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    Verwenden Sie „jollification“ in einem Satz

    jollification Beispielsätze


    1. Their lords and masters were hourly returning in bodies and being paid off; and in the native quarter at least, everyone gave himself over to a somewhat riotous jollification

    2. “Now that we have each others addresses we must visit soon…they would reassure one another of their good intensions” Now and then they spot the grieving person, really sad and in no mood to join the jollification – “I wonder what’s with him?” they would say in a whispery voice, while nodding their heads in the direction of the grieving person

    3. The world is moving along in sensuousness and jollification, apparently satisfied and happy, and opposite to them, we are sacrificing, chastising ourselves, applying strict discipline to our daily walk, struggling against the natural propensities of the flesh, and educating our conscience token perceptions of evil—finding ourselves struggling against a mighty foe, that when we would do good evil is present with us

    4. The facts are these: about four o’clock on Christmas morning, Peterson, who, as you know, is a very honest fellow, was returning from some small jollification and was making his way homeward down Tottenham Court Road

    5. The mood changed, indeed, by the time they reached the crowded portion of the board walk, for it was not Merrington’s nature to keep silence long in the midst of jollification, and the Saturday night spirit was abroad

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    conviviality jollification merrymaking