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    in slow motion Beispielsätze

    in slow motion

    1. They fell in slow motion

    2. He falls in slow motion, watching the days

    3. These movements include the Shoulderstand, the Leg-raising Pose (Udhitta Padasana), Viparita-Karani, and the Plough Posture, and we will call this series of seven movements YOGA IN SLOW MOTION

    4. Yoga in Slow Motion is recommended for toning up the system after childbirth after a suitable rest period has elapsed following confinement

    5. Realizing what had taken place he roared loudly and for a moment everything seemed to be in slow motion

    6. imagine that Ali sees the ball in slow motion A normal player will use the second

    7. to happen in slow motion, but try as he might Billy couldn’t reach

    8. vision blurred and his body moved in slow motion as if he were under water

    9. Everything felt in slow motion here compared to the adrenaline of the tunnel

    10. The sniper seemed to tumble as though in slow motion from the tree and I could swear that I heard the thud as he hit the ground though I knew he was too far off

    11. He falls down in slow motion and I can see the agony on his face as he lands on the ground and lies there with his head to the side and his eyes wide open

    12. In slow motion I move to the far end of the trench and I can hear is voice more clearly now he is shouting

    13. She swallowed so slowly, he watched it happen as if in slow motion

    14. And slowly but surely the cracks around the airlock door were spreading and branching, like a windscreen breaking in slow motion

    15. He strained and strained but his legs moved in slow motion, as if he was wading through thick mud

    16. In slow motion, I looked over to Grandpa who I had hoped would be laying down suppressive fire with his encouraging words

    17. As the driver I saw something in the rear mirror (in the middle, not sides) and the snake tumbling in slow motion into the troop compartment and on top of my constables

    18. In slow motion, she pulled from it a fat wad of American one hundred dollar bills

    19. In slow motion we watched Dave's face, his mouth falling open, as the circle of wood came off in his hands

    20. After what seemed like an eternity of running in slow motion, Zoran snatched Ea up into his arms as the water slumped back, surging past his lower legs

    21. Hampered by the clumsy spacesuit and weightlessness he turned in slow motion to face the elevator shaft

    22. Luca told me that during the first few days of therapy I could experience the feeling of being in slow motion

    23. Each movement seemed in slow motion, maddeningly far away, out of arm’s

    24. in slow motion, staying adjacent to him in the air slightly longer, as if it paused to say to him, “I dare you

    25. And then, as if in slow motion, the

    26. It now seemed to come at him in slow motion, his soup spoon

    27. always ran in slow motion wherever he went and found himself

    28. The men raced in slow motion too, although probably wishing

    29. dropped rapidly like a brick; it seemed to happen in slow motion

    30. They began to move toward the castle, to beat their wings, and she saw it all in slow motion

    31. Everything seems to be happening in slow motion

    32. He zooms in and looks in slow motion

    33. He sees jet fighters crashing in all directions and heading down in slow motion

    34. Everything is happening in slow motion for everything else, but fast for Jaden

    35. Jaden replays what just happened in slow motion

    36. The room is moving in slow motion around him

    37. Bellona is moving so fast that everything seems to be happening in slow motion around her

    38. The debris and sand explode upwards in slow motion from around the impact areas

    39. ‘Before you ask, nanotime speeds up our ships and minds so something that happens fast seems as if it is going in slow motion

    40. I noticed that they were starting to move in slow motion, like a private planetarium

    41. The night had stars all over the sky and a light cool breeze was making the trees and signs dance in slow motion

    42. For a moment somewhere in slow motion, joy was exactly the

    43. Could a mere motion picture have done this? Everyone seemed to be staring vacantly ahead and moving like cattle toward the exit--cattle being herded in slow motion

    44. It was too late for Tress to stop now, she was committed but it all seemed to happen in slow motion as her heart thumped heavily in her chest

    45. It tumbled through the air almost in slow motion before her and with a single word to dispel the magical strength of the container; it smashed directly into the hound’s skull splattering the sizzling liquid in all directions

    46. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, Ashat waited for him to throw it before he could

    47. He said it seemed now like it had happened in slow motion as he turned toward him at his

    48. As if in slow motion I lifted the microphone in one hand and the cane rose in the other

    49. My feet seemed to move in slow motion

    50. He demonstrated the move on me in slow motion

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