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    life style

    1. Praise the mediocre life style, in

    2. But due to the changed life styles, most of us do not have to engage in strenuous work

    3. In those early days, back before I was old enough to see past all the chicken poo and hard work, I had no idea about the kind of impact that this life style would have on my life

    4. • Live a life style that does not create problems

    5. With its thirty-five rooms filled with luxury items, the solid double-layer brick structure and stone and coarse sand façade represents the elegant life style that the rich and

    6. farms and live the kind of life style the Americans and the Chinese

    7. Do you really think people would take her back into their life style with her pass record? She'll be pushed out and you with her” I really wish that law about hitting women wasn't around at this point because I have never wanted to hit someone more in my life

    8. You’re always so serious with your work and your life style I never approved of but what I've heard from your friends, she seems to have a good effect on you”

    9. prison, what with their life style of mugging, robbing, stealing,

    10. a period that was even more soothing to the American life style than the times marked

    11. Our travels in and around Okinawa exposed us some more to the Japanese life style and behavior

    12. these television characters and their fancy life styles, and condemning the vast majority of

    13. The leaders may follow a very luxurious life style, tell lies, have immoral ways but they want their followers to live a simple life, be truthful and live by highest morals and ethical principles

    14. The poor were extremely poor and ignorant and the rich had a very luxurious life style

    15. The rich had a lot of money and showed off by their lavish life style and ornaments

    16. He told the Maharajas and the wealthy merchants, doctors and lawyers to get rid of their jewelry and pompous life style and devote it to the service of the poor and the country

    17. The diet used in the cleanse, if continued, can start you on a new life style without having to struggle with learning how to eat

    18. He had no idea where the money came from to buy the house or to sustain their life style, especially as Desolé was only the part time manager of small employment agency

    19. I really believe we can learn many things from other cultures that we can pass on to our children in the form of healthier living and creating a life style change that will reduce the risk of obesity in this country

    20. The expansion had also included an upgrade in his life style

    21. and their life style is discovered by local members

    22. They have sought a return to a more primitive communal life style

    23. My parents were deteriorating from growing older and their rich life style of eating out and partying on the town, both smoking and drinking up a storm

    24. I had been prepared by God to understand my daughter and her life style, and to accept it

    25. No majority subjugation of rights, especially when it is a result of religious intolerance to gay life styles!

    26. While oil and coal have enabled a life style of comfort and mobility, the planet effect and limited source of these assets makes the search for alternative sources of energy a necessity and a priority

    27. And still others just want to create a “life style” business

    28. He was a modern age kid, who loved the Hi-Fi life styles

    29. It appeared Blake’s life style was quasi with Mr

    30. Making real connections with people, living and breathing in natural settings, and being around animals, is a healthier life style

    31. “I have studied everything about Kirk I could ever get my hands on, from text to actual media files and old ship logs, and I think I can safely say James T Kirk never experienced any social angst over sending men to their deaths or about having a promiscuous life style

    32. The Iotian’s would have had to have taken on the American Capitalistic attitudes of the twenties and thirties in order to fully emulate the gangster life style

    33. Re-organization of the life style so that there is less stress and tension

    34. life styles and activities

    35. really liked the life style in the Eastern Suburbs and Pretoria was a clean and pretty

    36. life style he was born into, was amongst the hundreds who were

    37. One challenges the other physically for life style

    38. Beauty is the adjustment to new changes, the solid wealth of the success derived from life style and the efficient use of education to learn what you need to learn

    39. The two also convey the power of two horns associated with the lamb on which Islam built its culture invested with blood life style

    40. The formula explains the green life style, one tree for one man give the slice of Paradise in many beautiful images

    41. We must live a life style that won’t cost the earth

    42. When you discover the foundation and make it a life style, the blessing comes

    43. She would dispatch her good girl reputation and shut those acquaintances of hers up with their taunts and boasts of their film star life style privileges

    44. The first eighty years of my life have been interesting and at times exciting with some dramatic changes to my life style

    45. They had been there for more than a year and had become accustomed to the unusual life style

    46. It was simply easy for her to turn back and do what she is good at and to continue in a life style more convenient to her

    47. So unless you choose something that can suit your life style, you are not

    48. changed life styles, most of us do not have to engage in strenuous work

    49. Artonians had come to Mars prepared for a new life style

    50. The history of civilization has been the growing imbalance of this relatively recent, new form of human existence slowly extinguishing a much older one through the dynamic of accumulation… Settled civilizations expanded, occupied, and took over all the major habitable landmasses of the earth; thus extinguishing nearly all nomadic existence: and thereby creating a more imbalanced condition of human existence and sedentary life styles

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