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    lynx Beispielsätze


    1. Local wildlife includes bear, lynx, wild boar, deer, otter, fox and, buffalo and the protected Van Cat (one green eye, one blue eye!)

    2. Rich in pine, birch, spruce and aspen trees, here you can find hare, fox, deer, wolf, lynx, bear and elk

    3. Nearly al of it is mountains and pine and oak forests of the Boreal Kingdom, with bear, polecat, wolf, wildcat, deer, Balkan lynx and wild goats

    4. A pretty, smal country with an ancient history, there are stunning beaches, bear-rich mountains, lynx and rare birds

    5. On the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea, this pine forested land is home to deer, wild boar, moose, lynx, bear, fox, beaver and wolf – plus oak and linden trees

    6. although few eyes save those of timberwolf and lynx were sharper in the

    7. The lynx stopped as the shouts drifted across the field towards it, yellow eyes searching through the darkness

    8. The lynx bared its teeth, sharp canines glinting in the dim moon-light

    9. The lynx continued to watch her

    10. Distracted by the noise the lynx took a moment to react before setting off after her

    11. Looking back she could see the lynx close behind

    12. The lynx leapt at the fence

    13. Is it likely that the bureaucrats involved in these actions would turn reasonable? Consider the case of the Canadian lynx

    14. The lynx is more prevalent in Canada but has been found in the US

    15. posts in three forests to show that the lynx inhabited those forests

    16. This province seemed to center on a large lake called Cincay Qoca (Lynx Lake in the Quechua language which seemed to increasingly dominate in the highlands)

    17. In order to have it listed as an endangered species six Forest Service biologists planted samples of lynx hair on rubbing posts in three forests to show that the lynx inhabited those forests

    18. Department in response to biologists’ submitting falsified samples during a national study of the threatened Canadian lynx

    19. After their actions were reported, the scientists said they were testing the lab’s ability to positively identify lynx through DNA samples and never meant to contaminate the

    20. Lynx - The Lynx

    21. A familiar cry rang in his ears as he rebounded on his feet as a lynx rebounds with snarling bared fangs

    22. In one, I was a ruthless bobcat, in another a lynx, in a third an overly aggressive squirrel, and finally I was described as a ferocious rat

    23. than its ‘brethren’ the lynx

    24. Experts are split on whether the Canadian Lynx is a

    25. However, ‘officially’, the Canadian Lynx is considered a

    26. The Canadian Lynx is smaller than its Eurasian counterpart

    27. The Canadian Lynx must watch out for larger prey,

    28. The Caracal has tufts on its ears like the Lynx

    29. The Caracal is slimmer and less bulky than the Lynx and


    31. This cat wasn’t built like a lynx, except for

    32. I want you out of my house, immediately! You’re a lynx! I

    33. Roughly fifty yards up ahead was a lynx

    34. The lynx was crying his brains out and it

    35. I cautiously approached the lynx, head down, and ready to

    36. As soon as I was within spitting distance of the lynx he

    37. I grinned at the lynx and then got

    38. wanted the lynx to love me, and to make me his best friend in

    39. And the lynx noticed it

    40. That was good news because the lynx tried to smile, though he

    41. Just then, the Lynx fell onto his side

    42. Therein, I looked at Lynx for the last time

    43. Several rival handhelds also made their debut around that time, including the Sega Game Gear and Atari Lynx

    44. The rendezvous was only about four miles away, and then a Navy Lynx helicopter ride back to base

    45. Outhouses? Or the great outdoors without benefit of well-furnished terrace or balcony? Forget it! So—who could explain her decision to “go #1” outside to save water and holding tank space? Or explain her leaving a luxurious, 5-level, park-girded townhouse to her 18-year-old daughter, replete with lynx, mink, diamonds, sapphires, artwork, antiques, and even precious antiquities, to go off and live in a 9’x29’ road-abode in the middle of nowheres everywhere! Go figure

    46. and Lynx; Wolf and Coyote, etc

    47. When she reached Trevain’s door, she turned the knob and opened it carefully, slipping in with the liquid stealth of a lynx before closing the door behind her

    48. But for her birthday Tony could not resist buying her a Russian lynx coat

    49. Fortunately, the mariners were used to these latitudes, and knew every rock in the Tuscan Archipelago; for in the midst of this obscurity Franz was not without uneasiness—Corsica had long since disappeared, and Monte Cristo itself was invisible; but the sailors seemed, like the lynx, to see in the dark, and the pilot who steered did not evince the slightest hesitation

    50. Tommy Rector, the young head of the big-cat department, likes the smaller, sprier, more affectionate cats, the jaguars and the lynx, but Larson, ever since a life-altering trip to a Ringling Brothers circus at the age of seven, is a passionate lion man

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