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    litmus Beispielsätze


    1. What happens to a litmus paper when it is dipped into the special

    2. Such comparisons further fail the litmus test of motorists frustrated and demoralized by mental exhaustion

    3. ) Adopting conspicuously faulty and (otherwise) self-serving reasoning conveniently side-steps a very important fact; that we all exist in a less than perfect world subject to changing fortunes and other unexpected events that routinely challenge our mettle; and that Nature, however, has its own inestimable manner of compensating each of us with an innate capacity to endure hardships and rise above our present condition however unfavorable or improbable our prospects for a ―better‖ life may appear and that an individual‘s threshold for suffering and privation oftentimes vary in proportion to that individual‘s (mental) endurance and acquired habits in spite of that individual‘s accustomed environment and in any event, such (gratuitous) impressions are problematical at best and should not serve as a litmus test in determining who should or should not be permitted to live or given an equal opportunity to exercise free choice(s) pre-empted by selfish motives indifferent to such rights; motives whose arbitrary designs are (otherwise) impervious to the apparent limits or consequences of questionable solutions whose (hardened) indifference to Life must inevitably diminish the (inherent) value a society confers upon its citizens regardless of their station in life

    4. When the truth behind some proposition cannot be properly ascertained or supported by fact, opinion must serve as the final arbiter, provided it meets the (litmus) requirements of feasible plausibility

    5. It was a kind of litmus test

    6. • The Litmus Test that shows you if the issue is Theirs, not yours!

    7. This trip, to be honest, was a Litmus test for you

    8. Check pH with litmus paper

    9. Empower them to test doctrine, making the Bible’s ultimate authority their litmus test of what they believe and do

    10. I felt her relax in my arm and had the distinct impression this had been some kind of litmus test

    11. As is common in medicine, and especially in psychiatry, where there is often no "litmus" test which can be applied, diagnosis is a matter of nosology and categorization

    12. This is why I say the Bible is the real litmus test between God and us – as it will be what will separate the true, passionate, on-fire seeker from the lukewarm, lazy, and worldly Christian who could really care less about God and any of His ways on how we are to live in this life

    13. E-commerce is leapfrogging's litmus test because it represents the culmination and confluence of hardware, software, and process engineering

    14. Does this mean that the denial of marriage is discrimination against gays and lesbians that should be remedied by legislative or judicial change—or constitutional amendment to either allow or not allow it in order to remove all doubt? This issue of course has become the litmus test of gay rights advocacy groups as to whether you are with us or against us

    15. (closely related to "genius" on the basis of artificial images) is a litmus paper that

    16. Rome’s military prowess had become so famous that conquering Rome was the litmus test for any dominant military power for hundreds of years

    17. That is the litmus test of relevancy and truth in American media

    18. Auschwitz is a good litmus test for the presence of undead Jewish entities

    19. Although there is no specific mention of the separation of church and state in the Constitution, a clause in this article makes it clear that government positions should not be denied to anyone because of their religious affiliation, nor should any particular religious litmus test be applied to those seeking government employment

    20. Like a litmus test for common sense

    21. They were my litmus test

    22. This city was to be a balancing machine, a litmus, an antenna to test all future space travelers

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    Synonyme für "litmus"

    litmus litmus test