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    1. Bahkmar wished he'd hacked a malfunction into it, wished he'd thought of that a week or two earlier when he might have had time

    2. that lead to joint malfunction and eventual joint

    3. malfunction will be the result

    4. “Notify the authorities that we are missing an airplane but make sure that this is not released to the public under any circumstances! It may be a malfunction of the transponder or the airplane may have crashed

    5. They are victims of a faulty construction or a malfunction of their brain and therefore should not be held morally responsible for their behavior

    6. ‘He said he had an electronics malfunction

    7. No malfunction could send them so far off that they can’t even be detected

    8. within the space of a few hours, causing them to malfunction

    9. A malfunction? He looked out of the

    10. AIs were not immune from malfunction, or worse still, corruption

    11. Someone had to oversee the recipients; the risk of a malfunction always existed with a basic monitoring program without an intelligent overseer

    12. So forget about military-issued full metal jackets and get decent hollow-points that won’t cause your pistol to malfunction by not loading correctly

    13. One insect suspected a malfunction and tapped an instrument panel, another fiddled with measuring equipment on a nearby table

    14. Before he can finish the word “go,” he releases the sling and I forget him, I forget Uriah, and family, and all the things that could malfunction and lead to my death

    15. Was it a forerunner of those to follow within the decade? Was it an explosion or a malfunction? Some on the Net made the case for the intervention of an alien being! The family of the copilot and the Egyptian government took strong issue with any suggestion that this may have been a

    16. only to cause the Reactor to malfunction so that it would stop

    17. ANY ailment, and you criticize folks for taking a medication for depression, you are a hypocrite! Yes, I do mean that! How foolish can you be to accept that any of your body's organs can malfunction except for your brain? No, we should not be dependent on medications

    18. pressure could cause a malfunction of the venting system,” said Kenichi

    19. He covered the fundamentals of aerodynamics, engine malfunction procedures, even how to make radio calls

    20. Control here is looking very carefully at the situation, obviously a major malfunction

    21. Since the AI"s malfunction, I cannot trust any

    22. Stewart, hitting his flying disc and causing it to malfunction

    23. ―No way a single malfunction could be


    25. Communications can be unpredictable and equipment is more prone to malfunction

    26. One of the officers had examined Marianne’s car and had got the engine going, the malfunction being caused by a partly pulled-loose fuel-pipe

    27. ‘(3) Clearly the diabetes associated with one of the multiple personalities discussed in the last chapter is not caused by some malfunction in the body, since it disappears as soon as a different personality takes over! However I‘m not prepared at this point to give a scouting report on the law of cause and effect

    28. chemical malfunction of the brain or some currently unknown cause was, for the

    29. “We appear to have a malfunction in our transponder

    30. Right now, she’s scrambling around, trying to find the source of the malfunction

    31. In the event of a mutiny or some sort of malfunction of the ship, my room ejected as an escape pod and landed on the nearest habitable planet

    32. ‘The oddest thing is that, although the Chinese have refused to confirm or deny it, US intelligence is certain that the nuclear detonation was not an attack upon Victoria, but a malfunction of one of City Victoria’s own in-house weapons

    33. have a mechanical malfunction, but they take too long to use in combat

    34. Did they want confirmation from an outsider that, yes, the problem was due to a computer malfunction? Or was there something more sinister, as a hidden agenda

    35. The door of the last car was still open due to a malfunction due to the earthquake

    36. It had started to malfunction

    37. The two turrets set outside were still operating without any malfunction

    38. Malfunction in shield strength at 4 electrons, and dropping

    39. malfunction on this horrible island

    40. Apparently, there was a slight malfunction in the

    41. department has stated that it was an alarm malfunction

    42. Unfortunately this printer malfunction is not the only bug

    43. You probably saw the wardrobe malfunction at halftime of the Super Bowl a few years ago

    44. If you watched the goings on, you may also have seen Jennifer Lopez’s wardrobe malfunction – remedying these problems of J

    45. the FBI concurring – said, it was a malfunction – thus, an accident

    46. I caught a malfunction on my earphones

    47. “My first inclination is that there must have been some malfunction of the brakes

