But Roy was even more special in another way

    6. 1 By hospitality and goodness Lot was saved out of Sodom when the whole region round about was judged with fire and brimstone; the Lord making it manifest that he leaves not those who hope on him but appoints to punishment and torment those who turn in another way

    7. Looking at it in another way, we could also say that cultural and spiritual life are two emergent properties of biological life, properties that have emerged over millions of

    8. may be regarded in another way as an additional body for the Master' s use in

    9. `You may have done this in another way

    10. will manifest themselves in another way

    11. “No, Jiminy, I think I have to explain this to you in another way

    12. seated problem may be manifested in another way

    13. -Does it feel okay now to deal with a situation like that in the same way, or would you rather deal with it in another way?

    14. These certainly work, but more can be done in another way

    15. You can take and use this information in another way

    16. The main reason I gave for this was that this meat was not slaughtered according to Islamic way, in other words, it had been slaughtered in another way

    17. We’re all responsible for these kids in another way, as well

    18. disparate as they appear to be, are exactly the same in another way

    19. girlfriend is comforting, but, in another way, disturbing

    20. We have called one of our people who should be able to get us in another way, so we can monitor what is happening in there

    21. “She said I would lead in another way

    22. “Now she serves me each day, just in another way

    23. In another way there is only one season and that is now

    24. Then we have to finish off the job in another way that will ensure that the orders are fulfilled

    25. Said in another way, the Crony Capitalists are

    26. To put it in another way, he borrowed the

    27. Surely not! This man experienced other things that were exciting in another way

    28. ‘Think about this in another way

    29. it in another way, his gut told him one thing, but

    30. Let’s look at this in another way to make sure you understand what is being explained here

    31. � In another way of seeing and saying this, we inculcate the coercive discipline of obedience to some dominator model: "Do what you are told, when told and when observed," We could rather offer the path of self-discipline, the one where the individual acts as we have defined the self as acting

    32. � The testing system keeps most if not all students and teachers in another way, running scared and a great number of students feeling they cannot run at all

    33. We can make another choice which continues to ask for a full awareness of our lives and selves and allows us to deal with suffering in another way

    34. No one moved from their places to heed the governor’s words, which was significant in another way than the obvious in that many of those gathered wore the colors of the governor’s city

    35. We can say it in another way: the ratio of the speed of creation and the speed of disappearance (destruction)

    36. Hence the use of the image of the Seven Rishis as a symbol of the Seven major types of shower, or the Seven Rays, in another way

    37. I have considerable reason to believe that Marfa Petrovna, who was so unfortunate as to fall in love with him and to pay his debts eight years ago, was of service to him also in another way

    38. A mine or a torpedo that strikes your ship is not so very different from a sharp, uncharted rock tearing her life out of her in another way

    39. Sir Graball D'Encloseland, the Member of Parliament for the borough, was one of the bitterest opponents of the halfpenny rate, but as he thought it was probable that there would soon be another General Election and he wanted the children's fathers to vote for him again, he was willing to do something for them in another way

    40. IN ANOTHER way, we also accepted the fact that we could die

    41. “Assuming Lester drove here, and since there are no cars registered in his name, they’ll find out if any of the cars have been stolen or if we can link them to Lester in another way

    42. Confirmation of the end of the trend is very strong countertrend momentum following such a condition, but market structure can unfold in another way: Rather than shifting into an immediate change of trend, the market can also consolidate and work off the overextension through a more extended consolidation

    43. We may frame this caveat in another way by suggesting that the analyst should not urge a security exchange unless either (1) the issue to be bought is attractive, regarded by itself, or (2) there is a definite contractual relationship between the two issues in question

    44. If, for example, you discover that the router model with all of the features you need is no longer available, you may have to modify the plan to use a different type of router or to implement the feature you need in another way

    45. Viewed in another way, we’ll use an example of Apple’s iPhone

    46. We have to look at the spread in another way to determine the better deal

    47. Mademoiselle Bourienne, also roused to great excitement by Anatole’s arrival, thought in another way

    48. Said in another way, she was right

    49. If there appears to be a special situation this year that could disrupt, enhance, or affect harvest in another way, however, you may want to dig deeper before deciding on positioning

    50. But she was beautiful in another way then

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