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    ironically Beispielsätze


    1. ” David symbolizes the man of faith – which is ironically the one that always gets trampled upon by men of the world, whether religious or otherwise

    2. Ironically since getting therapeutic on Lithium I haven't had so much as a common cold in 6 years

    3. Ironically, a side-effect

    4. ’ The Inspector commented ironically

    5. Jean smiled ironically and shook his head

    6. The bed just had enough room for one person, which ironically was fine for me because I didn't have any female contacts that required the use of the bed

    7. ironically - pleased with their leisurely pace

    8. ’ Pierre smiled ironically

    9. Ironically this pre-selling is best done through education, not selling

    10. Standard—a shining but yet ironically opaque example of what it is…to do everything right

    11. Galileo, utterly shocked and offended but not being stupid, did profess his “error,” and thereby escaped months or perhaps years of excruciating torture—a Hell on Earth, ironically to have been skillfully crafted and carried out…by the Church

    12. Ironically, Quentin Tote is facing the same sort of resistance to his discovery as Wilbur Chuff did over a century and a half previously, even down to the unnecessary criticism of his nose

    13. Ironically, Creosote, Catfood and Cheese is the name of the firm of solicitors acting for Quentin Tote in a forthcoming libel case against Belcher

    14. Our insistence on seeing differences instead of similarities is the chief reason for the propagation of a divisive environment that we ironically, abhor

    15. Ironically, it is something that all of us would have to deal with when our time comes, regardless of our apprehensions

    16. Ironically, most people today place so much emphasis in attaining material gains and disregard their true spiritual nature

    17. Jorge’s middle name was Roberto, which came from Roberto Clemente, a national hero in Puerto Rico and ironically, in Pittsburgh

    18. ’ I’ve about that quite a bit recently and ironically I know its appropriate for my decision

    19. Ironically, you just got us here sooner than expected

    20. Ironically, when she told him the passenger’s name, he asked me where she was picked up

    21. Ironically, Eric’s book got a big boost with the publication of

    22. Perhaps ironically, only because of Jhordel would he give them a chance at all

    23. Perhaps ironically, he was the only one to whom

    24. Ironically, Gerrid's unusually recent synaptic imprinting may have aroused suspicion

    25. The look on Esmond face was one of pure surprise and, ironically, enlightenment

    26. Our legal system has a lot of Roman law in it and, even the Romans eventually asked two thousand years ago: “Who will protect us from our protectors?” Ironically, our generals failed miserably to ask that same question: “who will protect us from our Nationalists

    27. Toral, pointing out, ironically, that since he had now several thousand less mouths to feed, he had plenty of supplies for his troops, then positively refused to surrender

    28. Ironically, this trend appears to be declining among Blacks and Whites, although a reemerging phenomenon appears to be gaining momentum among ―recently‖ arrived ethnic groups spanning second and third generations or perhaps it only seems that way

    29. I am aware of the existence of other people who have a similar likeness to me that confirms my own existence‖ (Freely adapted from Rene Descartes) The troubling assumption with most (nihilistic) existential thinkers is the idea that the universe is fundamentally evil; without purpose or meaning and that alienated Man must overcome the evil dynamics of Nature through his or her own (determined) efforts or by exercising Free Will that ironically lends force to conscious expression

    30. I expect that once in power, however, the modus operandi will be consolidating power that may (ironically) impede the party‘s ability or willingness, for that matter, to legislate meaningful reforms

    31. ironically because a complete withdrawal would have cost a lot of black jobs

    32. Ironically, the water sources also were a weakness for the terrorists

    33. Ironically I saved his career one night when he got so drunk with his constable cronies that he could not exercise command and the company commander made an unexpected visit

    34. Ironically the SAP Police College was also in that area

    35. Ironically, that is the first step to change

    36. Ironically there is nothing new to the principle of confessing and to be forgiven

    37. An attachment to any individual divested of his or her essential qualities, however problematical, is equivalent to embracing an empty suit, thereby frustrating our intended purpose inasmuch as the inseparable idea(s) forming the character of that individual of our liking and the manner such (ideas) are properly received represent the fundamental components internalized by that individual who we (ironically) find so appealing to begin with

    38. The biggest losses were due to deaths from disease, mostly dysentery, directly caused by American troops herding Filipinos into concentration camps ironically named “zones of protection

    39. That Americans are slow to embrace change is due in part to modifying values or customs embodied within the (broader) culture that (ironically) ―encourages‖ such values to begin with

    40. How soon they forget! Ironically, the seeds of selfish-indulgence and self-righteousness were planted by the very critics equally self-centered in their own manner as young adults

    41. Ironically the Confederacy made slavery end sooner, and pushed Lincoln into Emancipation

    42. Ironically, laws on top of laws, that seek to reduce the (legal) possession of firearms, may actually produce unintended results by creating an imbalance between criminal elements procuring them through alternative (illegal) sources and law-abiding citizens denied or restricted legal access

    43. Transitional elements, as emerging possibilities present themselves, are oftentimes prone to violence because of rising expectations; unlike a society‘s wealthier segments who, lacking little in the way of material comfort, are ―stable‖, as a rule, or (ironically), the abject poor who, (temporarily) resigned to their wretched living conditions, are equally ―at ease‖ in a dormant stage of transition waiting for such an opportunity when there will be reason enough for hope or ―change‖

    44. ) Ironically, Bush was often mocked during the 1988 election by commentators claiming he could not be elected because of “the wimp factor

    45. So now, ironically enough, I work for the federal government over the Internet as a private consultant checking that data submitted by agencies such as the one I worked for contains no errors and is accurately interpreted

    46. Ironically, Mike Henderson paid the bill

    47. Yet there remains a dedicated core that truly hates him with a passion usually reserved for, ironically, dictators

    48. Like most neo conservatives, ironically she began her career trained as a Marxist

    49. Ironically, Bush lost re election in 1992, in part because many considered the Gulf War a failure because Hussein was not overthrown

    50. This means the Confederacy will rely upon, ironically, the United States for its cotton market

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