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    like-minded Beispielsätze


    1. he or she is with it, the greater there is a connection with like-minded

    2. She shuddered with awareness, and her movement snapped Russell from like-minded thoughts

    3. We're social creatures, so whether it's online or off-line you should be interacting with like-minded people

    4. He would drink with other like-minded individuals, in similar places, all within lunch-time walking distance of Whitehall

    5. We could use your help here, and I know you are like-minded about the faction system—”

    6. We should discreetly recruit like-minded patriots from among all the people of the plateau

    7. Is making a “good impression” the “all-important” job of the Supreme Court? And who are she, and her like-minded fellow Justices, trying to impress? Would it be a fair guess that an “all-important good impression” is intended to register, not within the American judicial system, or with the American people, but amongst her peers of the world’s judicial elite?

    8. Furthermore, because the hashtag is a clickable link, it makes it easy for people who are posting around the same topic to quickly find all of the different tweets from like-minded individuals that are also interested in the same topic

    9. These are regularly scheduled group conversation threads by like-minded individuals to discuss a shared topic of interest

    10. The celebration of life with other like-minded individuals helps to raise the inner spirit

    11. Positions become solidified among like-minded groups of delegates, and the most forceful or eloquent spokespersons for each position rise to dominance of their groups

    12. “Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, (2) fulfilll my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind

    13. In Brisbane he had cultivated a small group of associates with like-minded sexual preferences and while he was waiting for the plane he indulged in a little fantasy about visiting one of these men to relieve the feelings of arousal which were still with him

    14. She was also like-minded with Joe and the older ones, in that anything could have happened the little creature

    15. In a minority of cases, like-minded souls will seek each other

    16. to share with like-minded, interested

    17. I said there was a large group of like-minded people

    18. We wanted to build our company with like-minded professionals who would Pritha | CEO

    19. It starts a vibration that emits a note that harmonizes with like-minded others growing into a powerful chord that starts others to vibrate and they, in turn, take up the same tune

    20. Therefore, that is the job we have set out for ourselves to do - to be able to utilize what we know, and to share that with as many other like-minded, free individuals, as we can

    21. He had been kidnapped, chained up, kicked in the face, pushed up against a wall, and was now being threatened by a short-arse psychopath with a like-minded “buddy”

    22. The two met for dinner with like-minded friends a few days later and their discussions led to the setting up of an advocacy group, Friends of BJP, with Jain as the convenor

    23. A young woman must not suppose that she cannot serve God in her own family, because of unconverted parents, brothers, and sisters, and that she must-go into some "Religious House;' so called, in company with a few like-minded women

    24. alliances and associations with other like-minded individuals and organizations

    25. truly is better in the company of the saints who are like-minded in study, prayer and

    26. But women, as a rule, don’t rule—they form groups of the like-minded, sharing necessities and advice, offering aid and comfort and dispensing wisdom gained by age or handed down from those before them

    27. ' It was a great opportunity for two like-minded young people to seize the initiative

    28. Based on your experience or hobby, what type of product could you create that would capture the attention of other like-minded folks?

    29. with like-minded others before embarking on their actionable causes

    30. connect with like-minded people for support and information, that it pays to learn use the Net

    31. She had to leave in order to return stronger, bolstered with help from like-minded allies

    32. However, you are always influenced by a certain Collective Intelligence of a definite type (from the collective Consciousness of a group of like-minded persons to the collective Consciousness of “humankind”), which can have a strong influence over the processes of subjective “formation”, in the information space of your Self-Consciousness, of harmonious and beautiful relations, on the one hand, and all possible low-qualitative manifestations, on the other hand

    33. Even among like-minded believers or skeptics… Rumors and gossip regarding mockery and trash-talk spread and twist to extraordinary extent, and always not in your best interests

    34. It models a large cluster and gathering of like-minded houses and temples that work together toward common goals, purposes, and existence

    35. Fountains of Waters–Symbolizes primary inspirations of the mindsets and deeds of like-minded

    36. and populations of like-minded peoples

    37. branches always represent groups of related and/or like-minded people

    38. Thereby, the allusion to two like-minded witnesses would also refer to a like-minded

    39. there have been a succession of related and/or like-minded groups throughout the symbolized time

    40. She’d thought it would be with some bookish like-minded individual she met within her own field of expertise

    41. In that time she has recruited two friends, happened upon three like-minded individuals and found a hopeless wandering soul in her travels

    42. One of the main ideas behind the setting up of these business clubs for women is to bring together like-minded people who can assist each other with demonstrations, presentations, information and advice

    43. These modest successes look even more trivial when compared with those of other, like-minded small thinkers

    44. For investing ideas Andrew, like other individual investors profiled in this book, puts a high value on developing a network of trusted sources and like-minded investors for information sharing

    45. These robber barons, so called because they acquired their wealth by ravag-ing natural resources, exploiting workers, and cozying up to like-minded politicians, built massive palaces, collected priceless antiques or historic manuscripts, and held lavish parties for their super-rich friends

    46. In this decentralized model, a software application finds other “like-minded” peer applications on the Internet and connects with these peers to operate the application

    47. These more nitty-gritty aspects of equity investing again highlight the variety of strategies and methods employed by otherwise like-minded investors

    48. Rather let it be named from the fishes that swim in it, the wild fowl or quadrupeds which frequent it, the wild flowers which grow by its shores, or some wild man or child the thread of whose history is interwoven with its own; not from him who could show no title to it but the deed which a like-minded neighbor or legislature gave him—him who thought only of its money value; whose presence perchance cursed all the shores; who exhausted the land around it, and would fain have exhausted the waters within it; who regretted only that it was not English hay or cranberry meadow—there was nothing to redeem it, forsooth, in his eyes—and would have drained and sold it for the mud at its bottom

    49. Would that we had a hundred men like-minded with him touching this work!

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