Verwenden Sie „legitimize“ in einem Satz
legitimize Beispielsätze
1. assemblies, then that would legitimize the places of
2. Not only do they legitimize Bush as resident of the White House one more time, but they constitute a mandate for his administration because of its historic significance
3. So, the 2000 Florida chad debacle notwithstanding, the benefits of voting would in almost all cases be smaller than the costs…I think people only vote to legitimize their complaining later on!” Charles chuckled, “But, yes, since the voter can be more potent, have a real say in what will happen after the winner takes office, I think voter turnout would be likely to jump pretty dramatically
4. As it stands now, the only majority the Civil War insurgents need to legitimize their work, however ghastly it comes to be, is a majority of five, and the snap of a gavel
5. “They also try to portray a strong nationalistic bent in an attempt to legitimize their criminal activities
6. Further, to legitimize Ocean’s production records, Atlantic issued ‘cheques of trust’ for the job work charges that Ocean encashed in Punjab National Bank
7. Now I just had to save it and legitimize over a few years!!
8. I now started to begin to legitimize my funds and started a paper business
9. The Lord despises this perverted attempt to legitimize these
10. To further legitimize the education you are about to receive,
11. classification system to legitimize the communication skills they’ve learned from infancy, and continue to learn through everyday communication
12. authority of our official history, and legitimize the histories of those
13. Was this to legitimize an influx of Chinese through the illegal immigration corridor from neighbouring Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique?
14. But left unspoken, unseen, the words that legitimize horrors one prefers not to face allow those soul-searing views of hell on earth to fade back into the mists of selective memory
15. In these, my memoirs of the then just-beginning PHE (post-human era, as historians now legitimize it), I can admit to such frailty
16. A point that came to my mind was that the media there is controlled by big corporations that have a lot to gain from Western neo-imperialist dominance (of which Muslim countries like Iraq have recently borne the brunt[134], and generating apathy, if not hatred, for Muslims, helps legitimize the same as also excesses in Afghanistan), as John Perkins has pointed out in his classic book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (which is indeed a must-read)
17. But he can legitimize you, from his father's side he is still a descendant of a previous Sultan, and his mother is a foreign princess
18. The end justifies the mean: is merely a backwards, selective, rationalization that all the winners of history have used to legitimize their use of power; by claiming that they were on the right side: might makes right
19. legitimize the untraceable name Jesus, by belatedly using an “e” instead of an “a” because there is an
20. But what can be their aim? To legitimize the child, to compromise me, and prevent a divorce,’ he thought
21. He wants first of all to legitimize his daughter, and to be your husband, to have a legal right to you
1. Sure Calvin said he would take the fall for everyone, and he and his puppet Shen had made it seem like Intel Wing legitimized Calvin's mutiny, but
2. For over 1,800 years, in my name they legitimized
3. glorified, legitimized, fostered and perpetuated greed of all sorts
4. Is it Legitimized to Eat Fish without Slaughtering them Pronouncing the Name of Al’lah over them??
5. Yet it is legitimized to eat fish even if Al’lah’s Name was not pronounced over them, because they contain a very little amount of blood, and when death (suffocating), it gathers in the head (inside the gills) and intestines which are usually thrown when eating fish
6. A man may ask: how has it been legitimized for the constrained one to eat from the forbidden food mentioned in the verses… (Carrion, blood, the meat of swine, a slaughtered animal over which Al’lah’s Name was not pronounced…)?!
7. Thus, the slaughter associated with pronouncing the Name of Al’lah is an essential condition for hunting and every hunt lacks this basic condition is unlawful consequently the prey is not more than carrion or what is like of what is not legitimized
8. Payday loans, casinos, and all legal forms of gambling allowed the cash to be legitimized, including paying income tax on the profits
9. “But what about cooperative, crowd sourced solution games?” he offered a defense of his vocation against the secret security state, but was unaware that that also legitimized it
10. glorified and legitimized the ‘warriors of Christ,’ turning
11. This was going to be the only way he could get his mining claim legitimized in his name and successfully handed over to his children
12. By performing the ritual of washing his hands in the trial against Jesus: the most loving, kindest Jew in Judea: he absolved himself of his death By doing this in public: Pontius Pilate legitimized the personal absolution of responsibility and guilt…He legitimized the washing of hands as a ritual way to absolve oneself of all responsibility and guilt: with the full knowledge of knowing what he should have done, and did not do: which was throw the entire case against Jesus out of his court
13. He had legitimized the lot upon his deathbed; not only the Great Bastards like Bloodraven, Bittersteel, and Daemon Blackfyre, whose mothers had been ladies, but even the lesser ones he’d fathered on whores and tavern wenches, merchant’s daughters, mummer’s maidens, and every pretty peasant girl who chanced to catch his eye
14. But Weber said he’d never had a visit from cops before, and meeting in his office had legitimized his purpose and his Web site beyond his expectations
15. The agonizing feeling of humiliation from the consciousness that I could desire anything so shameful as the change of ray surname by being legitimized, this treachery to my whole childhood, all this in one flash shattered my previous mood, and all ray joyiulness was dissipated like smoke
1. also legitimizes you by showing that you have a vast online presence
2. If he has not enough money to buy his need of meat, or he is living in a land where there are neither meat nor animals lawful to eat “cows, sheep, fowls,” in such case, the Almighty legitimizes him hunting
3. It legitimizes the undesirable behavior
1. He asked that they reveal that it was actually Renem who was king, and that Renem swear the oath upon the stone, thus legitimizing their membership in the Alliance
2. "Oh, so because you're my father and the King, I should let you degrade me to that level? Well, listen here, you're not my King! I renounce citizenship! Send me to jail or execute me for my insolence towards the King of this country! Why would I care? You might be the man who made my mother pregnant with me but are you really a father to me? Not only have you been absent all my life, but you see me as no more than a piece of meat and prostituted me to your nephew in exchange for him becoming your successor so you can save your son! And all that speech a few days ago about legitimizing me, and that you cared about me and everything, was that just a lie?" She responded with the same tone
3. He won his reform against one form of corrupt, centralized power; by siding with, and legitimizing an even worse corruption of centralized secular power
4. They later rewrote it to serve the purpose of legitimizing and reinforcing the new Roman fantasy
5. The Holy Father struggled with the idea of legitimizing the clone by a public meeting