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losses Beispielsätze
1. · Don’t brood about losses or failures, take corrective actions for the future
2. congregation losses sight of this function of the church, it has the majority rule' by doing nothing The majority Rule are interested only in holding services and not to working for the Lord
3. death toll rising inexorably and with the losses experienced by
4. Their losses over the centuries have been great, and they would have to explain it away to their people somehow
5. He considered dropping the idea completely – just cutting their losses and going home
6. ‘So you decided to cut your losses and leave them to it?’ the Sergeant suggested
7. he would cut his losses and follow his colleagues to
8. I suggest you accept whatever losses you have
9. I cannot live a life with the losses you are taking
10. Often it feels like it is too late--there have been so many losses
11. losses here and there—but the guys stepped up nicely in our ace’s absence
12. We too have endured great losses, our numbers depleted as are your own
13. The lowest ordinary rate of profit must always be something more than what is sufficient to compensate the occasional losses to which every employment of stock is exposed
14. What is called gross profit, comprehends frequently not only this surplus, but what is retained for compensating such extraordinary losses
15. The lowest ordinary rate of interest must, in the same manner, be something more than sufficient to compensate the occasional losses to which lending, even with tolerable prudence, is exposed
16. compensate the common losses, to pay the expense of management, and to afford such a profit
17. losses as they are likely to meet with in the common course of chances
18. the ordinary profits of stock, not only to make up for all occasional losses, but to afford a
19. profits and losses, therefore, can bear no regular proportion to those of any one established
20. Acting out of sheer rage he mostly just wanted to see them dead, which he accomplished, though at far greater losses than he could have iMagined
21. As of yet, the group of Magi had suffered few losses, due in great part to the fact that they had focused all their efforts on defending themselves while offering only an infinitesimal show of retaliation
22. We were taking greater losses than they were,
23. The storm-darkened sky, beautiful in its dusky radiance, was a dire signal to cut her perceived losses and seek refuge for the night
24. Chloe’s seductive presence on our boat than about our losses
25. scheme of things, then cut your losses (emotional losses included) and
26. That this extraordinary profit, however, is no more than sufficient to put his trade upon a fair level with other trades, and to compensate the many losses which he sustains upon other occasions, both from the perishable nature of the commodity itself, and from the frequent and unforeseen fluctuations of its price, seems evident enough, from this single circumstance, that great fortunes are as seldom made in this as in any other trade
27. As the capital of the wholesale merchant, too, is generally sufficient to replace that of many manufacturers, this intercourse between him and them interests the owner of a large capital to support the owners of a great number of small ones, and to assist them in those losses and misfortunes which might otherwise prove ruinous to them
28. If this annual coinage had nothing to do but to repair the unavoidable losses and necessary wear and tear of the coin, it could seldom exceed fifty thousand, or at most a hundred thousand pounds
29. Prevention of losses of water caused by
30. In 1722, this company petitioned the parliament to be allowed to divide their immense capital of more than thirty-three millions eight hundred thousand pounds, the whole of which had been lent to government, into two equal parts; the one half, or upwards of £16,900,000, to be put upon the same footing with other government annuities, and not to be subject to the debts contracted, or losses incurred, by the directors of the company, in the prosecution of their mercantile projects ; the other half to remain as before, a trading stock, and to be subject to those debts and losses
31. Notwithstanding some extraordinary losses, occassioned partly by the malice of the Dutch East India company, and partly by other accidents, they carried on for many years a successful trade
32. It augmented, however, their trading stock, it being equally liable with the other three millions two hundred thousand pounds, to the losses sustained, and debts contracted by the company in prosecution of their mercantile projects
33. After many signal successes, and equally signal losses, they at last lost Madras, at that time their principal settlement in India
34. Shortly an attack was thrown in against the trenches we had lost in the breakthrough and the Turks were thrown back out of them suffering heavy losses
35. There was one good bit of news and that was the casualty situation was light as were the losses but you had to wonder how long this would last
36. "There are losses," admitted Danny
37. “Don’t bother Billy Boy you can’t win so let’s just cut our losses and go before we are even more late besides which it is a good idea and we can all have breakfast together in the morning
38. It comes to our attention that, in a recent attempt to stem taxpayer losses for bad loans guaranteed by Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack, Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn
39. Once again I took up the watch on the German trenches as their rate of fire increased and our losses started mounting
40. In the year that my husband and I packed up and moved from Colorado to Texas, to live closer to a son and his family and to our daughter and her family, we experienced some sad losses
41. His army had suffered great losses already, though he estimated it was only two or three thousand wounded or dead on the front lines
42. Said Pyrrhus, Kind of Epirus, after having defeated the Romans at Asculum in BC 279, with heavy losses, including most of his elephants, „Another such victory, and I am undone
43. So many times he had thought to be cautious, going for a colour rather than a number, only for the balance to just slightly be against him with relatively small bets, until the final large stake for a big gamble to recoup the losses
44. It had come, too, after a spate of embarrassing losses
45. The big boys had plenty of money to forget about losses, the little ones couldn’t afford to lose
46. In taking the ridges our aggregate losses had been 1140 officers and men in a battle that artillery alone could have made untenable
47. Late at night, General Shafter cabled Washington that his aggregate losses were ''above four hundred; of these not many are killed
48. During the battle on the 2nd our losses were much lighter, but the creek bed and road were choked with wounded
49. Your worst enemy however must have by law a certain percentage of cash as security against losses
50. First it was alleged (I have no idea if it is true or not) that they have millions of executed (Holocaust) Jews money which they are refusing to pay out to the children and then they suffered enormous losses with rogue traders in London