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    keep away from Beispielsätze

    keep away from

    1. Boric acid powder is an excellent, safe (do not ingest! Keep away from cuts, wear gloves) control of roaches inside the home if used correctly

    2. Keep away from the windows!”

    3. Suddenly, he could keep away from her no longer

    4. A big lone tom-cat stood to one side, watching the girls, growling low in its throat, warning them to keep away from their kill

    5. Giving Troy a quick glance, she wondered if he had in fact threatened Piers to keep away from her

    6. “Is that why you told him to keep away from me? Did you think he might harm me in some way?”

    7. 30 And note our sister is in your house, but keep away from her until we send to our father Isaac concerning this matter, for we can do nothing without his consent

    8. 30 And note our sister is in your house but keep away from her until we send to our father Isaac concerning this matter for we can do nothing without his consent

    9. We keep away from the mind-cypress

    10. Serve then that which has power namely faith and keep away from doubt which has no power and you will live to God

    11. As many then as are strong in the faith of the Lord and are clothed with truth have no connection with such spirits but keep away from them; but as many as are of doubtful minds and frequently repent betake themselves to soothsaying even as the heathen and bring greater sin on themselves by their idolatry

    12. When the war ended, she was going to keep away from olives and feta cheese for the rest of her life

    13. ‗Keep away from the main entrance and avoid school visitors,‘ warned the Principal, as Sebastian stuffed his shorts in his knapsack

    14. Those Indians are trouble; there are loads of them in Bow these days so you keep away from them

    15. keep away from those whom have struggled on a systemic plateau

    16. Harry Truman warned Stalin to keep away from the Japanese home islands, and the Soviet Dictator reluctantly agreed

    17. When she calmed down, she said, “I haven’t tried to do much to help you cos’ you didn’t seem to want it, but I can’t keep away from you and my grandkids

    18. In order to keep away from further tension and depression of Zulimistan people and further losses and destruction and deaths of our honorable respected valuable Zulimistan soldiers and innocent citizens we shall not let allow, in any cost, this ruling class to repeat the same practice

    19. They were pondering over possibility to compel government to stop all activities in progress in other countries and especially to keep away from fatal activities in Muslim countries and stop interference in other countries especially Muslim countries

    20. “Dear countrymen! I understand your emotional thoughts but please keep away from talking law in your hand and leave Mr

    21. He stil had to learn to keep away from her, especial y after a kil

    22. Keep away from your computer, by the way …”

    23. “Aloren,” she said to me, “you’ve got to keep away from him

    24. “Well, Raju was not dumb to read my mind and so he steered clear of my course; but what if he had chosen to embarrass me by sticking to me on purpose? Won’t it make a strategy to hurt the jealous and the conceited by imposing ourselves upon them, never mind they cold-shoulder us? Well, he was too good a soul to resort to such a foul; but shortly after Anand came back on transfer, when Ruma advised him to keep away from his poor friend with no future to name, I had a full grasp of the complexities of the trap into which I willy-nilly pushed her into; and so I began to worry about the possible fallout of her changed ethos on my life as well

    25. and as such had to keep away from women

    26. • We have always to keep away from the path of folly and vice

    27. By so doing, you will witness the evil that is folded within the devil’s insinuation, thus preventing you from following it and allowing yourself to keep away from it

    28. 2 Keep away from center aisles at the supermarket they

    29. Well, one thing has happened that will go a little way toward meeting new expenses,--I go down every day now and read English with Vicki, at the desire of her mother, for two hours, her mother having come to the conclusion that it is better to legalize, as it were, my relations with Vicki who flatly refused to keep away from us

    30. The other vampires kept a distance as they were warned by the warden to keep away from his prize

    31. information that you will find will be all over the place, with a variety of different opinions with some saying their way is the best, or to keep away from that way

    32. Ian had a pampered German Pointer called Hans which he adored and fussed over constantly and tried his utmost to keep away from Mai’s flea ridden posse

    33. � In this case, the child may lose a certain kind of childish joy, but the child has learned the power of good behavior and will keep away from inappropriate acts

    34. “They are quite intent on following you, and I’m surprised that you do not choose to stay here, so as to keep away from them,” Sithias said

    35. A fuel power boat will have less issues controlling than a sailing-boat, so fuel power boats must keep away from the following other vessels on the water:

    36. The highly effective treatment to deal with peanut allergy would be to keep away from peanuts altogether

    37. There are different triggers that can result in an allergy such as food, dust, pollen, honey or even fur and in such cases the best thing to do is to keep away from the triggers where possible

    38. It's a pity he wouldn't keep away from that Browne, because he's not a bad fellow, really

    39. It was they who had put her up to getting the certificate from the Coroner - they had been careful to keep away from the inquest themselves so as not to arouse Hunter's or Crass's suspicions

    40. And after I had sent them in, I could not keep away from the places where they were, but felt as if they were more hopeful and less desperate when I was near them

    41. Elil keep away from here

    42. He wondered whether to go and look for Hyzenthlay, but decided that it would be prudent to keep away from her

    43. Rabbits in flight tend to keep away from each other, and the does had opened out as they left the hole

    44. her to keep away from the children—they might any minute push against her

    45. ventured to observe, anxious to keep away from the subject of herself

    46. Potassium—Keep away from water

    47. He went to study in Paris with the determination that when he provincial home again he would settle in some provincial town as a general practitioner, and resist the irrational severance between medical and surgical knowledge in the interest of his own scientific pursuits, as well as of the general advance: he would keep away from the range of London intrigues, jealousies, and social truckling, and win celebrity, however slowly, as Jenner had done, by the independent value of his work

    48. As long as he can keep away from Forex he might be OK

    49. Long experience has demonstrated that the ordinary investor is wiser to keep away from such high-yield bonds

    50. In particular, keep away from ventures in which you have little to gain and much to lose

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