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    1. ‘I daresay they would try to invade if they knew … or destroy us

    2. Jake’s expressed a wish to invade the cottage tomorrow afternoon – will that be okay with both of you?’

    3. The waves, increasing in size and force, continued to invade the boat

    4. invade a land that has recovered

    5. 9Then the king of the North will invade the realm of the king of the

    6. will invade the kingdom when its

    7. 24When the richest provinces feel secure, he will invade them and will

    8. 29“At the appointed time he will invade the South again, but this time

    9. There are times when the veil between heaven and earth grows thin and heaven begins to invade the earth

    10. We are the temples of the Holy Spirit and we are the gateway for heaven to invade earth

    11. Is to invade the

    12. But avarice and ambition in the rich, in the poor the hatred of labour and the love of present ease and enjoyment, are the passions which prompt to invade property ; passions much more steady in their operation, and much more universal in their influence

    13. The affluence of the rich excites the indignation of the poor, who are often both driven by want, and prompted by envy to invade his possessions

    14. Again the images invade my mind and I can hear old Sgt Dawson shouting I am so happy because this means he must have found his way back to us

    15. Cow and bull invade territory together, bull already in field stamps his feet and roars

    16. “Did we invade this place or what?” Frank by this time was getting a little exasperated at our lack of historical knowledge so he just said

    17. searching for the voice that seemed to invade his space more often

    18. with the nerve to invade his territory found themselves on the business end of his hiss

    19. Eventually, Tairark’s plan was that he would rebuild his vampire armies slowly but surely in the Southlands in wait for the days of the Return, when Kerak’Otozi would cover the Free Lands in darkness and his vampire army could invade

    20. They often formed clans of the four tribes to invade by force and overwhelm the small outposts and keeps that guarded the coasts

    21. And we would betray Rhodesia for a few crumbs from England and other African despots and even feel good about it! We would invade Angola with a totally unprepared Army! Black leaders played Prime Minister John Vorster like badly tuned violin

    22. They asked him to invade, and he did and we reaped the benefits that they had hoped

    23. At one stage the ZAPU intention was to invade Rhodesia with an armoured column from Zambia but that was wishful thinking to be honest

    24. Such isolation, combined with French demands to be bribed not to invade again, almost guaranteed Haiti would remain as poor as it is today

    25. Lemay also urged Kennedy to still bomb and invade Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis even after the Soviets withdrew from the island, even though it could lead to nuclear war

    26. To keep Britain and France from invading Latin America, Roosevelt agreed to have US troops invade Latin America if British and French debts were not paid

    27. What most Americans do not know is the sheer scope of US invasions, that the American military has been ordered to invade other nations literally hundreds of times

    28. The Cold War brought a new set of justifications to invade, overthrow, or threaten Latin American nations

    29. "And just because she sunbathes topless doesn't give you the right to invade her privacy," I chastised him

    30. It is unlikely the CSA could invade Guam and the Philippines as the US did in the Spanish-American War

    31. The Soviets also never had the ability to successfully invade the US across oceans dominated by the US Navy, or frozen Alaska

    32. The canal treaty was almost sabotaged by a demand from conservatives giving the US the “right” to invade

    33. Another amendment was put in the treaty, pledging not to invade

    34. ) From 1859 to 1890, the US did not invade Latin America

    35. Before 1890, the US neither had the military power nor the state of mind to invade overseas, except for the northernmost parts of Latin America

    36. After 1917, much of the US was somewhat inclined to invade overseas if humanitarian reasons or preserving order was the rationale

    37. His biggest decision was looking for a way to make sure the US would not invade again by asking for Soviet missiles to be stationed in Cuba

    38. As covered elsewhere, while the decision to invade Afghanistan was perhaps justifiable (and not all agree it was) only the most ideologically blind could agree the unprovoked war on Iraq was right or necessary

    39. During that time, Moses had learned to rely on them enough to send them on a mission to assess what kind of resistance he might expect from the inhabitants of the land they were expected to invade and claim

    40. This allowed him to lead them on a campaign that earned them the respect, the envy, and the fear of all the organized kingdoms that they were to invade and occupy

