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    Verwenden Sie „line of reasoning“ in einem Satz

    line of reasoning Beispielsätze

    line of reasoning

    1. If we follow this line of reasoning, we have to conclude that, at a certain point in the past, there was no time, no space, no energy, and no substance, which leads us to an irresolvable moot point

    2. She didn’t know where Helez was going with this line of reasoning

    3. I‘m not sure where I‘m going with this so try and follow my line of reasoning inasmuch as I am liable to form an uncertain analogy as it relates to the childlike treatment of the (subject) people involved: undermining freedom, initiative, self-reliance, (human) potential and an individual‘s moral and intellectual authority; that is to say, contrary to an individual‘s inherent right to naturally evolve into a productive human being; to learn, think and act independently in his or her (own) inestimable manner

    4. Following this line of reasoning, a practicing Christian, for example, may perform charitable works for the sake of his or her (own) Salvation (counting in his or her favor) or a mother may selflessly place her (own) life in danger in order to save the life of her child whose absence would (otherwise) render that mother‘s life meaningless and without purpose

    5. ‖ In pursuing this line of reasoning, Power, is not absolute but a variation, rather, of proportionate means and ends

    6. Although my line of reasoning may appear to be an oversimplification of a complex issue, its basic premise, I believe, contains some measure of truth

    7. I find his line of reasoning far too simplistic

    8. This line of reasoning must necessarily marginalize the influence of the Primary Will correctly understood as God, the Primary Mover and Architect of Necessity and ―Moral Compulsion

    9. Following this line of reasoning, however, explain why there isn‘t a (similar) lack of concern or righteous indignation among these so-called champions of social justice over the scarcity of White running backs or wide receivers or cornerbacks, the latter, remnants from the 152

    10. At least that was my line of reasoning

    11. stay behind? But this line of reasoning was, of course, wrong

    12. would eventually see his line of reasoning

    13. It is entirely consistent with this line of reasoning that there can be an environment which does not move relative to the one, two or three dimensional worlds

    14. They both agreed in principle with his line of reasoning and strategy, however, final

    15. Despite my line of reasoning that foreigners flock to our modest

    16. referring to three out of ten nations, but there are far too many flaws with that line of reasoning

    17. He had no problem with that line of reasoning

    18. Sparky shook his head his eyes full of wonder, as if he was grappling with a completely alien concept to his line of reasoning

    19. This was an old line of reasoning, but she was saying it with less conviction

    20. The Interborough Rapid Transit example permits a more precise line of reasoning than any of the others

    21. Returning once more to the business man’s viewpoint on security values, the Freeport Texas exhibit suggests the following interesting line of reasoning

    22. This brings us to the second line of reasoning on the subjects of stocks selling below liquidating value

    23. They rest on subjective judgment, unsupported by any body of favorable evidence or any conclusive line of reasoning

    24. By the same line of reasoning, we can show the probability of throwing nine heads in a row followed by a tail when we use the same weighted coin each time is p9(1 − p)

    25. In saying this they use a similar line of reasoning to the theologians: There is a power, therefore it is of God, whatever it may be: there are weavers, therefore they exist as a result of the law of division of labour

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