Critical thinking, problem solving and logical interpretation develop their abilities and skill rather than memories
Interpretation: The dream shows my inner feeling of not being loved by my parents, especially in comparison with Alice, the star of our family
unto good works," (2 Timothy 3:17) and "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation
Interpretation: Next morning I get a phone call from Emmanuel
Literal interpretation might be what is expressed
statements and give them the opportunity to affirm or negate your interpretation of their
The two writers asked him if he thought the syntax was just perfect? They asked for his opinions on all manner of things, and particularly whether he thought the blending of fact, interpretation and style created the most stunning and persuasive of arguments? Then they showed him the latest section of the report, which was hot off the printer, and Sir John could do nothing but open his eyes wider and wider
"That interpretation does fit the data," Thom answered
particularly whether he thought the blending of fact, interpretation
1 Who is like the wise man? And who knows the interpretation of a thing? A man’s
explained that he had received additional lessons in interpretation
'I can see no other interpretation
doctor and Carl saw that night is up for interpretation
Klegnif for her part did an excellent jam of a rhythm part to it, feeling the crescendo and giving it a new creative interpretation that might have even advanced the song
Dream interpretation: Have someone share a dream that they feel is of the Lord
When everyone is sharing what they have received as the interpretation of the dream, be discerning and listen for the voice of God in the interpretation
When it is the correct interpretation you will hear God in it
Joseph knew the interpretation because, as he said, interpretation is of the Lord
The revelation part is easy, the interpretation and application are the parts we need to grow in
In the prophesy of Ezekiel 37 there is a revelation, an interpretation, and an application
The interpretation is that God is going to raise Israel up as a mighty army
The interpretation is of the Lord (Daniel 2:27-28)
Inquire of God for interpretation
It may also confirm the interpretation that some have and are not sure about
If there are others in the room they may have the interpretation
Remember that there is a revelation, an interpretation, and an application for most words, so try to get all three
While you are explaining the interpretation of the word, they are still distracted about the revelation and miss the interpretation
Remember to lean on God for interpretation and keep in mind that pictures can be literal or symbolic
I don't doubt you Klowa, don't doubt that you saw and heard what you've related, it's just that the interpretation is so far-fetched
statute are very general, and seem plainly to include the whole kingdom, by interpretation its
By a strict interpretation of the words, too, the operation of this statute has been limited to
"And I can't believe Nidon's interpretation
Being practical, one can say that you are not at liberty to modify the character you have to play but the interpretation is your own responsibility
Interpretation: revolving around the point—
This is because somebody else’s interpretation of what you want can be
Interpretation of the Berlin Philharmonic, led by
“If we cannot come up with the dream and its interpretation within 10 days, he will have us executed! And he’ll start with you,” and he pointed at the group of warlocks and conjurors
By that time we will have come up with the dream and its interpretation
He had an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach that this had something to do with the interpretation of the king’s dream
necessary in the interpretation of this Parable to keep in mind, that its
Maybe their interpretation had not been to the king’s liking
This is the only interpretation of Revelation 14:9-11 that
So Nebuchadnezzar was serious all along about executing his advisors, Zarko thought, unless they can somehow resolve the dream and its interpretation
If all those tales that Darniil had related were true, then he could easily determine the dream and its interpretation
Interpretation of dreams belongs to Him and not to humans
pretending? Nerissa much preferred this interpretation
A more direct interpretation of this dream may represent your anxieties of having a C-section in real life
As for me, it is not through any wisdom that exists in me more than in any others alive that this secret is revealed to me, except the intent that the interpretation may be made known to the king himself and that the thoughts of his heart he may know
“This is the interpretation, Your Majesty, Sovereign of this mighty city, Babylon: You, O king, the king of kings – you to whom the God of Heaven has given the kingdom, the might, the strength and the dignity – you yourself are the head of gold
” He was clearly overwhelmed by the dream and its interpretation and it touched him deeply
Zarko couldn’t believe his ears! All this just because he told the king some dream and its supposed interpretation? And this for a foreigner – even more unusual
Consider the material and color of the pants for additional interpretation
A more direct interpretation of the dream may be your libido’s way of telling you that it has been too long since you have had sex
“As some of you may already have heard, our king has had another dream and he has requested us,” he pointed to the crowd in front of him, “his counsellors and wise men, to beseech our gods for its interpretation
He has made known to me its contents and I hereby press you for the interpretation
“The last time his dream was deciphered by the Hebrew, Darniil, who attributed the interpretation to his God
I also know that Arioch plans to obtain the interpretation from Babylon’s gods, but he will not succeed
Take a rest! If the tea bag is in use, then refer to the interpretation for tea
As he rode home Zarko wondered about Arioch and his plans to get the dream’s interpretation to the king
“Majesty, may the dream apply to those hating you, and its interpretation to your adversaries
This would surely cost him the king’s favour! All through the interpretation the king just sat there stroking his beard and listened to Darniil intently
Zarko felt bad for having doubted the interpretation, but it did sound somewhat improbable
This is not a real interpretation
A more direct interpretation may mean that you are being too vain
Going beyond thought is perceiving with interpretation or labeling
Well, that certainly casts a shadow on my initial interpretation of the source material
” she caught herself using her guides' language without interpretation
The name “Bendhu” is just a temporary interpretation of your true name,’ added Mountain-Spirit, reading Ben's thoughts
