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    lean against Beispielsätze

    lean against

    1. I lean against the cupboards, half my brain trying to catch up

    2. I lean against him comfortably, and he stretches his legs out parallel with the sofa

    3. Weakly, I lean against the wall

    4. I lean against him and fall apart

    5. He’s very close … his hands on my shoulders holding the jacket in place and, to my surprise, it’s very easy to lean against him

    6. I lean against him; he puts one arm round my shoulders

    7. He stands quickly and wraps his arms around me as I lean against him

    8. Out of breath, Bex and the boys lean against one of the pillars supporting the mezzanine floor above the main room

    9. He let her lean against him and lay her head on his shoulder

    10. He followed a minute later, stretching his arm above her to lean against the barn door

    11. We never got to toboggan but we did get healthy exercise walking up hills and down dale, and I can vouch how heavy that ladder was, it was the one father used to lean against the tall pear tree to pick the fruit from, his Great Grandfather had planted all those years ago

    12. ” He uncrossed his legs, came out of his lean against the racks as he uncrossed his arms,

    13. The world and all its horrors and complications fell away, and there was only him, his body, long and lean against mine, his mouth over mine, laying claim to it like he had laid claim to my body and my life

    14. Whenever it was time for affection, she would come and lean against the person she had singled out

    15. ” She moved to lean against him, her breasts pressing against his chest

    16. I sprint down the hallway and into the bathroom and lean against the door, breathing hard

    17. I have to lean against Uriah to keep from falling over

    18. It blows so hard I have to lean against Four to stay on my feet

    19. I lean against the wall, my eyes on the floor

    20. I lean against the wall

    21. When she releases me, I fall to the sidewalk and lean against the metal school gate

    22. Leora walked alongside Morgan, him helping her with an arm around her waist and a strong form to lean against for support, since her body was still working to get rid of the poison that had been fed into it

    23. He found an overhang that sheltered them from the worst of the blizzard and told Lorna to sit down and lean against the rocks

    24. She let her head lean against his chest, listening to his heartbeat

    25. could do was lean against a tree, feeling bloated and sick to my

    26. Mel woke early like usual and brought his coffee outside to lean against the railing

    27. but my hands started to shake and I had to lean against the

    28. tightened about her, and she had no choice but to lean against him

    29. Suddenly I realised how my physics teacher must have felt when I used to lean against him while he checked my workbook

    30. ” You sit down on the floor and lean against a large plush lounge chair

    31. Ted told me to lean against one side, and Andy the other

    32. Sitting was not the position Jarek wanted to be in—he needed to squat, so while Zeno was being hauled up he managed to stand and lean against the wall, head throbbing, eyes watering, cold anger stirring his guts

    33. Each step depleted her body of much needed oxygen, and by the time they reached the third floor she had to lean against the wall to catch her breath

    34. The sound of heavy footsteps from the hallway made her turn around in time to see Angela stop and lean against the wall

    35. The spit in my throat dried up, but I was pleased that I could scoot the paper back toward Ling Mai and lean against my chair, acting as if I read death threats daily

    36. She suddenly felt dizzy and had to momentarily lean against a wall


    38. Now she actually needed a pillow in her back to lean against the armrest, but we both pretended not to notice

    39. This forced other chieftains and their families to sit in the aisles or lean against the walls along the back and the sides of the room

    40. Marcus puzzled looks down the edge of the hallway at Diane D as he continues to lean against the wall

    41. Scott and Kenny run across the street behind a different building! They lean against the brick wall of the other building out of breath! Scott turns to Kenny and says, “My God! She was really trying to get us!”

    42. Or stretch the legs at full length and lean against a wall or pillow

    43. She had only intended to lean against Tam and rest her head on his shoulder, but was soon out like a light

    44. She placed the other pillows behind her head, so she could comfortably lean against the van’s window

    45. The task proved beyond him, and he found himself forced to move himself backwards to lean against the door, obliging Louise to follow his movements, but like she was auditioning to play the seven dwarfs, except with Sam’s rod where the microphone would be

    46. Rudy stops to lean against a wall with his hands on his knees, breathing heavier

    47. I lean against the wall for support

    48. Whenever you can, lean against a wall with your hands flattened against the

    49. Resting his hand gently on hers, he reached to pull her closer to him, to smell her hair, to feel her lean against his chest

    50. man to lean against the car as Mick tended the lady, a crowd

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