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    large amount Beispielsätze

    large amount

    1. ~ Avoid breakfasts containing large amounts of sugar as it give an initial energy boost, but leaves one feeling drowsy within a few hours

    2. German archaeologists and historians have long speculated over a large amount of deaths in the area dated from the 12th century

    3. oh, you idiot, Sarah, if she is hourly paid the money will vary! The deposit account looks fairly healthy … large amounts going out and scribbled notes indicating various building works …

    4. reactions no different than the feeling one gets when eating large amounts of

    5. “I don’t eat large amounts of chocolate and I’m not much for the

    6. I have to dispose of a large amount of scrap

    7. He fronted Hankins a large amount of crack, even though she had no idea what "fronting" was

    8. me were stuffing themselves with large amounts of food

    9. large amount of goods that were also transported

    10. Consuming large amounts of these low nutrient and high

    11. Corrosion of the second type is also caused by magnesium salts, often presents in large amount in underground and sea water (15

    12. He squirted a large amount of the clear liquid on the acid and brushed both liquids onto the ground

    13. Still, even now, he’d not stake such a large amount on a single number

    14. Coming from a Jewish household she was used to cooking for large amounts of people as most of the Jewish religious ceremonies and festivals involved copious amounts of food and people, but she created complete havoc in the kitchen using every pot and covering every work surface as she went

    15. Any numbers derived from native sources are to be looked on with suspicion; for they have no true idea of numeration, the word “many'' being used for all large amounts, and may as equally signify hundreds as thousands

    16. When we found a grocery store, we bought large amounts of food to cover for every eventuality

    17. In it the writer confesses he controls a large amount of money which he is willing to share with you! A total stranger who just happen to be that lucky to inherit or be chosen by this important man! But unfortunately he needs your account and a few thousand dollars (or less) to access the money he professed to control

    18. Karla was stunned, wavering between awe and disbelief that someone could turn their back on such a large amount of money, just toss it away like a piece of trash

    19. He sighed, wondering what his old friend might be up to these days, and why, after all this time, he’d suddenly decided to withdraw a large amount of cash from the account

    20. She received a large amount of money for her endeavor

    21. MBA and a large amount of

    22. Accepting drug trafficking as part of the scenario fit perfectly with the large amounts of money involved

    23. Gilcomston South held detailed and courteous discussions with Aberdeen Presbytery and, at least in the meantime, the recently formed independent congregation of Gilcomston Church will lease their Union Street building (on which they too have spent large amounts of money) from the Church of Scotland

    24. Although the loss of committed congregations of the calibre of St George’s Tron, Gilcomston South and Holyrood Abbey is a very real loss and should certainly not be underestimated – not least for the large amounts of money that these congregations have paid into the Kirk’s central funds – their withdrawal does not compare proportionately to those who “went out” at the time of the Disruption

    25. He decided he would not exchange the fairly large amount of cash he was currently holding, although he did stand in line with the other men of Company A and hand over $27

    26. The large amounts of open land needed by semi-nomadic, shepherding societies have been periodically challenged by the needs of settled largely agricultural entities, for the exclusive use of the lands immediately surrounding the semi-permanent habitations afforded by this newer way of life

    27. It would most likely have carried large amounts of silt and other debris, depositing it upon the flooded lower reaches of the twin rivers, but washing much of it into the gulf where it would have extended the delta lands ever farther from its ancient beginnings somewhere just south east of Ur, in the land of Sumer (Babylonia, Akkad of old)

    28. It had absolutely not appreciated the large amount of wine followed by a run the next morning

    29. they were met with a large amount of rainwater, they backed up

    30. This in turn built a large number of false threats in his survival system and a large amount of faulty behaviors

    31. This seems to be happening because during the process, the mind engages the brain in a silent huge update, reconstructing a large amount of data, which are my behaviors

    32. This produces a large amount of stress, anxiety, and depression in our current society

    33. In our first round we certainly switched off a large amount of fake ‘dangers’ in your list of unsafe items

    34. users to share large amount of text with multimedia uploads

    35. In this same way, just a small negative action can bring a large amount of suffering if it is not purified

    36. “A large amount of the water that we are pumping into the reactors to cool

    37. swallowed a large amount of foul tasting water as he headed back

    38. Avoid eating foods with large amounts of

    39. stuffing themselves with foods that have large amounts of saturated fats

    40. Thus, a large amount of cultural variety and convenience for entertainment await the visitor

    41. large amounts it agreed to pay in settlements and several studies which have linked

    42. of a large amount of texts

    43. Both are acquired in large amounts and without

    44. In large amount

    45. Is a large amount

    46. time soon without a very large amount of money

    47. was not a very large amount, she was anticipating

    48. I was to own a good percentage of the company with Chris’ help and also Granddad was giving me most of his priorities around the world including the hotel we just spent the week in and I was also to inherit a large amounts of stocks and shares in different businesses and on top of that an endless bank account

    49. “Well they will all get a large amount of in-heritage in their bank accounts when I’m gone but they don’t need anything else, they have everything they need

    50. The man, who now introduced himself as Ezra, answered, “What little we were able to glean from them before we left, snatches of conversations and the like, was that a very large amount of water had swept through the lowest part of the desert somewhere north of here, moving sand and leaving debris to show where it had gone

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