The Temporal Directive, however, had a loophole (at least in the most recent interpretation)
‘The sensors recorded a graviton- modified tachyon field, at least that was the interpretation of their computer
Unidentified object emerged through spacial portal, was its basic interpretation – a to-late-to-do-fuck-all- about-it analysis of the situation in any case
Theistic evolution is not a theory in the scientific sense, but a particular view about how the science of evolution relates to religious belief and interpretation
Its adherents are those Christians and Jews, who believe that God created the Earth in six 24-hour days, taking a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative as a basis for their beliefs
These adherents believe that the scientific evidence supporting Evolution, Geological Uniformitarianism, or other theories which are contradictory to a literal interpretation of this creation myth, is misinterpreted
Many Young Earth creationists (YECs) are active in the development of creation science; an endeavour which holds that the events associated with supernatural creation can be evidenced and modelled through an interpretation of the scientific method
If the results show a shift of the light into the red, similar to observations from the Earth, we would know that our initial interpretation would be wrong; since the galaxy, cannot at the same time be moving away from Earth and also moving toward the Earth
The interpretation of the data we have is now open to philosophical arguments and nobody is able to prove, with absolute certainty, that it is either right or wrong
(These were portrayed in the Bible as metaphors and symbolism that demanded exacting skills of interpretation)
Please have a look at the code and the interpretation of this code on the website as given below:
We also have to deal with people’s interpretation of specific meanings of certain concepts in the Bible
An example of an interpretation issue is given below:
Can any human pull off something like this? If we compare this information with works from historic figures like Nostradamus, could their works be compared to the design found in the Bible? You would find that, although some similarities may be present, the predictions by Nostradamus and others are in all cases extremely vague and require a lot of interpretation from the reader’s side and are in many cases incorrect or cannot be linked to any events that have occurred or will occur
With this track record of absolute accuracy, how should we approach information that is provided in the Bible with regards to events that will only happen in the future or information about the Creation account? Should these be treated differently? Are we supposed to apply our own interpretation of information contained in the Bible for which we are unable to provide verifiable evidence? Especially when we know that for all cases in which we are able to collect data, the Bible’s accuracy is proven to be 100% true
Can one then adopt an interpretation that God actually meant only the people and animals in the region where Noah lived? Would this be a true reflection of the meaning that is clearly emphasised through various passages? If God repented that he had made man, beast and birds, would he then only destroy 10% of them and leave the other 90% alive, when he said that he would “destroy all flesh” and destroy “everything that is in the earth”? Would he accomplish anything by destroying only a certain percentage as would be the case with a localised flood? Genesis 9 specifically refers to this Flood as a “flood to destroy the earth”
For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
interpretation principle of allowing Scripture to
) In any rational universe, the consequences of such an interpretation means that is perfectly ok for a high school"s football team to bow their heads before a game
The cover story of the current issue features their woefully incorrect interpretation of Our Constitution, with an image of the shredding of that document covered by the question „Does it still matter?" This in addition to the word
) He unwittingly exposes the left"s ignorant, self-serving interpretation of our Constitution by referring to the chimera of a „living constitution
’ Was this merely his own interpretation, despite it being real? The way he heard this voice was not in any way similar to that of Zolla; not directly into the ears, but more all engulfing in its power – an ethereal kind of resonance
It was not intended, however, to undermine, through judicial fiat or perverse legal interpretation, the freedoms that every American should properly enjoy without exception
In recent years, however, many of the ―faithful‖ have been lobbying for easier application and/or interpretation of historical customs and teachings considered dated by contemporary standards
interpretation of the Scriptures…the freedom to understand ―things‖ and behave in one‘s own way…without ―prejudice‖
Brock's interpretation was part fact and part revelation, so the conversation had been stilted and difficult
But how does anyone go about discovering (the) Truth? If Truth is predicated on Natural Law(s) understood as God‘s Eternal Law(s), because such laws (naturally) proceed from God, ―hidden yet pre-determined,‖ and if Humankind‘s problematical interpretation of God‘s Law has rendered its meaning less viable than what was arguably uncertain to begin with, then how or where does anyone proceed in recovering important points of reference? Conventional wisdom, forged by the (social) dynamics of customs and habits and experience, is insufficient
Justice, in principle, reflects the interpretation of laws in a fair and impartial manner or to the extent reasonable assumptions guide it toward the ―Truth‖ or what is understood to be the Truth
I mention this to raise a point: that this form of government failed at a time when the American People, with few exceptions, were socially homogenized in the manner of language, culture, custom, habit and style, and, despite some variation in scriptural interpretation, predominately Christian in their outlook
After all, what did Christ and his Apostles really look like? Has anyone ever encountered an Angel? Such (abstract) personifications remain open to interpretation; a (worldly) convenience to meet its own special requirements rather than an unqualified expression grounded on historical accuracy
Besides, his record on Abortion speaks for itself! I suppose my real concern, however, centers on prevailing liberal/secularist sentiments portraying Christians as unsuitable candidates for the Supreme Court, or any other higher court for that matter, lest their religious viewpoints should otherwise color an (objective) interpretation of the law
An individual‘s religious convictions are subject to private interpretation