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    just yet

    1. The NatSurv had no further information on Leonora just yet

    2. the villagers would want a new Alderfolk, but not just yet

    3. We agreed that we wouldn’t say anything to the others about him just yet

    4. “Don’t tell the others where he is just yet

    5. “It’s beautiful, you’re beautiful,” he told her in a deep voice facing the window, he couldn’t turn around just yet

    6. "Try me," Thom said, trying to sound unaffected, but not wanting to show his med panel just yet

    7. “I’m glad you share our concern for the future of the Nevermore Forest, but don’t be all doom-and-gloom just yet, Matt

    8. “Don’t get mushy just yet

    9. I don’t know just yet, maybe it is me being angry and frustrated that is playing tricks on my mind? After all I am in a lower state of consciousness

    10. There were no wagons in sight just yet

    11. Darniil even started liking Zarko a little bit; something he wouldn’t say out loud just yet

    12. “Curious feeling to say the least!” she said aloud, but added to Jista and Elenir, “Don't quit your day jobs just yet

    13. “I am afraid that we can’t let you go just yet as those shrapnel wounds are taking longer to heal than we thought but you should be able to leave us by about October then you will be ready for duty

    14. I couldn’t bring myself to knock at least not just yet too may things were turning over in my head I had some money in my pocket and so I decide to head to the Intack inn and see if anyone I knew was there on leave

    15. Rosemary was thinking that she didn't want to get out of the car just yet, enjoying Frank's company, but not sure what to do about it, whether to show it or not

    16. So don't throw out the mouthwash just yet

    17. You won’t be seeing me anywhere near that ring just yet

    18. He did not want to tell them about his new lady love just yet

    19. With that, the two friends left me to run the shop, Roy again reminding me to watch out for myself, that it might not be safe out there just yet

    20. I wasn"t certain just yet how reliable what the old cop would give us might be

    21. “No, I can’t just yet, thanks anyhow,” she responded, although her mind had already spun into overdrive and the floor seemed to have dropped out from under: needing to wait for a pass was a lie

    22. “I didn’t have time to decode it just yet

    23. ‘I can’t turn just yet,' said Trevor

    24. Rory still had not said a word just yet; he only spoke with his eyes and with his poppin’

    25. I had first smelled 420 at the roller rink back when I was in the 5th grade but I didn’t know what the smell was just yet

    26. I didn’t see my old man’s car just yet, so I paced around

    27. I can’t really even call it a top rock just yet, he was just dancing, but he was circling around the cypher, staring down all of the Hip Hop Breakers- meanwhile some random spectator chick tapped me on my shoulder, and in an annoyingly chipper tone said, “Hey can you do the wave? … Do the wave!” and if she wasn’t chipper enough, she picked up her chipperness and added, “… that’ll show them, do a wave, and then you guys will win,” she said with high eyebrows and an over bit-horse toothed smile while moving her arms like a cheerleader would have or maybe she was pop-wavin’

    28. We had all sorts of names for that move but not many breakers could rock ‘em just yet

    29. The soul hasn’t been located just yet

    30. She couldn’t bear to go back just yet to the one-room flat where nobody waited for her

    31. But don’t worry about that much just yet

    32. Yet he could not bring himself to, at least just yet

    33. However, we still had the clue that we had found in Venice, and I wasn’t quite ready to give up just yet

    34. I had contemplated taking her with me, although I would then have to explain everything to her which I am not ready to do just yet

    35. I could not afford to be distracted by a new project just yet

    36. I told him I thought he was too young to retire just yet

    37. Nobody was willing to interrogate Jack on his love life just yet

    38. I dont think that we have heard the last Of Allan Stewart- --- not just yet

    39. “You are far too young to worry about the matters of prophecies just yet my sweet Mallika”, after which he would end with a soft kiss on my cold forehead with his colder lips

    40. But the time of its end has not arrived just yet” my father spoke in his ever soothing voice

    41. I didn’t believe it wise to alter into my human form just yet, for all I knew TJ may have been harbouring a stake beneath her jumper right now, and I didn’t want to go into battle today with any bothersome nicks that my brothers could take advantage of

    42. I cared about him,” I said not wanting to meet Jesse’s stare just yet

    43. no, not just yet

    44. Ralph takes the pouch from his belt but does not let the emeralds go just yet

    45. Lorna was grateful for the slow pace as she did not, just yet, feel confident enough to go on a wild gallop

    46. Now after all had withdrawn and were resting themselves I said to the Shepherd "What is the reason that the building of the tower was not finished? The tower; he answered; cannot be finished just yet until the Lord of it come and examine the building in order that if any of the stones be found to be decayed he may change them: for the tower is built according to his pleasure

    47. she was a handful—meaning the backaches weren’t a thing of the past just yet

    48. I was still lying on the ground, not sure if I was ready to trust my legs just yet

    49. ” His sound trailing off, and he rips the patch from your neck, “We don’t want you dead just yet

    50. It isn’t the season for discounted terms just yet, no prices mounted below the billboards give the burden to the buyer

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