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    landing place Beispielsätze

    landing place

    1. It was light enough to see and the musing Indian peered through the moisture laden air searching for the three sentinel palm trees overhanging the landing place

    2. harbour wall to a landing place near the water

    3. be provided with an intermediate landing place or places so that the

    4. Quay: means a structure built parallel to the bank of a waterway for use as a landing place

    5. The tumult on the landing place, brought out a gentleman, who had recently

    6. the landing place of the stairs, into my bedchamber

    7. By 11:30 we had arrived at our landing place

    8. If survivors are being air-lifted out it may be necessary to prepare a landing place for aircraft or helicopters—so suitable locations are described and the precautions you should take in the presence of a helicopter

    9. In close country a river bank on a large bend is often the best natural landing place (LP)

    10. If a landing place is out of the question you can be lifted from the ground while the helicopter hovers

    11. It is important to indicate the direction and strength of the wind at the landing place so that the pilot can select the best approach, and keep the aircraft stable while carrying out the rescue

    12. The helicopter will itself have powerful lights by which the landing or lift off of survivors can take place but you will need lights to bring the pilot in to the landing place

    13. Two days later the pair had met once more at the landing place of one of the small Neva ferry steamers

    14. Cleeve took up the oars and rowed rapidly to the landing place

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