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judiciary Beispielsätze
1. The dogs flew to the right and to the left, up and down the aisles and rows, savaging all of the dignitaries with their massive fangs until there was nothing left of the government ministers, the judiciary and upper echelons of the police service but rags and bones
2. judiciary and upper echelons of the police service but rags and
3. This means that, just as the Congress can pass no law on religion, the President can neither issue an Executive Order nor sign a treaty that would have any effect on religion, and the Judiciary can issue no decisions respecting religion
4. It means Israel, the only state in the region that meets the president"s criteria for „self-determination," – an honest judiciary; an independent media; credible political parties; free and fair elections – must now negotiate its fate with those who want none of the above things
5. Thus, Senator Leahy, in his capacity as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, saw fit to kill a bill that had been passed unanimously by the House
6. That said, I disagree wholeheartedly with Alexander Hamilton"s claim in the Federalist Papers that the judiciary would be the least dangerous branch
7. He depends on the old liberal mantra that times have changed, and since our Founders could not know about the advancements of the present era, the Constitution must remain pliable or, as Thomas Jefferson warned in 1819, „…a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary which they may twist and shape into any form they please
8. kind of judiciary system was invented
9. He said he just wants the opportunity, but his lawyer contends that someone in the judiciary is messing with him and that’s why he’s still locked up
10. Indirectly, it eliminates most of the illicit act that involves the anonymity of the money, as well as it eliminates the disputes for heritages or definitive possessions of properties and mainly it disentangles the judiciary sector of the immensity of juridical process that involves the money as villain
11. Congress, however, in the Judiciary Act of 1787, had granted to the Supreme Court the additional original jurisdiction to issue such writs as Marbury requested
12. A harbinger of the ruthless and radical Democratic Party to come has been its treatment of Republican appointees to public office, especially the judiciary, when they have come before the U
13. Judicial impartiality is a threat to the very purpose of Democratic Senators, who do not believe in the constitutional purpose of an impartial judiciary
14. They have conducted a vigorous and all-embracing investigation of Republican campaign practices but have ignored Howard Hughes’ alleged contribution to Humphrey, corporate and union funds ear-marked for Democrats, the “surveillance” of Agnew during the 1968 campaign, the planting of a Democratic spy in the Goldwater headquarters in 1964, the allegedly fraudulent election returns from Texas and Illinois in 1960 and the conflict of interest of 19 members of the Judiciary Committee looking into the impeachment, though they have been at the receiving end of funds from the AFL-CIO which has taken a position in favor of impeachment before the evidence was in
15. In addition, the absence of substantial evidence linking Nixon to Watergate as recently claimed by Senator Ervin in Cleveland and Wilbur Mills on TV has prompted the majority of the Judiciary Committee to lay claim to authority not granted them by the Constitution, that is to impeach the President for other than constitutional grounds
16. I recently told my wife that I thought the most corrupt professions in America, as we enter the 21st Century, are the media (journalism) and the judiciary (the lawyer level through the courts) --- running side by side with politics
17. During Judge Bork’s confirmation hearings in a Democrat dominated Senate Judiciary Committee hearing where he was crucified by the Democrats, only a few whimpers
18. are members of the judiciary who follow this philosophy
19. Unfortunately for the Democratic Party, a formal request for censure by a House member had, according to the constitution, to go either to the House Judiciary Committee or to the House Ways and Means Committee, which would then decide if the charges were valid
20. The President undertook to invite other colleagues outside Government, in the military and the judiciary and so on, who now found themselves in a similar position, to join them in this scheme
21. An independent judiciary is one of the foundations upon which
22. of the media and judiciary remains intact
23. the dependence of the judiciary
24. Seems to me that the fundamental difference is that the Abu Qatada decision was made by the judiciary, whereas the Abdulaziz decision was made by politicians
25. Nor does the UK government in his situation; their ability to influence the UK and European judiciary on human rights legislation appears to be non-existent
26. (The administrative functions of the judiciary will be done by a department that is headed by a Director-General appointed by the Parliament of Namibia
27. While the false proposition might help massage the long nursed Hindu hurt by rationalizing their defeatist past, the minorities grab it as a tactical stick to beat Hindutva with that is regardless of its endorsement by the highest judiciary of the land
28. The judiciary for stability and credibility
29. Then the question can turn as to whether this should be determined through the legislative process or determined by the judiciary as an ever-expanding right via a flexible, living Constitution
30. implementation of such a resolution would obviously be a matter not just for the executive branch, which supported it, but for Congress and the judiciary as well
31. Both the local police and Provincial judiciary are involved and they are implicating my entire family in these new developments
32. Finally, on April 8th, the judiciary
33. This being as it is, it is clear that this ape speaks by the spirit of the devil; and I am astonished they have not denounced him to the Holy Office, and put him to the question, and forced it out of him by whose virtue it is that he divines; because it is certain this ape is not an astrologer; neither his master nor he sets up, or knows how to set up, those figures they call judiciary, which are now so common in Spain that there is not a jade, or page, or old cobbler, that will not undertake to set up a figure as readily as pick up a knave of cards from the ground, bringing to nought the marvellous truth of the science by their lies and ignorance
34. 7 It is a crushing defeat for the president, made all the worse three days later, when the House Judiciary Committee files three articles of impeachment against him
35. After hearings lasting less than two hours without a word of criticism, the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously recommended Burger’s confirmation to the Senate
36. The Senate Ervin committee, the House Judiciary Committee investigating possible impeachment, the Watergate special prosecutor, the media and the public might have grown tired of Watergate and turned to other matters
37. A year after he disclosed the taping system, Butterfield was called before the House Judiciary Committee investigating the impeachment of Nixon
38. Under oath Butterfield told the House Judiciary Committee that Haldeman had initially approached him for the White House job out of the blue
39. A year after he disclosed: The full text of Butterfield’s July 2, 1974, testimony before the Judiciary Committee is available at http://Watergate
40. I wish now I had expressed my views promptly, for as a member of the Judiciary, I conclude I have a right to do so on a matter so significantly involving the courts
41. But my father kept a low profile during most of the Judiciary Committee hearings, and when he did speak up in the Senate some of his longtime colleagues—including Arlen Specter and Orrin Hatch—called him out, suggesting he was hardly one to be accusing another of bad behavior
42. A WEEK LATER, I got a call from the staff of the Senate Judiciary Committee saying that Senator Richard Blumenthal from Connecticut wanted to hold hearings on the absurdly long delays in issuing federal rules
43. There is a common belief among many stockholders, lawyers, and much of the judiciary that stock market prices are the one realistic measure of value, and that the only way to tell how an investor is doing is by valuing his securities portfolio from time to time, even daily, based on stock market prices
44. Carl Ferris had been consolidating his power in the Senate since she was in college, finally rising to the chairmanship of the Judiciary Committee
45. “Carl asked to be here, and I thought it wouldn’t hurt to have the Judiciary Committee’s input
46. There was no love lost -between him and the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, but Ferris was a powerful man and he couldn’t be ignored
47. He said he had certainly no objection to inquire, though he conceived that prosecutions at common law and under the sedition law were essentially different; because, supposing the Congress of the United States to pass such a law, the courts of the United States might take cognizance of it; but, without such a law, it did not belong to the judiciary to extend its care to the protection of the Government from slander
48. To undertake jurisdiction on questions of property is taking upon ourselves the functions of another department of the Judiciary
49. If they did not, if they heard opinions on both sides, they converted this House into a judiciary tribunal
50. said he had no more desire to interfere with the judiciary than either of the gentlemen who had spoken