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    lymphatic Beispielsätze


    1. to the dressing station, where lymphatic orderlies

    2. The main illnesses that seem to directly result from blood toxicity problems are skin problems and cancers involving the lymphatic system (Lymphomas)

    3. Herbalists have long believed Clivers to be a valuable lymphatic tonic

    4. Clivers are used in conditions that are characterised by general or localized swelling or where lymphatic circulation has been impaired

    5. Excellent for the lymphatic and urinary system

    6. random points of the body and into veins and lymphatic channels These,

    7. recognized; a century ago men were described as of the lymphatic or the

    8. Lymphoma is the general term for cancers that develop in the lymphatic system

    9. Since it helps in water distribution, it helps to improve the lymphatic functions by

    10. Since it helps in water distribution, it also improve the lymphatic functions by removing

    11. It is said that essential oil--geranium helps to in crease function of the lymphatic system, resulting in reducing the risk of fluid retention in the body tissues

    12. It also is diuretic that helps to increases function of lymphatic system, resulting in

    13. Under water massage is said to helps improve the lymphatic circulation, thereby

    14. It is said that it also increases the function of lymphatic circulation, thereby decreasing the risk of water retention in the body tissues and breast tenderness

    15. It is said that hot water compress also increases the fluid circulation in the lymphatic

    16. kidney in secreting urine but also improve the lymphatic function resulting in reducing

    17. the levels of sodium and improves the lymphatic function, resulting in lessening the risk

    18. secretion, resulting in helping the lymphatic function and reducing the risk of water

    19. It also helps to improve the lymphatic function, resulting in reducing the water retention

    20. It also helps to reduce the levels of prolactin hormone and increase the lymphatic

    21. Since dry is considered as dehydration, it causes abnormal lymphatic and

    22. c) Fluid retention as resulting in interfering with the function of lymphatic

    23. regulating the lymphatic function of fluid in the body

    24. regulating the levels of of potassium which is vital for the lymphatic

    25. stimulate the lymphatic system

    26. the hypostasis in interstition and reinforcement of lymphatic outflow

    27. little brats who were always dirty, very much spoilt, and somewhat lymphatic, like their mother

    28. Wrench was a small, neat, bilious man, with a well-dressed wig: he had a laborious practice, an irascible temper, a lymphatic wife and seven children; and he was already rather late before setting out on a four-miles drive to meet Dr

    29. But Wrench had a wretched lymphatic wife who made a mummy of herself indoors in a large shawl; and he must have altogether begun with an ill-chosen domestic apparatus

    30. Monsieur Homais respected him for his education; Madame Homais liked him for his good-nature, for he often took the little Homais into the garden—little brats who were always dirty, very much spoilt, and somewhat lymphatic, like their mother

    31. Her girdle was a string, her head ribbon a string, her pointed shoulders emerged from her chemise, a blond and lymphatic pallor, earth-colored collarbones, red hands, a half-open and degraded mouth, missing teeth, dull, bold, base eyes; she had the form of a young girl who has missed her youth, and the look of a corrupt old woman; fifty years mingled with fifteen; one of those beings which are both feeble and horrible, and which cause those to shudder whom they do not cause to weep

    32. Gibelotte, tall, delicate, white with a lymphatic pallor, with circles round her eyes, and drooping lids, always languid and weary, afflicted with what may be called chronic lassitude, the first up in the house and the last in bed, waited on every one, even the other maid, silently and gently, smiling through her fatigue with a vague and sleepy smile

    33. There are beings who demand nothing further; mortals, who, having the azure of heaven, say: "It is enough!" dreamers absorbed in the wonderful, dipping into the idolatry of nature, indifferent to good and evil, contemplators of cosmos and radiantly forgetful of man, who do not understand how people can occupy themselves with the hunger of these, and the thirst of those, with the nudity of the poor in winter, with the lymphatic curvature of the little spinal column, with the pallet, the attic, the dungeon, and the rags of shivering young girls, when they can dream beneath the trees; peaceful and terrible spirits they, and pitilessly satisfied

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