Verwenden Sie „jinni“ in einem Satz
jinni Beispielsätze
1. 9- From the Heros’ Careers for Children and Babies (The Courageous Boy and the Female Jinni)
2. The jinni dictated the revelation at this number
3. From the Heros’ Careers for Children and Babies (The Courageous Boy and the Female Jinni)
4. 10-From the Heros’ Careers for Children and Babies (The Courageous Boy and the Female Jinni) -1-
5. 15- From the Heros’ Careers for Children and Babies (The Courageous Boy and the Female Jinni)
6. · From the Heros' Careers for Children and Babies (The Courageous Boy and the Female Jinni)
7. · From the Heros’ Careers for Children and Babies (The Courageous Boy and the Female Jinni)
8. Is it possible to use believing jinns in the service of good deeds? Does the believing jinni show himself to his believing brothers and sisters from among humanity?!
9. So, if someone appears and claims to be a believing jinni, know that he is none other than a mutinous devil
10. He is nothing more than a herald of the cursed devil; moreover, he is one of his company and troop (so no jinni that approaches our world is a faithful jinni at all)
11. 9) From the Heros’ Careers for Children and Babies (The Courageous Boy and the Female Jinni)