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    machine gunner Beispielsätze

    machine gunner

    1. The ship was unloaded and we helped the signaller’s stretcher bearer’s office staff and machine gunners who usually along with the service troops accompanied the Btn transport

    2. I crawled out on top and a German machine gunner must have seen the movement because he became very interested in me for a short while

    3. I felt them and my hand came away sticky with blood a machine gunner must have seen me and I had to hide behind Sam’s body as he opened up sending bursts my way

    4. That constable / machine gunner had orders to take out whatever (and whoever) needed to be taken out when called on

    5. The poor machine gunner had to hide from his own machine gun

    6. He was shot down in combat, either by Captain Roy Brown, a Canadian in the RAF, or by Australian machine gunners

    7. My personal opinion is that he was already shot up pretty bad, and if the Australian machine gunners wanted him that badly they could have him

    8. He realized that a hatch must have been opened to allow ammunition to be passed to the machine gunners, and then not closed

    9. was a van with a machine gunner

    10. “Take out the machine gunner

    11. An armoured car, its lights peering curiously at the cobbles, a machine gunner perched on top, rolled by

    12. I will take care of the machine gunners on the roof of the house

    13. Placing the red reticule of the holographic sight on the chest of one of the machine gunners, who was getting up to see what was happening, she fired once, dropping the man

    14. The boy was only sixteen years old but was reputed to be the best machine gunner in the division

    15. His sailor’s tunic displayed the ribbon of the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal with bar, plus the insignia of expert machine gunner

    16. This is Ship’s Boy Tom Allen, the best machine gunner I ever saw

    17. That kind of shooting was however something the British teenage boy had mastered while serving as a machine gunner in the Royal Navy

    18. ” Said the instructor, going to a large crate and taking out one after the other three futuristic light machineguns, handing them to the machine gunners

    19. Its pilot and rear machine gunner were still screaming with pain as they were burning alive when the VAL crashed on top of the already ruined Avro ANSON

    20. The female machine gunner started sweeping bursts left to right and then back, close to the ground, while the other women fired their M2 carbines in semi-automatic mode

    21. With her force now deployed on both sides of a pocket about 500 meters wide and deep, Ingrid made her vehicles temporarily stop and most of her women, save the drivers and machine gunners, dismount and gather closely behind the four halftracks of her column, with the armed jeeps following a bit behind and between the halftracks

    22. � The powerful plasma jet cut the bow machine gunner in half before burning through a 50mm shell stowage bin, igniting the shells inside it

    23. � A movement caught the side of her right eye, making her duck just as the bow machine gunner of the tank she was leaning against, halfway out of his exit hatch, shot at her with a pistol

    24. Betty Huyler Gillies, who had watched the show from the cargo hold of her aircraft, smiled to one of her machine gunners

    25. ‘’Aren’t we there already, Colonel?’’ Replied the machine gunner with a grin

    26. The American machine gunners easily won the firefight, helped by the precarious position of the Chinese soldiers on the muddy slope, and mowed down nearly half the assault force before the survivors had enough and ran or tumbled back down the slope

    27. The warning from the machine gunner made Ingrid switch fire slits in a hurry to look by herself

    28. Millikin saw the assistant machine gunner next to him then grab a sort of hand switch and press its trigger, causing a nearby loud explosion just outside the bunker, in front of the firing slit of that machine gun

    29. As if the surviving heavy machine gunners had heard him, they at once trained their weapons on the aircraft swooping past them, firing long bursts

    30. One of the machine gunners then opened fire, her Gatling gun producing an ear-splitting racket and spitting close to one hundred bullets per second

    31. The B-25NG machine gunner and Hollywood actress was tall for a woman, standing 171 centimeters, and had a slender but athletic body

    32. ‘’MACHINE GUNNERS TO YOUR WEAPONS!’’ She shouted before activating her radio microphone

    33. The captain himself was however killed outright by one of the machine gunners of Jane Straughan’s AC-10 as he was about to jump overboard

    34. The machine gunner took

    35. machine gunner at the back of the ATV

    36. Before Tommy Mack he knew it, he was firing into the face of the first machine gunner he

    37. The Iraqi machine gunner had been hit and killed by our earlier barrage, but there were still plenty of bad guys farther up the street

    38. There were six cabs, which could carry fourteen heavily armed Vets: an assault platoon with rifleman-snipers, M-60 gas-operated machine gunners, a thumper man with an M-79 grenade launcher, a communications operator

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