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    lock of hair Beispielsätze

    lock of hair

    1. brushing a lock of hair out of his eyes

    2. “That’s where Hans is keeping Mars and Rogan, isn’t it?” Victoria swallowed and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear

    3. He pushed a lock of hair away from my face

    4. My eyes where fixed on a lock of hair that was hanging along her face across her shoulder

    5. Neither shall you swear by your 5 head for you cannot make in it one lock of hair black or white; But your word shall be either Yes or No and what is in excess of this is of the evil one

    6. Lay it to your heart not to be anxious before the time what you shah say and I shall give you understanding and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay; And then shall they deliver you to constraint and shall kill you and you shall be hated of all nations because of my name; And then shall many go astray and they 52 shall hate one another and deliver one another to death; And your parents and your brothers and your kinsfolk and your friends shall deliver you up and shall 53 kill some of you; But a lock of hair from your heads shall not perish; And by your patience you shall gain your souls; And many men false prophets shall arise 56 and lead many astray; And because of the abounding of iniquity the love of many shall wax cold; But he who endures to the end the same shall be saved; And this the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a testimony to all nations; and then shall come the end of all

    7. War valentine novelty was for the card to have a place for the sender to place a lock of hair

    8. 'Only a lock of hair,' murmured the nobleman

    9. She paused and raked a damp lock of hair out of her eyes

    10. The descending ax shaved a lock of hair from his head, and the Pict rolled down the logs from the force of his wasted blow

    11. Have you thought of this?” Robert leaned over her and gently moved the lock of hair which had fallen down over her cheek

    12. lock of hair that’s tickling my cheek

    13. Vinny cut off a lock of hair and tossed it in her lap just to

    14. He pushed a lock of hair behind my ear then pushed the rest of the hair behind my shoulder

    15. 17Shikha is a lock of hair grown on the crown and sutr is the sacred or sacrificial thread worn by Hindus

    16. The long lock of hair Bingham always combed forward in swirls to try to hide his balding head now hung sideways over his ear onto the collar of his sweat-soaked shirt

    17. Miss Caroline unwrapped a lock of hair from a velvet bag and dropped it in

    18. a lock of hair at the tournament rose in his mind – she

    19. He reached out, gently smoothed a lock of hair back into place

    20. His aged hand gently brushed a lock of hair I had missed to the side of Raya’s face

    21. He then inhaled deeply and brushed a lock of hair from her face before piercing her gaze with his

    22. "Oh shut up, will you!" Esyth brushed a lock of hair from her face

    23. "What?" Annie brushed a lock of hair from her face with a nonchalant attitude

    24. How, Ingrid asked herself, brushing a lock of hair from her eye, would I go about that, if I were him?

    25. Gary sighed, flicking a lock of hair from his face

    26. It is with great regret that I obey your commands in returning the letters with which I have been honoured from you, and the lock of hair, which you so obligingly bestowed on me

    27. This lock of hair, which now he can so readily give up, was begged of me with the most earnest supplication

    28. Whatever he might have heard against me-- ought he not to have suspended his belief? ought he not to have told me of it, to have given me the power of clearing myself? 'The lock of hair, (repeating it from the letter,) which you so obligingly bestowed on me'--That is unpardonable

    29. And the lock of hair--that too I had always carried about me in the same pocket-book, which was now searched by Madam with the most ingratiating virulence,--the dear lock--all, every memento was torn from me

    30. Jaggers, turning to the man, who was pulling a lock of hair in the middle of his forehead, like the Bull in Cock Robin pulling at the bell-rope; "your man comes on this afternoon

    31. ” She tossed a lock of hair over her shoulder

    32. Eyeing me suspiciously, she sits down on the bed and tucks a stray lock of hair behind my ear

    33. the skin; the lobe of his ear looked out from beneath a lock of hair, and his large blue eyes, raised to the clouds, seemed to Emma more limpid and more beautiful than those mountain-lakes where the heavens are mirrored

    34. She brushed a lock of hair off my forehead, then squeezed my shoulder and gave me another smile

    35. He smoothed back a lock of hair sweat-glued to his forehead

    36. And the lock of hair—that too I had always carried about me in the same pocket-book, which was now searched by Madam with the most ingratiating virulence,—the dear lock—all, every memento was torn from me

    37. “Oh, aunt, don’t interrupt,” and she went on pulling the lock of hair and looking round

    38. Glance around the room in which you are now seated, and, whether you are gray haired and dignified, or with youthful happiness are anticipating to-night’s cotillion, dare you deny that the supposition is probable? Is there not somewhere near you, in sight, where occasionally your hand may touch it with regretful love, or hidden in some secret drawer whence you rarely trust yourself to take it—is there not a jewel, a scented glove, a bit of ribbon, a faded violet, or a lock of hair? Whatever it is, in time of a catastrophe—hastened flight—would it not first be seized in preference to your costliest treasure?

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