    41. been one where the two sides agreed not to invade each other but to remain behind their property lines

    42. Man’s ability to extrapolate the principles of already learned experience, using that to invade the mysteries of the new, the unknown, has paid the dividends of increased knowledge

    43. attempting to invade the castle will be rendered defenseless-and, let’s face it-dead

    44. Seir, whom you would not let Israel invade, when they came out of the land of Egypt, but they turned from them, and destroyed them

    45. “Can we not invade the enemy camp? It’s so nearby

    46. How was that for a reason to invade Iraq? Jason felt, not a bad one

    47. It occurred to me that perhaps your distant relatives were planning to invade us

    48. I really expected that he ultimately planned to invade Europa, but I wasn’t absolutely sure

    49. 1 Now when Simon heard that Tryphon had gathered together a great host to invade the land of Judea, and destroy it, 2 And saw that

    50. 12 So Tryphon removed from Ptolemaus with a great power to invade the land of Judea, and Jonathan was with

    1. The words invaded his brain and drowned out his own thoughts

    2. And so we trudged, arm in arm, dazzled by the breathtaking beauty contrasting with the pointless tragedy that had invaded our lives

    3. Wherever you’re from, you deliberately invaded the Gordon’s Lamp subtrate

    4. A loud squawk invaded his thoughts

    5. That is why we have never been invaded by aliens; because the Aliens are filled with thoughts of hate, rage and destruction, and the asteroid sends out pleasant vibes they can't stand, so they turn away

    6. They sent me an additional questionnaire asking all sorts of personal questions – like how often we write? how often we phone?, do you speak English?, what do my parents think of the idea?, when we got engaged?, and would I be willing to live in Hong Kong? I answered all the questions without telling them it was none of their damn business and I resented our privacy being invaded

    7. Not only was her first-floor flat invaded at all hours by many odd and undesirable characters but also Holmes was weird and irregular in his life

    8. As I shared, swarms of bugs invaded the camp and

    9. Here is an opinion that does not contradict the medical science but offers quite a different view: Members of the group that are considered victim of the disorder have been invaded by an immaterial entity that suppresses immediate reality and intoxicates the victim with irresistible obsessions and compulsions

    10. We know that when the USSR invaded

    11. Vicious hatred invaded and blackened his fire

    12. The Prophets actually did become the cause for the family when they invaded Aeresan and took control of the castle

    13. Elizabeth sat down next to a pine trunk that had invaded the side of the trail embankment

    14. undisciplined militia, incapable of resisting the attack of the German and Scythian militias, which soon afterwards invaded the western empire

    15. Herod fled to Egypt when the Parthians invaded Palestine, then came back to Rome

    16. “He invaded Palestine the next year

    17. The demons could be heard now, crying from deep within the caves, roaring to find the Guardians and Arrows that had invaded the tunnels

    18. Such a clergy, when attacked by a set of popular and bold, though perhaps stupid and ignorant enthusiasts, feel themselves as perfectly defenceless as the indolent, effeminate, and full fed nations of the southern parts of Asia, when they were invaded by the active, hardy, and hungry Tartars of the north

    19. “We invaded at 4:30am so it was concluded that a barrage wasn’t necessary because any Turks we encountered would only be guard units

    20. Could he get to her and somehow stop whatever creature had invaded? The answer was clear: the base would be on lock-down, he’d have no chance of entering

    21. Comparing this prophecy with what happened on the night when Cyrus invaded Babylon, we also have the following passage in Daniel where we see remarkable accuracy in the events that took place

    22. Cars, buses and taxis flashed by at thirty or more, honking when they felt their territory was invaded

    23. “Yes we invaded France and stuck around for quite a while and we are passing through a part of France that the armies where in does that satisfy you?” Things went quite after this and I am sure Frank was sorry he had opened his mouth we chugged along and we looked out on fields with flax and cereals growing in them

    24. I looked round the room properly for the first time as I took it in the smell of sickness and death invaded my nostrils

