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    in due course

    1. ‘Practicalities will sort themselves out in due course

    2. Despite this, she didn’t say anything to Ozzie – he’d find out in due course, no point pre-empting things

    3. What if they end up in a sorry state, looking like living skeletons? When the time comes for an audience before the king in due course I want them to look healthy and strong – not thin, sickly or scrawny; otherwise the king might feed me to the lions! ”

    4. But believe me, I’ll get to the bottom of this in due course

    5. There might be other pleasures to be gleaned in due course, though; like watching their children being born and growing up

    6. were later taken to port in Brazil and found passage back to their home in Massachusetts in due course

    7. In due course, they found themselves no more than twenty feet from the emergency longboats, which were tied to a simple pulley system

    8. “The American authorities will be notified of the arrests in due course, unless you insist that I call them

    9. “Fine, I’ll hear from you in due course then?” I said, thinking it the right thing to end the call

    10. In due course, Sou

    11. In due course, Oztooa joined us and called us to order

    12. In due course I entered the room

    13. In due course, Acapipioltzin’s Ordu rejoined us and was put in camp

    14. In due course, after a few days, he left with a large entourage including the hapless Minchançaman and his family and whatever the Chimu had that was of value to him

    15. In due course a Guru appears to teach and inspire us

    16. It will take roots and grow and in due course take

    17. Q: But shall we reach the timeless in due course?

    18. manifested potential cause that in due course, takes shape as the visible

    19. had come, but forbore to ask, guessing she would reveal herself in due course

    20. aspect of the book, and will be picked up in due course

    21. In due course Frankie got her ice cream, and after the child brushed and jumped into bed Charly read her a bedtime story, planning to come down later to wait for Trask

    22. Johnson had only replied that more news would be made available in due course, and spent the remainder of the interview trying to play down the threat

    23. seeds of all its possibilities, and sends them out in due course to each sub-

    24. In due course, having the license on Sneha’s hand, he paraded it in the marketplace

    25. What was the guarantee that her debauchery could be confined to a one-night stand to be put behind in due course? What if Vivek were to insist on an encore every time? Would Gautam be able to put his foot down, at least till the contracts were signed? By then, wouldn’t she have crossed the lakshman rekha of her fidelity? Who knew, she might find it difficult to imbibe Sita’s psyche after all that

    26. In due course, under his benign influence, the West became wealthy and prosperous to overshadow the swarga itself

    27. ‘Oh, what would happen, should his misogamist tendencies resurface in due course? And won’t his past haunt me in his intimacy? Would I be able to lead a normal life with him? Won’t that affect his psyche in turn? We may then end up in the adalat midway during the honeymoon itself! Is it not the time to pause and grasp?’

    28. Given a free rein by guruji, in due course, she shaped the sadan, as a resource to the hapless, not as a resort to the parasites, where she broke away from her past and concentrated on the present until the thought of Suresh stirred the tidings of future in her

    29. Actions will grow out of this visualization in due course in a very natural way

    30. Brought together by the sub-soil conditions, the males and females of a given creed, and or hybrids of sorts, in due course would have evolved themselves into seeds that the soil conditions would have fertilized as plants in time

    31. Rest assured, the within will become the without in due course

    32. In due course the Royal Guard tracked the hoof prints to the gate,

    33. A full report will be issued on the incident in due course

    34. In due course the Royal Guard tracked the hoofprints to the gate,

    35. All the arrangements are being taken care of and you and your families will be issued your rehousing notifications in due course by your local authorities

    36. A long still silence through which the running stream could in due course be heard again

    37. the scene in due course of time

    38. A house was built in due course, after the paw paw trees were planted into virgin earth

    39. Max was also worried that in due course the Tax man would demand penalty payments for missed tax returns (when Ray had been a tramp)

    40. “I will come to the natives, in due course,” Conrad predicted Max’s question

    41. “In due course,” said Rudolph

    42. Sathyam in due course

    43. Fleurette then reached across her desk to gently touch Charlie’s hand in a reassuring manner, she said, “All will be fine, and I'm sure you will find the answers to your questions in due course!”

    44. “You and Me / As well these / Have had past / Future as well; Clear are learned in their minds / Embodies selfsame spirit all one / From birth to death, in every birth; Spirit as entity hath no birth / How can thou kill what’s not born; What’s not real, it’s never been / And that’s true, it’s ever there / That’s how wise all came to see; Prima facie if thou feel / Subject Spirit is to rebirths / Why grieve over end of frame; Dies as one / For like rebirth / Why feel sad / Of what’s cyclic; Isn’t thy lament over that / Un-manifested to start with / Gets manifested just as guest / And bids adieu in due course, and, Dies not Spirit as die beings / What for then man tends to grieve

    45. Well, the Israelis did find ways and means to counter the Islamic terror tactics in due course, for after all, hasn’t history proved that while the Musalmans turn desperate in defeat, the Jews steel themselves in adversity? Pushed to the wall, Yasser, by fusing the Quranic diktats and the Muslim hurt with hadith as the catalyst, developed the deadly fidayeen in the Islamic laboratory of the Palestine

    46. In due course it enters the mind as a

    47. Applications to view any of this collection must be made by writing to the editors of this newspaper and will be considered by the family in due course

    48. In due course they travelled back to pick up the car

    49. Since time immemorial, you will observe religious and legendary tales ruled for some time, only to be forgotten by the people in due course

    50. “We’ll teach you how to deal with them, in due course

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