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    lightened Beispielsätze


    1. My mood lightened visibly

    2. freely as her heavy heart lightened up and the fear of the

    3. The motifs came from the chieftain halls of the ancient deeps, but lightened with the ubiquitous Elven influence that was so stylish in the late 40's when this part of his palace was built

    4. The assistant to the Archbishop began placing bottles of whisky at intervals around the table and the atmosphere lightened, a little

    5. few carrots, and their mood was lightened later on that

    6. Morningday lightened more and more, thickly overcast and misty and still with a slight chill on the traditional first week of spring

    7. Alan's world became focused on the blue light in that crystal that gradually lightened as dawn strode in from the east

    8. Their mood lightened and they relaxed as they went into detail about the beauty of the Hanging Gardens and how they would like to visit them again, but with the idea of spending more time there

    9. She doubted he had intended the statement to do so, but it lightened her mood

    10. Amaranthe lightened her pressure on the wounds and peeled back a corner of the shirt

    11. Brokin's heart lightened when he realised, that by some quirk of fate, he'd arrived at the precise moment that Cherva had decided to change his guards

    12. It may have been a small victory, but it was one that lightened Frank’s dark mood a little

    13. Frank’s grim mood lightened when he entered the kitchen and spotted Karla’s bag hanging from the back of a chair

    14. That lightened up

    15. “It might not hurt,” he continued, as his countenance lightened somewhat, “if we were to offer a little extra in way of propitiation, just in case of something that we are not aware of,” he added as a smile of seeming beneficent self-satisfaction spread across his face at such a wise suggestion

    16. Her tone had lightened, only by an inch however

    17. As if a load about his shoulders had been lightened, he did the only thing he

    18. 18 The voice of your thunder was in the Heaven: the lightnings lightened the world: the Earth trembled and shook

    19. As the sky lightened, we rode north along the already-crowded road

    20. As we dried off, the sky lightened in the east and activity slowly began in the town

    21. Before it thundered and lightened, or ever the foundations of paradise were laid, 3 Before the fair flowers were seen, or ever the

    22. the Gospel lightened their darkness

    23. The fog never got very thick, and as the morning lightened, the Re Che began to fall back on the right

    24. Gospel lightened their darkness

    25. Guerri was stunned, but remarked that the load of his bad fortune was lightened by the fact that he had been beaten by the best

    26. As Rachael rolled out of bed thoughts of her new baby were all she thought about, Mrs Worthington had lightened her duties around the house and several times she had tried to bring up the subject of moving after she had had the baby but Mrs Worthington always hushed her of the subject saying lets get this little one into the world first

    27. 3 "But ever since God sent the cherub with a sword of fire that flashed and lightened in his hand, from fear of which we fell down and were like corpses, have we not seen the like

    28. My heart lightened, I looked at her

    29. 3 "But ever since God sent the cherub with a sword of fire that flashed and lightened in his hand from fear of which we fell down and were like corpses have we not seen the like

    30. From time to time Herod even showed concern for the needs of the people; in 25 BCE, a year of hardship and famine, he purchased grain for the people, distributed clothes, and supplied seed, and on two occasions lightened the burden of taxation

    31. He nodded and the net around Annyeke lightened and she could see her room, the books, the pile of her clothes

    32. 1 And he said to me in the beginning when the Earth was made before the borders of the world stood or ever the winds blew 2 Before it thundered and lightened or ever the foundations of paradise were laid 3 Before the fair flowers were seen or ever the moveable powers were established before the innumerable multitude of angels were gathered together 4 Or ever the heights of the air were lifted up before the measures of the firmament were named or ever the chimneys in Sion were hot 5 And ere the present years were sought out and or ever the inventions of them that now sin were turned before they were sealed that have gathered faith for a treasure: 6 Then did I consider these things and they all were made through me alone and through none other: by me also they shall be ended and by none other

    33. Ultimately the heavy music lightened to a more positive theme and with computer special effects showed the spread of PAX and the resulting scenes of peace and tranquility

    34. It had lightened, and Wes felt a stirring of guilt at having slept through his entire watch, especially with the youngsters having done their tricks without a murmur

    35. He broke into his crooked grin, his eyes crinkled at the corners, and their deep blue lightened

    36. Krome’s' puzzled face lightened up and then the stars that had appeared dropped into his hands

    37. What's more, the progress reports he regularly sent to Vanaprastham about his own crusade at Tihar insensibly lightened Gautam’s burden of guilt by degrees

    38. The sky had lightened considerably, so Rory started his car and set off for home without wasting further time…a Metro Police Patrol car, sped past him, in the direction from which he had just come…

    39. The sun had set and darkness was gathering over the plain, lightened a little by the stars that made stunted ghosts out of the cactus growths

    40. With my newfound Dracule arrogance, I did just that as the dawn sky lightened over the snug gatehouse that lay on the road

    41. that lightened its load, but all it

    42. “You do not have to shout, Joey,” Lezura said, her tone lightened when she said; “I can produce a sleep inducing chemical from a gland beneath my tongue

    43. “Beloved my stinking left-foot,” Onn murmured with scowl, he lightened up his expression and said, “Why, fantastic! Bring our dear lady in!”

    44. That was because it was designed to be heavy body armor lightened with strategically placed pods of antigravity orbs that increased the wearer’s speed and jumping capabilities while wearing it—in addition to allow the user to lift heavy objects that was have normal given a yautgan lower back pains in the mornings

    45. The flimsy structures of the Ki-43, lightened to provide maximum agility at low and medium speeds and with no armor or even self-sealing fuel tanks, then came to haunt their pilots

    46. I had travelling far enough away from the smell of the village cooking fires and stopped to drink the last of my water I then carried on west, in my defence I can only say that my thoughts were on Tollan as the sky lightened with the false dawn

    47. At this Wolf laughed out loud and could have fallen from his chair; his face lightened and beads of sweat appeared on his brow

    48. History tells us that the taxes levied on the peasants and merchants in China were not lightened in times of shortages and famines

    49. ‘Yeah, I’l go along with that!’ and the mood instantly lightened a little

    50. Happiness seems interwoven through all these tribulations, but our sorrows make up most of our emotional burden that only is occasionally lightened by the presence of happiness

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