    25. Eighteenth century British statesman and namesake of the Falkland Islands (not the Malvinas, as Argentina would have us believe), and let us never forget the American President who in 1982 helped Margaret Thatcher retake them after Argentina invaded

    26. One must wonder if, when he invaded Stanford University campus in the early 1970"s, shouting

    27. She was in fact from one of the seaside clans whose ancestors had invaded Kismeria after travelling across the Great Sea over three hundred years ago

    28. My feelings made me depressed about someone making me think mine and Dorothy‘s life had been invaded the same if someone had broke into your house putting you in a position where you can‘t‘ defend yourself

    29. * For my overseas readers: A couple of hundred far right wing members "invaded" or "withdrew through" - there are different versions - the "independent State of Bophuthatswana" for reasons which I still don't understand or even wish to discuss being plain silly

    30. Throwing back his head Brock bellowed at the madness that had invaded his mind, imploring it to leave

    31. Therefore the southern part of Angola was invaded and occupied with UNITA on a semi-permanent base

    32. The US invaded in 1891, and then invaded again in 1914, conquering and holding the country until 1934, for twenty years

    33. France also invaded in 1838-39, blockading nearly all Mexican ports and extracting a ransom over money allegedly owed to a French pastry shop owner, the Pastry War

    34. The number of nations invaded by the US during the Cold War far outnumbered those invaded by Soviets

    35. An American private army, or filibusters, invaded Canada

    36. In retaliation, British troops invaded Washington DC itself

    37. This/these remarkable event(s) quickly brought to mind the Persian Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm) waged ten years earlier by coalition forces led by the United States against Iraq who, having invaded Kuwait and seizing possession of its oil wells, was making veiled threats against its Saudi (Arabian) neighbor

    38. Roosevelt invaded repeatedly; Panama in 1903, Honduras three times, in 1903, 1905, and 1907; the Dominican Republic in 1903, staying over a year; Mexico in 1905; Cuba in 1906, staying three years; and Nicaragua in 1907

    39. This section tries to give the reader the broad view and ask which presidents invaded most often, why, and how many deaths resulted

    40. But colonists still invaded Native lands

    41. But in many cases there were not any substantial US investments or property in the country being invaded

    42. Haiti was invaded again in 1914 and US troops controlled the country until 1934, and Guatemala in1920, 1921

    43. The Dominican Republic was invaded and taken over by US troops from 1965 to 1966, simply because Lyndon Johnson falsely imagined a democratic movement might be Communist

    44. In terms of who invaded the most often, Wilson clearly has that dubious distinction

    45. Bush had earlier invaded Panama to overthrow a dictator who had become an embarrassment because of his ties to drug cartels while being on the US payroll

    46. It was not a free nation before Hussein invaded, and still is not, over 30 years later

    47. All three countries had been invaded multiple times by the US, and had been run by the US for anywhere from 15-20 years

    48. ) When Roosevelt took office, all three of these nations had been under US control since Woodrow Wilson, who holds the record for most countries invaded by a US president

    49. A strong controversy at the time was whether US troops should have invaded Iraq itself to overthrow Hussein

    50. In contrast with the rain and the clouds that at times complicated our first day in Singapore, light and sun encouraged and rewarded our second day, thus making possible for us to enjoy two excursions: one to Singapore River early in the morning when there were few tourists and the other to Sentosa in the afternoon, just before the crowds of tourists invaded that exciting island

    1. invades the mind of Mimis

    2. Nevertheless, evil invades little by little

    3. Evangelism is the point at which the reality of Heaven invades

    4. If the pattern of the past holds, it should be 15-30 years before the US invades another Latin American nation

    5. The grief in her voice invades me, makes my throat choke up and my eyes water

    6. From there, it invades

    7. Includes a General definition of stalking, a relatively new crime involving conduct in which the offender harasses or invades the personal space of another individual, often putting the victim in fear for his or her safety

