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    insolently Beispielsätze


    1. He stared insolently, demanding, "Where'za p'lice station?"

    2. As he neared Bigley, Tenney exited the car and insolently sauntered toward him, wearing a skin-tight black outfit Trask contemptuously labeled a leotard, but was probably someone's idea of a martial arts uniform

    3. “Yeah, yeah,” she insolently replies, knowing you can’t fire her because she is just that good

    4. She grew a bit bolder as she asked, insolently, "You would ask a venefica if she's sure that someone is being poisoned?"

    5. So how do you expect me to cook anything?” She had said insolently

    6. Guy reigned in his horse and the summoner peered insolently at him

    7. I know this, I have always known it, and I will not now, at an age when it is my hope to grow every year a little better, forget it and be as insolently intolerant as the man who shudders at the name of Heine, will not read a line of him and calls him _Schmutzfink_

    8. hath acted thus insolently to his deserved punishment

    9. The blond gave an exaggerated shoulder shrug and insolently saluted, “Aye aye Captain!”

    10. He put back the pen insolently, his lips pressed in a hard line waiting for me to right

    11. "Is there nothing to eat in the house?" he asked, insolently, as if to a servant

    12. He had a haughty bearing, a look either steady and impenetrable or insolently piercing and inquisitorial

    13. “And who are you?” he said insolently

    14. Stubbornly, insolently blank

    15. The unfathomable eyes gazed ironically and insolently at him

    16. A haggard fearlessness characterized the expression of all these sunblacked countenances; they glared down haughtily with their scorched eyes at the crowd, or, blinking upwards insolently, pointed out to each other some particular head amongst the women at the windows

    17. In the passages and on the staircases of the old palace Montero's troopers lounged about insolently, smoking and making way for no one; the clanking of sabres and spurs resounded all over the building

    18. "My own reading of the situation for what it is worth—" he inflated his chest enormously and looked insolently around him at the words—"is that evolution has advanced under the peculiar conditions of this country up to the vertebrate stage, the old types surviving and living on in company with the newer ones

    19. He had kept sternly at bay those had not stealthily taken garden and pasture and cotton field and lawn and reared themselves insolently by the porches of Tara, as they were doing on numberless plantations throughout the state

    20. That insolently we made of sacred things

    21. ' And I, I insolently lolled on his sofa, and forced myself on his acquaintances as though I were an equal, damn them ! And you allowed all that! Most likely Darzan knows by now, judging, at least, by his tone yesterday evening

    22. The other, younger Pole, who was staring insolently and defiantly at the company and listening to the conversation with silent contempt, still only impressed Mitya by his great height, which was in striking contrast to the Pole on the sofa

    23. Though Smerdyakov spoke without haste and obviously controlling himself, yet there was something in his voice, determined and emphatic, resentful and insolently defiant

    24. Why did you come here tonight so insolently? ‘Give us our rights, but don’t dare to speak in our presence

    25. "That might have been foreseen," she added, looking insolently into Yulia Mihailovna's face

    26. "Yes, you can't afford to dine at cafés on that," Ferfitchkin added insolently

    27. I scanned them all insolently with my drowsy eyes

    28. They see the sufferings and privations of these laborers and their children, their aged, their wives, and their sick, they know the punishments inflicted on those who resist this organized plunder, and far from decreasing, far from concealing their luxury, they insolently display it before these oppressed laborers who hate them, as though intentionally provoking them with the pomp of their parks and palaces, their theaters, hunts, and races

    29. "She is one of our enemies," replied the savage insolently

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