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    jurors Beispielsätze


    1. become unbearably hot, and many of the jurors were

    2. It’s my turn to be one of the jurors

    3. the leaders of our ten foremost families who serve on the council and rotate as jurors

    4. But she hadn’t known that one of the jurors was closely related to the victim

    5. “Evander says, ‘I’ve bedded hundreds of women in my life,” Nerissa told the jurors as

    6. The jurors would never consider it a just

    7. The twelve jurors were all writing very busily on slates

    8. One of the jurors had a pencil that squeaked

    9. A rather depressed figure sat in the dock and showed no emotion as the statements were read out, Harry didn’t care anymore whether the Jurors were concerned by his passive stance as they stared intently upon him from time to time

    10. [a] house at different places,” the justice said before sending the jurors

    11. Jurors ruled that Paxil was the cause of the heart

    12. Henceforward the impressions of judges and jurors were to decide the fate of the accused

    13. The next witness was Yngvild's cousin, Tone, who told the crowd of jurors much the same as Siv

    14. He’d become a self-declared tube guy before eying up jurors in practice

    15. Nine by six jurors cast for indictment as they deemed there was sufficient evidence to warrant trial

    16. Her description of the fear Faye had felt lent humanity and an additional dimension to the faceless victim that enabled the jurors to relate to her very real problems and life

    17. There are even jurors so dumb as to think that they’re evening scores with doctors and big companies by awarding huge rewards to plaintiffs

    18. Jurors should be free to ask questions, yet they aren’t even allowed to take notes in many jurisdictions

    19. The jurors will be asked to believe that a fifteen-year-old girl would somehow divulge such an intimate secret to a seven-year-old boy

    20. to address them as a lawyer speaking to jurors sitting in the juror box

    21. it, not the way that 8 detached jurors would see it

    22. Attorneys often explain the standard by telling jurors they just need to prove their case by 51 percent, which is well short of the reasonable doubt standard that we’ve all seen in television 36

    23. With the instructions read to the jurors, the jurors filed out into

    24. “Do I need to bring in a television and show these fine jurors exactly what it is you do for a living?”

    25. Judge Pomeroy, who had been following the progress of the case attentively, threw another bombshell when he announced that he would direct that the names of the jurors be kept secret until it was absolutely necessary to disclose them, a most unusual proceeding designed to protect them from reprisals of gangmen

    26. As Judge Pomeroy faced them and asked the usual question, the spectators hung, breathless, on the words of the foreman as the jurors stood up silently in their places

    27. Actually Olin was thinking that the carpenter Clive Johnson would vote for acquittal but that he needed more jurors to vote the same way

    28. Amaravati’s royal court they were duly accorded a formal hearing before public jurors

    29. He’d developed a habit for surviving the empty interval at the close of trials between when jurors trudged from the courtroom to begin deliberating and the moment they marched back in, ready to announce their verdict

    30. “And now, what do you believe now?” Reuben asked, drawn into his story as he’d drawn so many hundreds of jurors into his way of seeing the facts of a case

    31. THE JURORS: (All their heads turned to his voice) Really?

    32. THE JURORS: (All their heads lowered in assent) Most of us thought as much

    33. Aaron Appletree, one of the jurors, said: “David Johns inherited from his father when he was eighteen

    34. She noticed David Johns speaking emphatically to one of the jurors, Aaron Appletree

    35. Aaron Appletree conferred briefly with his fellow jurors, then said: “Wulfric ’s request is modest and reasonable

    36. Fifteen sets of eyes—twelve jurors and three alternates—are fixed on the prosecutor

    37. “Zachary Stern,” he says, and the jurors pop to attention again

    38. Noah shakes his head and locks eyes with the jurors

    39. It matters what twelve jurors think

    40. Yes, his lawyer did a good job cross-examining Detective Murphy, but the jurors seemed to like her regardless, and their opinions are the only ones that matter

    41. He has to find some way to convince those jurors that he’s not the killer they think he is

    42. The men – jurors were never women, of course – had not flinched from indicting one of their own

    43. In fact the jurors had shown, by their questions, some distaste for what Ralph had done, and several had refused to shake his hand afterwards

    44. themselves as jurors and transact other business, such as paying their taxes or electing their Members of

    45. “The CO creates the court and picks the jurors

    46. He said “Good morning” to the jurors, looking like he could be the kid or grandkid of some of them: a polished, attractive young man with fire in his belly and blood in his eye

    47. Lewis indicated the site of the break for the jurors, turning so that they all got a good view of it

    48. He’d made a mistake, and now Dexter Lewis was a very happy little shit, because the jurors had seen him lose his temper

    49. RICK GLIMPSED THE faces of the jurors as Lewis took his seat

    50. “Lawsuits are hard to win down there because coal is king and a lot of jurors are sympathetic to the companies

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