    8. Churches; he stealthily invades the hallowed study rooms of our pastors; he joyfully walks

    9. As with any therapy that invades the body, some people find this procedure uncomfortable and cumbersome

    10. A fixture that illegally intrudes into or invades the property or

    11. In rebuttal, a woman's voice invades the interior of the police packed car, via 2-way radio

    12. Beard also noted that the placenta of all mammals invades the uterus and then on a certain day, its invasive growth

    13. He invades the world by working in you, making you joined to Him, giving you a position of authority in the spirit, which grows as you walk with Him, and then beginning to get you to speak His words, and begin to release His life into wherever you are

    14. Additionally, we are taught that love invades privacy, lives, and nations in the name of security

    15. despite the fact that reality regularly invades his life and destroys this flimsy

    16. When trauma strikes the fetal I, pain invades the I like a storm on the sea

    17. Arrogance, self-righteousness and repressed hatred all belong to the fetal I , which often invades the adult I and forces it to bend to its wishes

    18. fetal I invades the adult and imprisons it in a spiral of infinite hatred

    19. Biopsy of the mass confirms that he has adenocarcinoma of the colon that invades the submucosa

    20. ‘If he invades Kuwait then you … will pay a very heavy

    21. Round about his early fifties, unmarried, he was a large man with frizzy gray hair and was putting on the weight and enlarged belly that invades with increasing momentum our physiques at that age

    22. So Stalin is supposed to be a friend when he invades a European country and occupies it? While Germany is an enemy when it does the same thing? Can anyone find an explanation for this blind spot in human history? All alliance with Russia should have been cancelled

    23. If a nation invades another nation, then that invaded nation has the authority to invade the other nation more than it was invaded

    24. And Germany invades neutral Belgium

    25. The man Jesus is used as a vehicle for the divine Christ who invades the body of Jesus at a certain point; at his baptism to be specific… and then uses him as the human vehicle for his hidden secret purposes

    26. A sharp pain invades the area just adjacent to his spine

    27. “No matter how many times the king invades, the French nobility will not accept an Englishman as their king

    28. Slowly the outside world invades my senses, and oh my, what an invasion

    29. 2001: Sharon invades the Palestinian Authority area in the West Bank and bombards Yasser Arafat’s headquarters in Ramallah

    30. A sorrow as black as the night outside invades me, and I feel my throat clamping

    31. Had he entered upon this love affair, which had ended in his marriage to Cosette, without taking sufficient precautions to throw light upon the surroundings? He admitted,—it is thus, by a series of successive admissions of ourselves in regard to ourselves, that life amends us, little by little,—he admitted the chimerical and visionary side of his nature, a sort of internal cloud peculiar to many organizations, and which, in paroxysms of passion and sorrow, dilates as the temperature of the soul changes, and invades the entire man, to such a degree as to render him nothing more than a conscience bathed in a mist

    32. Italy invades the independent African state of Abyssinia (now Ethiopia)

    33. If the saying this was an annunciation by our Government to the British Government, that in making this arrangement we are not making any stipulation in respect to France, but you and the world may know that whoever invades our rights shall meet with resistance, adequate to the crisis, if the Government can find means to accomplish it

    1. worked in a tower on the walls of the city to look out for invading enemies

    2. for many years, invading the hearts its inhabitants, gen-

    3. remotely invading the shape of her body,

    4. I did not feel much like invading the island of Faria without the support of Odysseus

    5. But, we made several direct hits on the invading

    6. The clouds of dust south of the city looked like the gathering threat of an invading army, but it was just the new stockyards refilling, which bore testament to the spirit of a city that wanted it all

    7. ‘What, they’re invading with a dozen tanks?’

    8. Too tired to fight, Emily turned and hurried on while behind her the air was rent with thunder as Tetloan began striking the invading soldiers

    9. excuse for invading and annexing his land

    10. accusing the neighbors of spying and invading her privacy

    11. But now the ern are using a different and more subtle approach – sneaking into the town as stealthy murderers instead of attacking directly as an invading army

    12. out, private individuals have to suffer, as the widow and orphans of the South have done and are doing from the invading armies

    13. Just like before… He couldn’t stop the images invading his mind, the memories that he’d seen in his dreams last night

