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    Verwenden Sie „long ago“ in einem Satz

    long ago Beispielsätze

    long ago

    1. all indicating that a couple had breakfast long ago before they left one morning, never to return

    2. A little-used mop stands in a bucket of dirty water in the center of the floor as if it were long ago forgotten there

    3. Estwig had stopped running, if it was a meteor it would have landed long ago

    4. She wondered how long she had been suspended, looked at the date, 2423! It had been a hundred and forty five years! Gordon's Lamp should have been back to Sol long ago

    5. Glenelle had to admit that even though Ava did her best to make the war back at Sol sound exciting, it seemed long ago and far away compared to the adjustments she had to face, being a clone and her whole time had been turned into a fantasy realm

    6. That was so long ago, over two hundred and eighty years since this ship was launched, over eighty it had lain here with Ava's asteroid in the stasis point between the planet and its little inner moon

    7. doing not want to know more of this long agony

    8. He felt a pang that it was impossible for him to ever meet this woman in the flesh and Ava had told him long ago that the androids of 2175 did not have functional sex organs

    9. told him of the Goddess who had come to live with the Mortal long ago

    10. Vyinga understood how long ago she'd had her adventure, knew that by now it seemed that she'd no more lived it than Vyinga had hers

    11. "But it was so long ago I have to read it in my writings to really remember it

    12. All those books would have turned to dust long ago if I hadn’t

    13. "This was a herdsman's camp not that long ago

    14. My aunt and uncle began chatting about the crazy obsession the surfers share for beach life and I knew it wouldn't be long before he'd start hinting that it was about time I learned to swim, even though we had long ago agreed that I would only go with them to a beach as long as I didn't have to go in the sea, which I never did because I hated the water, the salt and the cold, and also I hated being so thin

    15. We still make beautiful decorations on the outside of the houses and flowers grow everywhere like in days long ago

    16. So much had happened to him, so many wonderful things, and he simply couldn't recall conversations from that long ago

    17. And this is my daughter who, until now has shown a remarkable lack of interest in science fiction generally and Star Wars in particular and who, not so very long ago, castigated her brother for being a Star Wars geek

    18. Long ago Tarak had blamed the ancient seer for Serena’s death; he had said things, accusatory and hurtful

    19. Not long ago in Stackton-on-Seam, a town that lies in the folded

    20. recall conversations from that long ago

    21. “I don’t feel normal,” she said, “I think I knew that from the start, but look at it this way, even if Tdeshi had not been lost, she would not be the person who left here so long ago

    22. Somewhere in the back of her head, remembered from a time long ago and a place far away, she hears the opening bars of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    23. which it may be said, “Behold, this is new?” It has been long ago, in the ages which were

    24. which is has been long ago, and that which is to be has been long ago: and God seeks

    25. long ago; and it is known what man is; neither can he contend with him who is mightier

    26. I should have divorced you long ago, like after the accident

    27. envy has perished long ago; neither have they any more a portion forever in anything

    28. I quickly grab the tissues and scrub my face as Dave stands looking at me, his eyes as despairing as the ones I saw reflected in the mirror not that long ago

    29. “hSkaiya’s; how long ago was that?” he asked

    30. “It did happen so long ago and compared to what she’s accomplished since, the little oversight of Enjteen’s is pretty insignificant

    31. been established, and how long ago that had happened

    32. Gehring had given up long ago trying to get him to wear any but his coveralls, whether to town for shopping or church on Sundays

    33. ‘And how long ago would that have been?’ Sergeant Williams asked

    34. Allcock would be in translating my rods into his own commercial ventures, when she made the contract with him so long ago on behalf of your education

    35. It was so long ago and she had tried so hard when this was fresh

    36. 'Not long ago that was true

    37. He enjoyed the countryside scuttling passed the window and had to remind himself that he was viewing the Great Plains roll passed him just the month before; and now, here he was on another train, bound for Paris, in the company of two people he had not met before that last journey seemingly so long ago

    38. She hurried forward with her last argument while her nerve still held, “You told me not long ago that, 'there is nothing which I have done, or do, that is outside your own reach, should you truly wish to grasp it for your own,' Did you really mean that?”

    39. He’d realised long ago that it was

    40. The second was to make good the debt I owe to you on behalf of your own careful fulfillment of that oath you made so long ago, and if possible make you proud in the service of it

    41. Then she told her an anecdote George had related to her long ago: “In ancient times there once was a lover of dragons

    42. responsible for that? And it was so long ago, now

    43. ” He spoke at length of the tales and stories she had confided in her charges so long ago

    44. "Remember, when I asked about the reference, every one told me it was a miss print, or it'd been copied wrong – long ago

    45. “They usually have a memory trip start with being born and it’s usually not that long ago, just grown is most common

    46. Year in those long ago days, as well as being the month when the Romans started

    47. The music in here was provided by a group long ago burnt-out and each using one hand to hold onto the rail, except for the lween player who was slumped over the rail motionless

    48. "Thanks, but that seems so long ago now

    49. She would have given this up long ago if she had anything else to occupy her mind

    50. the story I got in that long ago email—about the suicidal nerd and his friend the

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    Synonyme für "long ago"

    previously once earlier before already erstwhile heretofore