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    indivisible Beispielsätze


    1. In short, it was to forgive and unite as one indivisible nation

    2. as an indivisible expression of what connects all of us - the underlying,

    3. will see the world as it is — a single block of reality, indivisible,

    4. stance, 2) yielding void, 3) multiplicity of objects composed of indivisible substance, 4) directed motion of objects, 5) contact between objects, and 6) limitation and change of motion upon contact

    5. atom could not occupy the same void as the indivisible substance of an-

    6. If indivisible substance could not overlap, then at best atoms

    7. another, even though the indivisible substance of one atom never ‘melds’

    8. or ‘blends’ with the indivisible substance of the other

    9. The world is the one and only! Why do you continue with the habit of dividing the indivisible thing?

    10. so it is absolutely true that, though the Christ is one and indivisible, He is

    11. They were pictured as tiny particles, indivisible and solid

    12. indivisible and the whole of it is present everywhere

    13. that the only true being is "the One" which is infinite, indivisible and the whole of

    14. One" which is infinite, indivisible and the whole of

    15. indivisible and the whole of it is present everywhere (if accepted, these beliefs would

    16. If sub-atomic particles are also hollow or partially hollow is it conceivable that the smallest, seemingly indivisible particle is nothing more than opposing forces at equilibrium which give the appearance of solid matter? Knowing the answer to such questions would have dramatic implications, as other knowledge has provided

    17. An understanding and appreciation of the fact that the infinite power is omnipresent and is therefore in the infinitely small as well as the infinitely large will enable us to absorb its essence; a further understanding of the fact that this power is spirit and therefore indivisible will enable us to appreciate its presence at all points at the same time

    18. This is because the Infinite mind, which is the source from which all things proceed, is one and indivisible, and each individual is a channel whereby this Eternal Energy is being manifested

    19. The Universal Mind, from which all things proceed and which is one and indivisible

    20. The Universal Mind in which “we live and move and have our being” is one and indivisible, it is therefore just as possible to help others as to help ourselves

    21. All truth is one and indivisible

    22. It demonstrates to the new couple that they are now one, indivisible and whole

    23. Remember that the three circles of the offering are indivisible bliss

    24. that it is a single, indivisible entity, and that its singularity is

    25. But, just as everything else in the One and indivisible Universe, it is simply impossible to synthesize these Aspects in Self-Consciousness in isolation from the Creative Activity of Aspects of the other ten Qualities, which [the Creative Activity] is manifested to a necessary extent in your life creativity

    26. The Universal Principle of duvuyllerrtness, which provides ALL-Integrity, ALL-Infinity and ALL-Spheroidicity (an infinite self-propagation of wave vibrations of Forms in all possible qualitative directions of their development) of absolutely All Forms, harmoniously and naturally unites all Formo-systems of the Creation into one (indivisible in any way) realization System of Higher Intelligence

    27. Being one and indivisible in their Form of manifestation, they simply belong to different Branches of development of Collective Cosmic Intelligences and, through joint realizational processes, continuously mutually provide their self-conscious Forms with infinite possibilities of the implementation of the inertial change of the manifestation frequency (refocusings), which makes it possible for each of these Forms to continuously subjectively increase its own qualitative content (VLOOOMOOT and NNAASSMM)

    28. indivisible Individual is every one of the separate beings in the universe,

    29. But, on the other hand, owing to their typical slloogrentness, they are also a part of a generalized (joint and indivisible in its general dynamics) UU-VVU-conglomerate, which we should consider as one whole that simultaneously belongs to each “personality” and to each (among all of them) Time Flow

    30. Now it’s your own Information! Yes, it’s one indivisible whole in the general “Field” of Time (“Noo-Sphere”), but, in the systems of subjective Perception of every “personality” that uses it in its own fashion, the Information becomes subjective (discrete, local) and as if becomes abstract from its initial state (the slloogrent meaning included in it)

    31. The Universal Principle of duvuyllerrtness that provides ALL-integrity, ALL-infinity and All-spheroidality (infinite self-propagation in all possible Directions of development) of absolutely all Forms harmoniously and naturally unites all Formo-systems of the Creation into one, — absolutely indivisible and unlimited anywhere, — realizational System of the Higher Cosmic Intelligence, which cannot be considered either from the point of view of Space (horizontally or vertically, “this way and that way”), or from the point of view of its association with Time (in “the past”, in “the present” or in “the future”)

    32. We can not communicate the final understanding of truth through words because words by nature divide the wholeness of meanings whereas the Truth is unified and indivisible

    33. Love, he started realizing, had become an integral and indivisible part of his sporting life

    34. Recall that translation of the "Atom" is "indivisible"

    35. When scientists began to open up and explore the chemical elements, they were the same indivisible elementary units, the existence of which spoke the ancient Greek philosophers

    36. Any elementary particle – is an Atom, truly indivisible Elementary Unit of Genesis

    37. Let's summarize and accept the assertion that the nature of Space is holistic and indivisible

    38. No, she is dissolved in the Spirit, identified with him, she is his part and indivisible whole

    39. Since all meaning is relative to context and the context at this level is the indivisible and infinite whole, existence would be infinitely meaningful; not as some have concluded utterly meaningless

    40. Monseigneur gone, and the three strong men absolving themselves from the sin of having drawn his high wages, by being more than ready and willing to cut his throat on the altar of the dawning Republic one and indivisible of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death, Monseigneur's house had been first sequestrated, and then confiscated

    41. Republic One and Indivisible

    42. " But supposing the beauty equal on both sides, it does not follow that the inclinations must be therefore alike, for it is not every beauty that excites love, some but pleasing the eye without winning the affection; and if every sort of beauty excited love and won the heart, the will would wander vaguely to and fro unable to make choice of any; for as there is an infinity of beautiful objects there must be an infinity of inclinations, and true love, I have heard it said, is indivisible, and must be voluntary and not compelled

    43. I cannot part with Antonia, therefore the one and indivisible Republic of Costaguana must be made to part with its western province

    44. How does such transformation occur? Is it ever possible to pinpoint a moment, a clear before and a contrasting after? Or can the process of estrangement only be taken as an indivisible whole?

    45. The Idea itself is not indivisible, but forms a system of ideas, which may be represented by ascending and descending lines

    46. thought, was, as they were to become a part of the United States, to make them one and indivisible as soon as possible

    47. Speaker, is there a man in this House bold enough to maintain, or with capacity enough to point out, any material variation between the policy of France to this country, subsequent to the Cadore letter, of the 5th of August, and its policy anterior to that period? The character of the policy is one and indivisible

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