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    1. Tibetan spiritual leader and Nobel Peace Laureate, Dalai Lama has once made a simple but profound statement about his religion –

    2. The worst of the lot, without question, in Mathews House was David Stigler, who thought that his shit did not stink because his father, a Nobel laureate in Economics, taught across the Midway at the GBS

    3. Eugene Wigner (the 1963 Nobel Laureate for Physics) exclaims in disbelief, ‘The enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious and there is no rational explanation for it

    4. Everyone held their breath to hear whose name would arrive from his mouth, and froze with astonishment when he said, “Noble laureate, mmm

    5. Sharpe, a Nobel laureate and a typical efficient market believer, stated in his book Investments: that if you can assume an efficient market, “every security price equals its investment value at all times

    6. Sharpe, a Nobel laureate and a typical efficient-market believer, stated in the third edition of his book Investments that if you assume an efficient market, “every security’s price equals its investment value at all times”

    7. Bethink thee of the albatross, whence come those clouds of spiritual wonderment and pale dread, in which that white phantom sails in all imaginations? Not Coleridge first threw that spell; but God's great, unflattering laureate, Nature

    1. In his study for the Department of Labor, conducted with two other professors, one of whom was trained by two Nobel laureates, Babbel compared TDFs to stable value funds

    2. From Nobel laureates like Robert Schiller and Harry Markowitz to Dan Ariely (MIT) and the tandem of Shlomo Benartzi and Richard Thaler, whose Save More Tomorrow allows individuals to get around the cognitive and emotional limitations that most human beings find themselves entrapped by

    3. It’s a simple way of investing in low-cost funds that is recommended by Nobel laureates, billionaire investors such as Warren Buffett, and most academics

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