"Don't need it," Herndon said, "these berries melt just as well and taste close enough to it
You could just as easily have a vigilante zombie killer as you could have a serial killer… you hadn’t thought of this?
The robots fired just as Vinnie ducked
‘I see - I think it would be just as well to let her see the gun in question, Inspector, so that she can identify it, don’t you?’ Mr Merrett suggested gently
Just as she takes care of her body, she takes even better care of her long, flaxen hair, combing it every morning and every night
Zinc: This exotic element is just as important as the top three (NPK) without which the plant would die
’ I said, feeling just as though I have woken up after a bad dream … all shaky and unsure of what is real and what is not
Compost: Composting is practiced today just as it was hundreds or thousands of years ago
I have to admit that he wasn’t overly bothered when she went away, so maybe it is just as well he didn’t propose, but all the same, it is worrying that he hasn’t settled down
My sister is just as likely to talk to you as me and just as likely to help you whether or not you hold me hostage
He is just as we saw him before, unconscious, dressed in hospital garb
towards the great sea of eternity, sailing towards his death just as he had always
The Trooper brings the joint up for another toke, just as John shoots him twice in the chest
Enoch is fishing just as he was before, just as if he had never left the place
Neither one of them could believe what the old pervert had just asked
union, until, just as they began the last violent thrusts of fire rimmed ardour, just as
Yeah, doostEr admitted to himself, but he'd be a lot less nervous and just as interested in the job if he'd showed him ten coppers
They do this just as other professionals do: engineers, architects,
‘Then its just as well my daughter wasn’t around at the time, or she might well have shared the same fate
She felt a moment of terror flood through her, but then, just as
Then they head up the street, just as Bolt scurries from the shop, muttering loudly to himself, face twitching
Just as without Jesus nothing was made that was made, nothing can
‘Yes … It was hell leaving everything behind as I did, but, just as the view from the top of a hill shows you what lies in the valley far more clearly than you can ever see when you are in the valley itself, it gave me a chance to analyse things … my emotions … recent events … without all the clutter
Could have just as easily been
I'll confess that when you refused that bit of work I offered you that I did take things into my own hands, just as I said I would
‘I had one of those phone calls just as I was going to bed
An annoying nasal voice gives the call to noon prayer just as Terry Bolt - decked out in traditional garb -
Just as it
He exits the souk just as a Nissan truck pulls up with a bed full of young Arab men chattering happily and laughing in the back
Bolt looks up at the top of a hill just as Ahmed’s 747 appears over the hilltop, roars past overhead on its way to landing just a few hundred yards away
diseases took a step back, just as they stepped away in the presence of Jesus
He turns his attention back to the 747 just as it
just as the crow flies towards a departing soul
"Just as the whales had done," the bartender said
He SHOUTS, his sleeping comrade jumps up, straightens his uniform and the pair snap to attention just as the convoy arrives, its fluttering Arababian flags indicating a royal motorcade
‘Just as well you were there, then
These prayers concern us just as much as they
God gave you the authority in your life just as He gave the authority
She was confident that once he was actually running, he would be just as quick as she was to refuse to go back out
Of course I didn't tell Sam that our team was probably doing just as much
swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you,
The teams were just assembling
He pulled over immediately and ran over to her car just as flames started coming from the back of the vehicle
He had his back to me as I walked in and the tattoo on the back of his neck was right there to be seen, just as it was the night before when he was smashing our home to bits
just as he was
He opened his mouth ready to shout her down and just as the words found his lips, the bus gave a great jerk forward, whiplashing Keogh in his seat and aborting his outburst
They weren’t interested in me for myself, just as a brood mare
Just as Moses led those under his charge, elders today must do the same
lead to a loose philosophy that advocated, “One is just as good as another
Just as I had done with my own family, I tended to keep people at arms length, invariably watching human relationships unfold as if I were standing beyond a pane of glass, but here I was almost drifting into fantasy about one of my jailers
‘The women suffer just as badly with some of the lads
That which is here taught implicitly is just as true as is that which is taught explicitly
Just as I started to get the image into some sort of focus, at the critical moment when I started to remember details about the garden, their clothes and the house, right then the truck would bounce or shake over rough English roads, and these carefully assembled pieces of the picture puzzle would break and scatter
" I counter Seth's disdain with, yet again, more of my own, "And you know just as well as I do where he went and there's nothing we can do about it
But I also know she went through the same Program my mother did, and she could block me out just as easily
I swallow hard and follow him through the hallway into the room, trying to work out if he’s angry or just ashamed of me
He concluded that within the universe he was encapsulated in, there was no store of five thousand frozen zygotes, just as there was no heaven of five thousand mothers
I shuffled backwards on my arse, scrabbling to put distance between myself and the door, which slammed open just as I had imagined it would
Using just as much theatrics, Moamar read the long list of charges, the council shouted 'witness' on cue in unison if not quite on key, and then Moamar shouted 'GUILTY' and that was about the extent of it
What would I have done in this or that situation? How would I react if I found myself facing similar choices? Would I have been as bold as Menachem and entered into a passionate affair with an English woman, a civil servant, just as he had done? Would I have dared to chase a French politician through the streets of Paris to ask that one final question, a question that resulted in Aban spending three days in a French gaol?
