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    in principle Beispielsätze

    in principle

    1. but in principle, yes

    2. Despite the sympathy she felt for them in principle, there was no ignoring their terrible arrows and jagged blades, and her sword -

    3. Although I don‘t object to salary/benefits reductions in principle, (such measures are sometimes necessary in order to keep a company solvent), I nevertheless object to workers being paid $1 an hour, let‘s assume for argument sake, for a pair of sneakers selling for $100 on the American Market

    4. Justice, in principle, reflects the interpretation of laws in a fair and impartial manner or to the extent reasonable assumptions guide it toward the ―Truth‖ or what is understood to be the Truth

    5. It should not be shared with a man (Bush) opposed in principle to Mr

    6. Response: A very serious one indeed! Although I am not opposed to this practice in principle, (its historical origins as they relate to proportional ethnic/racial representation have been well documented), even its most ardent detractors, however, must applaud the creative resourcefulness of those responsible for engineering such elaborate arrangements that have given rise to disproportionate (racial) representation rising well above of the national average

    7. Since I don’t work for governments in principle it does not affect me much

    8. “What are you doing? Is this safe? Wait!”, Hilderich seemed to protest in principle only, his mouth voicing concern but his feet offering little resistance

    9. Sheesh, don’t you remember our discussion the other day about this for private and public goods! It isn’t at all clear that you would be better off consuming less to buy the Subaru, because that would be giving up a lot of things that you really like…maybe some of those nice California cabernets, huh? In principle, your consumption decisions shouldn’t be much affected by whether you cash in assets or borrow to finance purchases

    10. “Yes,” admitted Charles, “in which case, the bribes would, at least in principle, not be necessary because the project is in our collective interest, apart from the possible problem that overall unfairness results from the many projects not ‘averaging out’ across people

    11. Charles continued, “There is no reason, in principle, why political parties could not be responsible for their spending promises

    12. “In principle, sure it could, but in practice, they would never over-spend, both for that reason and because it would harm their party’s reputation, their credibility

    13. In principle, with enough information, the coin flipping is no longer random—it only looks random to those who do not have all of that knowledge

    14. theory cannot predict, even in principle, the course that a single electron will take along that

    15. Public disagreed in principle with the tax on tea, what penalty did he incur by refusing to pay? Nothing

    16. etheless be difficult to appreciate if we believe that solidness implies, in principle, the inability to overlap in space

    17. But faith in principle

    18. “Every time you remember what he did, you just have to remember that you have forgiven him in principle,” he continued

    19. But it was one thing to forgive in principle and quite another to retain the same generosity when the man who had wronged him was actually here

    20. In principle it all made sense, but I needed to try it for myself to see how it worked

    21. In principle the elimination of violent behavior in all the peoples of the world, would eliminate mans need to protect himself against aggression

    22. and I believe we all agree in principle

    23. a team member, Karsten Buse, says that in principle such crystals can

    24. In their discussions they had gone through the overview and had agreed in principle to the proposed details for the raid

    25. Isn’t the universe designed in a certain way to follow certain principles, both physical and spiritual? If sin is ultimately unsustainable and suicidal, then Lucifer will have his day in court and will be judged and sentenced and that will be the end of it

    26. Carefully she lit a small sail which flamed, unsteady in principle and some seconds later began to stagger up to gaining height and conviction and was then when she placed on it a metallic structure that was supporting the portable boiler

    27. In principle, Jesus decided that his lifework should be organized and prosecuted in accordance with natural law and in harmony with the existing social organization

    28. so aware of certain principles that they wil become a part of you

    29. But a kiss doesn’t always end that way, you should know that… well, at least in principle Mr

    30. There are certain principles that derive from mental

    31. According to the plan that I proposed to President Dewey and that he has approved in principle, those lands and plantations will then be redistributed as fairly as possible among the small Vietnamese farmers that were up to now tenants of the French

    32. So what He's essentially saying is that the world is governed by a certain principle that operates

    33. In principle, it seemed like a bold innovation, designed to ‘open up’ the political system

    34. It is impossible to fight with this category of thought in principle because violence generates violence

    35. ’ Having perceived the main principle of martial art, Zhan Sanfeng, after many years of training, developed the soft style, which received the name Supreme Ultimate (Tai Qi Quan)

    36. Bur the main principle of Tai Qi Quan didn’t change and is stated in the following principles: Statics begets dynamics; the pliable overcomes the rigid; the slow defeats the fast; the short defeats the long

    37. The Board of Directors have approved the scheme in principle and authorised a project team to plan the work

    38. with that statement - in principle

    39. Moses proclaimed his win from God holding in principle the mind of faith

    40. The meat on the bone depends on western world in principle

    41. A rebel against order is a demon negative in principle

    42. all feminine in principle

    43. example, make a statement about unknowability of the subconscious in principle,

    44. That didn't mean they wouldn't take to wandering if the opportunity arose but, in principle, they were meant to lead a cloistered life

    45. However, to keep this chapter within reasonable bounds I have chosen examples that demonstrate certain principles to follow in choosing items to create and to buy

    46. "…as I apprehend the Buddhist doctrine of karma, I agree in principle with that

    47. They both agreed in principle with his line of reasoning and strategy, however, final

    48. There was but one other possible motive for Tom’s behavio ur – he hadn’t killed Nacho, because in principle he didn’t want to kill at all

    49. About twenty-seven per cent firmly favoured 1988 as the year to introduce them, and the rest or around three per cent had no definite opinion on the timing, though they supported direct elections in principle

    50. It’s easy to convince myself to let go of certain principles when they get in the way of something I really want

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