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    inclusive of Beispielsätze

    inclusive of

    1. Another practice to avoid like the plague is a new tendency to have a “party” at the gravesite of the dearly departed, inclusive of gifts, cakes, party hats and drinks

    2. a solution that is inclusive of many perspectives and avoid

    3. 13 Prejudice blinds the soul to the recognition of truth, and prejudice can be removed only by the sincere devotion of the soul to the adoration of a cause that is all-embracing and all-inclusive of one's fellow men

    4. For instance, you can use a border plant bed to section off certain areas of the yard with respect to particular plant beds inclusive of flora and vegetables

    5. It’s not too unlike the first astronauts on the moon, whom upon seeing the earth from afar, achieved a perspective that was inclusive of all that exists on our world as an interconnected whole

    6. It also includes a regular pouring in accordance with the seasons, an alternating pouring at times appropriate for irrigating the plants, a sufficient pouring that fulfills the need of the earth, and a wide pouring which is unlimited to a small spot of the earth yet it is all-inclusive of each of the areas and intensive rain showing Our care to help you for your good health and amusement

    7. minutes, inclusive of the warm up phase

    8. the Hebrew calendar, counting from and inclusive of the pivotal events of the 11th cycle

    9. that is completely inclusive of all humanity at a loving ground roots level,' he said

    10. Military retirement plans are unique on its basic concept inclusive of the service dates, in which the amount of retirement benefits will be based from

    11. In 1995, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops restated its guidelines to be inclusive of people with disabilities

    12. This is a big part of the reason why I wrote A Common Struggle—and created two nonprofits that are broadly inclusive of all mental illnesses and addictions (in the case of the Kennedy Forum, www

    13. 36 times in 1938), but that of the guarantor company was high (over 4 times in 1938 on a consolidated basis and over 11 times in that year on a parent-only basis inclusive of interest for which it was contingently liable)

    14. , exclusive of special and nonrecurring profits or losses and inclusive of General Motors’ interest in the results of nonconsolidated subsidiaries

    15. Also, because the notion of temporal discounting is inclusive of both past and future

    16. A Batmobile used in the 1960s Batman TV series (ABC, USA, 1966–68) sold at the Barrett-Jackson car auction in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, on 19 January 2013 for $4,620,000 (£2,953,397), inclusive of premium

    17. By analysing your past trades you might discover that 80% of the time your trades get stopped out for a 10% loss (inclusive of trading costs), but 20% of the time you manage to run your profits for a 100% gain (inclusive of trading costs)

    18. Why is this important to you? By using real fund data as opposed to theoretical data from a constructed index, all the returns listed in this chapter are fully inclusive of annual fund fees and any tracking error present in the underlying funds

    19. Now, inclusive of the occasional wide intervals between the revolving outer circles, and inclusive of the spaces between the various pods in any one of those circles, the entire area at this juncture, embraced by the whole multitude, must have contained at least two or three square miles

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