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    Verwenden Sie „logy“ in einem Satz

    logy Beispielsätze


    1. logy if we are to use bits to explain the world

    2. logy and the software programs that power that technology

    3. buggers and logy (rhymes with boogie) plastered on his face

    4. Cats in general don’t have a logy or

    5. logy of its words, we can understand most of the Geeta by ourselves

    6. As the hull filled with water, the boat felt logy, heavy, rolling from side to side with a stolid, slower motion

    7. The perception arrested him less when he reflected that what are called advanced ideas are really in great part but the latest fashion in definition—a more accurate expression, by words in logy and ism, of sensations which men and women have vaguely grasped for centuries

    8. And to us it seems that when we add to a Greek word the termination logy, and call this science, it will be science indeed; and if we call an indecency, like the painting of naked women, by the Greek word “choreography,” and term it art, it will be art indeed

    9. It seems to us, that if we add to a Greek word the word “logy,” and call that a science, it will be a science; and, if we call any abominable thing—like the dancing of nude females—by a Greek word, choreography, that that is art, and that it will be art

    10. All that is required is to add the Greek word “logy” to the name, and force them to conform to a set rubric, and the science is all complete

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