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    let through Beispielsätze

    let through

    1. We were let through

    2. concealed inner desire to put a bullet through his head with the gun I had been given bade him

    3. friend!” without a word, the guard drew a pistol and put a bullet through the other one’s chest

    4. “That strongpoint seems a good place for a Hun sniper to be hiding out in so we had better be bloody careful no point in getting a bullet through the napper for nothing

    5. My back was so bad it would have been dumb to fly, and a recent bullet through the leg sort of mucked things up

    6. The gunner had taken a bullet through the shoulder

    7. His only comfort would come when he and his girlfriend were thrown from the same cliff his cousin had gone over, although a bullet through the brain would do

    8. I fumbled with my ticket from my pocket, put it through, the barrier beeped, I did it again, the right way round, got let through, waited for my ticket, then realised I didn’t get it back

    9. Bubba Bates spotted number 13/2 and honked impatiently to be let through the solid gate

    10. Virgil Troaz was on my trail and had almost put a bullet through my head!

    11. ish activity found its outlet through family affection 24

    12. There is a screw called Jefferies who will let through from the library

    13. Sam looked at his Sergeant angrily and said, “While I have breath in my body and while I can remember my brothers faces I will never stop fighting until I find that German Officer and put a bullet through his brain…”

    14. The black moon shot through the cool-grey ball of a planet like a bullet through an apple

    15. Initially, some of the inhabitants of the shanty town grouped together near the gate, bearing banners and chanting repeatedly, “LET US IN” and, as the occasional convoy of armoured coaches arrived and were let through, they would run up to the open gate in an attempt to gain entry

    16. He took a bullet through his metal armor in his gut, but he just grunted loudly, responding with a squeeze of the trigger

    17. Thanks to their status, Joey and Lezura were being expected and were let through without question

    18. He tumbled to the ground two seconds later, a bullet through the head

    19. � Even more, the muscle mass in Laplante�s left leg, which had been seriously shred by the passage of a bullet through the upper leg, looked intact

    20. She then saw a pair of feet on the other side and, a mean smile appearing on her face, shot one bullet through the man’s right ankle, shattering it to bits and making the Israeli scream in agony as he fell on the pavement, holding his bloody leg

    21. Maybe I should put a bullet through his head anyway

    22. As for the man in mustard uniform, who was clearly much older than the others, he cried out in pain and let go his pistol, a bullet through his right shoulder

    23. Only escorted convoys of critical supplies are being let through along the I-40 and I-25 corridors

    24. Finally, they were let through, dirty and without a proper search

    25. “Confess and he’ll put a bullet through me

    26. “It still looks mighty fine, but I don’t want my blood on it when you put a bullet through my brain

    27. As they left the ship, the crowd parted to let through an entourage of men and women in red robes, led by an elderly man clad in red with golden bracelets at his wrists and ankles

    28. The car behind the one that we let through is approaching, but we clear the intersection safely

    29. I repeat: any of these Formo-copies or even any of their conglomerates is not at all you! Tell me, do all characters of novels or movies, performances, cartoons, fairy tales, and legends, which you imagine or subjectively observe, with which you live and feel their story lines, (that is, Formo-images of absolutely any VVU-Information which you let through the information space of your Self-Consciousness, including construction project drafts and drawings, a tiny figure of a person casually drawn by somebody on a sheet of paper) become real for you, only because you picture them in your Imagination or watch somewhere? Of course, they don’t! But all of them are absolutely normally and really perceived by innumerable inhabitants of realizational “niches”; VVU-Configurations of fragmented Self-Consciousnesses of the inhabitants structure various Spheres of creativity of OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-systems, and the inhabitants perceive the dynamics of each of these mental or sensuous Formo-images directly with regard to themselves, because all of them, — both the inhabitants and Formo-images perceived by them (and simultaneously by you), — are created not from Formo-Matter, but from energy-information Ethereal Substance that has very special properties

    30. He didn’t want Mary to put a bullet through the windshield

    31. That driver is dead with a bullet through his skull

    32. The crush'd head I dress, (poor crazed hand tear not the bandage away,) The neck of the cavalry-man with the bullet through and through examine, Hard the breathing rattles, quite glazed already the eye, yet life

    33. On the floor is a woman, one arm swept backward as if she has been refused a dance, and inside the closet is not a radio but a child sitting on her bottom with a bullet through her head

    34. This clipping was in Louie’s wallet throughout his raft journey, and was stained purple by the wallet dye

    35. Alexey Alexandrovitch had not had time to read the pamphlet through in the evening, and finished it in the morning

    36. The bare sight of me was like a bullet through his guilty heart

    37. No occupation is serious, not even when a bullet through the heart is the penalty of failure!"

    38. I shall come over there and put a bullet through your head

    39. In mercy I put a bullet through his skull, and he fell sprawling among the aloes

    40. Chinks in her fortress of papers and books let through the cool morning light of the street

    41. Doors on the left were pools of inert gray, while those on the right let through rhomboids of light

    42. Faye Farmer had a bullet through her head

    43. The woman in the bed whimpered as Carolee measured the distance between us with her eyes and calculated how long it would take to slash the woman’s throat before I put a bullet through her brain

    44. The other sent a bullet through his employer’s outstretched hand, then into his shoulder

    45. She put a bullet through his palm

    46. bullet through her as she lay

    47. At the very moment when the English had captured from the French the flag of the 105th of the line, the French had killed the English general, Picton, with a bullet through the head

    48. I had expected complete non-existence, and that was why I had put a bullet through my heart

    49. It's a bad pun, but it doesn't matter it's being bad—what happened was far worse, when I was left, so to say, with nothing in prospect but a bullet through the brain, for that junker, though he would not admit me into his house (he lived in grand style, for he had always known how to feather his nest), yet perhaps correctly he believed me to be his son

    50. “Now a bullet through my brain—that’s all that’s left me!” And at the same time he said in a cheerful voice:

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