    14. The ‘unrest’ would refer to revolutionaries making life uneasy for the rebel Alit’aren invading their lands

    15. European culture is going to be killed, country after country, due to the fact that the leaders hide their collective head in the sand and tax their people to death in order to provide social services for an invading army of which they are terrified, and of course do not bear children enough to propagate themselves, let alone catch up with their Moslem additions to their populations

    16. ” The Master of the ship informed one of the Generals of Cruzel’s invading army from Aramell

    17. Human sacrifices were offered to avert threatening calamities, and even as the troops invested the capital, two young slave girls had their throats quietly cut in the confines of the palace, their blood being poured out as a libation to the gods to act against the invading white man

    18. A shout went up from the invading army

    19. What would have been the result, even if Santiago City had been carried by assault, if the Spanish fleet had turned its heavy guns against the invading army, it is easy to foresee

    20. Cherva smiled contentedly, secure in the knowledge that he would soon rout the invading force and raise his credibility even further in the eyes of the Preceptor

    21. At the same time in Northern Angola South African military advisors with a few (26 to be exact) artillerists assisted Holden Roberto's men (FNLA) invading Angola from Zaire (the North) with a lot of American (via their puppet Zaire) assistance

    22. Bulow had been unable to resist fighting with his captors even though he knew he was wrong for invading the Byronville house

    23. Churchill ordered bombing civilian targets in 1942 as a way to placate the Soviets, to say Britain was contributing to the war effort without directly invading Europe yet

    24. For eight years after Mexican independence in 1821, Spain kept trying to reconquer Mexico, blockading, bombing, or invading Mexican ports

    25. To keep Britain and France from invading Latin America, Roosevelt agreed to have US troops invade Latin America if British and French debts were not paid

    26. The following are the principles to be observed by an invading force: The further you penetrate into a country, the greater will be the solidarity of your troops, and thus the defenders will not prevail against you

    27. The idea of Mexico invading the US was ludicrous

    28. Confederate armies invading north found few sympathizers

    29. She’d seen the comedy films where people wore tinfoil on their heads to stop aliens invading their minds and wondered if Piers had covered himself completely with baked bean cans, or only his legs and feet

    30. Digging her toes into the sand, Teresa gazed out at the restless waters, waters which had seen the invading ships of so many civilizations

    31. I’m very pleased to hear this since much of the wildlife has disappeared since man started invading the Phuket natural habitat some thirty years ago

    32. years of inspections, of our repeated bombing of Iraq and finally in our invading Iraq without the

    33. Nick refrained from invading this private zone

    34. would have solidified one part of President Bush’s argument for invading Iraq

    35. were but one of the reasons Bush cited in his UN speech for invading Iraq

    36. When the president went before the UN prior to invading Iraq, he spoke of four reasons

    37. Invading a faction’s headquarters and killing everyone, isn’t that what the Erudite just did to Abnegation?”

    38. Jason first read The Prince, Machiavelli’s prescription for invading and conquering other states, republics or monarchies, be it through the use of arms, colonization or “princely occupation

    39. Americans allowed the attack on America with pretext of invading other countries, so war mongers and profiteers could remain in business and sustain oil greed

    40. I guess that meant we weren’t planning on invading it with these huge ships

    41. “Are you thinking of invading Espainia?” he asked

    42. The half-titan and the titan then fought the creatures which were invading the castle

    43. the evidence of the nearly half a million giants invading the world throughout history used as instruments of Satan by a covenant of a

    44. Wasting trillions on invading another country when we can’t even get our own country in good shape

    45. You don’t see China, Canada and Australia invading other countries…”

    46. A vampire was invading my brain space, and he wanted me now

    47. Invading a planet that way is very primitive and the defenders usually have the upper hand

    48. Pericles, building upon the exhilarating Greek victory over the invading Persians in 480 B

    49. The invading army is mustering its forces, preparing for the Ultimate Annihilation, while Earth life is passively awaiting its destined occupation

    50. Of course, invading a compound with the element of surprise and

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    Synonyme für "invade"

    invade occupy encroach upon intrude on obtrude upon infest overrun intrude interrupt obtrude interfere infringe on transgress take over attack assail assault storm raid trespass