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    Verwenden Sie „lurking“ in einem Satz

    lurking Beispielsätze


    1. It was probably a good plan when it was put together, who could have known the Brazilians had secret doomsday weapons lurking in deep space?

    2. Although neither Kara nor Iain had seen anyone suspicious lurking around the place, his version was somewhat different

    3. ‘It would be typical of Joris to have something I’m not expecting lurking somewhere

    4. They all marched in to the shop expecting to see the young man lurking in the shadows, but he was nowhere to be found

    5. He saw nothing lurking about

    6. Yes, all the brains of the crew had theories, but he could tell none of them were very confident of theirs but Thom, and his was too preposterous to take seriously, an alien intelligence lurking in the dark matter

    7. lurking in the shadows, but he was nowhere to be found

    8. “When your butt sits on it, truth is lurking round the corner

    9. man who had just given up his seat, who was still lurking hopefully

    10. 'He always seems to be lurking where he shouldn't,'

    11. Eventually Delos got tired of trying to teach Alan to make his investigations while lurking behind bushes

    12. But she didn't know it all did she? Wasn't there still something lurking in these circuits? Something Delos had found that she wasn't quite sure was real or not, wasn't quite sure was gone or not?

    13. reassuring, but was certain that the evil lurking in the

    14. Scrounges are notably reticent and a dozen could be lurking silently on any of the strap-up that overlooked this pit

    15. If there was a scrounge lurking down here he intended to make peace with him if possible, if the person still had enough mind left to communicate with

    16. I just hope his stamina holds out, she thought, once more turning her attention to the horde of shadows lurking beyond the moat

    17. Lurking in the maze, he recognized the corrupted forms of the other Chosen who had been captured by the Dead Tree

    18. He looked into her tear-filled eyes and saw the heartache and desperation lurking under the surface, naked in their honesty

    19. As we got closer our eyes roved the country sight seeking out places where ambushes might be situated the Captain sent ten of our men forward to recce the village to see if any of the enemy were lurking there

    20. There was something lurking there still

    21. lurking inside whenever he was at home and when the door had

    22. I’ve spent a lifetime lurking in the shadows in a world created by racism, sexism,

    23. dangers lurking in the Bering Sea waters, and more would soon

    24. His Guardian cloak was hung across the only chair in the room, making the piece of furniture appear to be some sort of dark ghoul lurking in the shadows

    25. He didn’t know how he hadn’t seen it before, but there was evil lurking behind her eyes

    26. He arched a brow, a smile lurking in those dark eyes

    27. The levies scoured the bush in advance of the prisoners in case there should be any attempt to assassinate the King, and several times disturbed waiting Ashantis, who were lurking in the trees to obtain a last glimpse of Prempeh, rather than lying in wait to kill him

    28. Alex knew that the Christchurch police loved nothing more than lurking in the hedgerows, waiting to catch the unwary motorist, and he was determined that nothing would spoil his mood tonight

    29. Sheena rubbed her temples, trying to ignore the headache that was lurking in the background

    30. Sespian wasn’t going to have time to spend hours lurking in the ductwork to spy on Hollowcrest himself

    31. “And the escaped prisoners lurking in the passage may as well come out too

    32. Eyes widening, Sespian spun about, half expecting Sicarius to be lurking in the shadows

    33. He came through the huge automatic doors with his duffel bag slung over his shoulder, and dressed in his step-outs he looked every bit the soldier the army intended him to look like, yet on his face I could see a hint of the carefree surfer boy lurking

    34. Cherva noted the rebelliousness still lurking in the badger's bright eyes and grunted

    35. out of the plane Sebastian was sure that something was lurking for him here

    36. Suddenly Brokin spotted two sentries lurking in the bushes and waved his party to a halt

    37. Standing before her, was a man who fed cocaine to a fourteen year-old girl to entrap her into a life of prostitution, yet she could detect not the slightest trace of evil lurking there or in his body language, which always spoke so loudly if one paid attention

    38. “I’ve been saving,” he said, careful to keep his attention on the task at hand, so that he wouldn’t have to see the disapproval he knew would be lurking in her eyes

    39. Clippings from the national newspaper were shocking for their obvious lack of objectivity and racist slant, leaving would-be tourists with the conviction that only in Limon was there danger, black muggers lurking in alleys waiting to slice their throats

    40. You never knew who might be lurking about taking in the sun

    41. He had been working with them from his days in Vancouver, and his experience there and at the club taught him that, for each there is usually someone – pimp, boyfriend, parent – lurking in the background taking their money and keeping them slaves to their profession

    42. Beth’s attitude sounded cavalier, but he was sure that lurking below was the same raw fear that gripped him

    43. Unless he went blind or some mysterious lurking thief of the wild came along and stole his shirt, he felt safe enough to wander away in search of some hopefully less than soggy firewood

    44. Pirru checked hastily around, not really bothering to indeed look for procrastinators or senior officers lurking in the dark, but rather as an instinctive reaction to fear of getting caught

    45. But at the same time there was anxiety in his heart, wariness; a feeling of lurking danger

    46. Perhaps indeed the archenemies were lurking around, their malignancy somehow trying to veer him away from his newly found purpose, driving him to dark corners of his mind he did not wish to revisit

    47. Ryato’s anger lay like a lurking thunderstorm over the camp

    48. We have to invite the Goods in, but the Bads are always lurking around a

    49. 8 He sits in the lurking places of the villages; in the secret places does he murder the innocent: his eyes are privily set against the

    50. 12 Like as a lion that is greedy of his prey, and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places

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    furtive hiding stealing hidden