He knew she was accessible on the native data system, just as he was
Antonia says one more thing to him before vanishing from the wall, "Well, if you change your mind or need anything, like food or water, just ask for it and it will appear on the table
The effect was just as he wished it to be today
The road stretched out before him, long and dark and shining, just as the crow flies towards a departing soul
Just as it was a statement of the hardness of Israel’s hearts, so too it is a statement of our own rejection of God
That was almost as hard to comprehend as electric ghosts and she was afraid she would find something just as disturbing if she pursued it
I love you just as much now as I did before you started trying to break up with me
I told you that and I told you I love you just as much in spite of the culture you're from
Life is just as simple as it looks
This creature, as broken down and shattered as it appeared to be, was a living man, a thing of flesh and blood, just as he was
I look around and I can’t help but think that the Church needs to be delivered from Babylon just as much as Israel
Just as the fall was bigger, the salvation is bigger
would probably be just as good a hiding place as the barn would
One day, just as the weather got warmer, there was a hive of
“Ah yes, just as I thought
The second messenger bird appeared just as she was folding this up and stowing it in her pocket
They both turned and just as they started to wade back to the
Just as she was leaving the cave Steve came in
Just as Marshall had come around
“You’re just as stubborn as I am,” she told him, and he just grinned at her and headed for the drivers side, “and I suppose you want to drive too?” she said handing him the keys
Just as long as nofolk
house but just as comfortable” said Fred
Just as Jesus was resurrected and thus given a name above every name – including the name of the Father – we are resurrected and brought into unity in such a way with God and man, flesh and Spirit, Israel and Church, man and woman, black and white, cross-national, and any other distinction or separation that God then exults us as He exulted Christ
I knew that you needed her just as much as she needed you
And when he reached his orgasm your name was revealed to him, just as your dreams predicted
“Lardyme stand on the back just as you did yesterday
of Buttercup, just as they did for the folk of Churchup when they
The girls were just as frozen as he was
She came to us this morning just as we were preparing to leave for the eggs
This was just aswell as the sound of a helicopter
Immediately Alan and Luray both had to jump to snatch Desa from the water just as another tentacle snapped like a whip in front of her face, missing a purchase on her throat by inches
The next morning just as they were finishing up breakfast, Becky jumped up and shouted, “He’s here! Gotta go!” and rushed out of the Hall
She was a bit plush and her dark hair was straight, but she was pleasant enough and he would just as soon have her as a bedmate and skip the club scene
And she did it willingly, just as Michael did
just as I will have to understand that the rush of life
I closed my eyes and tried to look forward to this unexpected visit to the city of cities but just as Prometheus opened up with some hot tips on the nightspots of Sophia, I was brought to my senses by a sensuous vibration from deep within my trouser pocket
It need not be a very large potato as apparently the smaller ones work just as efficiently and I must say more conveniently
“You have all been chosen, just as we were, to be a part of that force
Snot came streaming from my nose just as the sun worshipper went jogging by so I leaned forward snorting it into my hand as though that's what all us well-mannered divers did