    48. He hoped this was another system malfunction

    49. 'The main traffic computer on Klete is bound to assume that there is a malfunction when we take control of the ship, and by the time they discover that this is not the case, they will probably try wholeheartedly to stop us

    50. undressing due to either a cold-induced malfunction of the part of the

    1. "This is about where the android he sent down in his place malfunctioned," Ava said

    2. The car lost control: the automated systems malfunctioned, reserve systems failed to kick in – according to the surviving telemetry box

    3. ‘There’s nothing I can tell you other than we suspect the ship malfunctioned

    4. had it somehow malfunctioned

    5. My heart thudded in rapid successions when the 8 halfers malfunctioned

    6. The Galaef and his scientists have created a new android in a secret laboratory, but for some reason the android malfunctioned and escaped

    7. Did they ever find out what happened to the TV monitor and why it all of a sudden malfunctioned and stopped working?”

    8. malfunctioned,” the Lieutenant answered Adam’s unasked question

    9. All the units malfunctioned badly

    10. ‘We have no evidence to prove that your radios malfunctioned

    11. Understandably, visitors to his Pennsylvania mansion noticed that the estate was in disarray, showers were missing, the security malfunctioned (and chirped every 60 seconds), the pool was filled with garbage, there was an old car on blocks in the weedy yard, and the windows were covered with plywood

    1. At the heart of Negative Energy Addiction is a malfunctioning

    2. His arms were disjointed at some locations, while possessed with multiple malfunctioning joints in other locations

    3. “What? Are you sure the gauges aren’t malfunctioning?”

    4. to troubleshoot malfunctioning electronics,

    5. The screen began malfunctioning

    6. If chakras or acupoints are rotating sluggishly or are malfunctioning, en-

    7. ‘Oasis power generators are no longer up to the task; most other services are run down; buildings are crumbling due to age and a series of minor earthquakes over the last year; malfunctioning negrav chutes are dropping people to their deaths; air-conditioning plants need an upgrade; there’s been a noticeable rise in average temperature and increased humidity and air pollution, with a corresponding increase in lung infections over the last two years

    8. She had been bumped from the school functioning normally and had then worked at so many malfunctioning schools that she had lost track of all their names

    9. “How can you travel with a malfunctioning PHU?”

    10. communication link is malfunctioning or there has been no communication from earth

    11. Of the one hundred and fifty-two bugs in the network, six were malfunctioning, including the prototype

    12. The error codes on the display told me the heat exchanger was probably malfunctioning

    13. Hood was able to use her gunnery radar but Prince of Wales’ radar was malfunctioning

    14. This means that every single being that He will ever create is not going to be perfect like He is and they will now be capable of malfunctioning to the dark side

    15. badge was malfunctioning

    16. You cannot, because you're malfunctioning

    17. eases appear as a result of the malfunctioning of the spinal cord, from the most insignificant to those that are fatal

    18. He took the IFQ out of its Q-port and stared at it, wondering if it was malfunctioning, if it was the cause, the vehicle, the key to him hearing and seeing what he had

    19. Just then Mitch pulled up to the closed shop doors to see if he could use a few of Mike’s tools to fix the malfunctioning Escort

    20. With it malfunctioning, we're defenceless

    21. ‘Mr Johnson asked me to let you know that his phone is malfunctioning

    22. completely ridiculous malfunctioning concepts, I am despised as the ridiculous small-minded novice that

    23. The Athens airport is new and gleaming and malfunctioning

    24. “Which are wasted while Shap’s malfunctioning

    25. Several systems were malfunctioning

    26. ‘…marry that Meagan Summers whenever you get the chance…’ Felipe’s words were ringing through his head like a malfunctioning electric bell; like one he had gotten rather used to while going to school as a boy

    27. his brain was severely malfunctioning and once again he was instinctively reminded to go

    28. This condition can conceivably be caused by the coincidental occurrence of repeated collisions, but it is more likely to result from a malfunctioning network interface that is continuously transmitting bad frames without pausing for carrier sense or collision detection

    29. In both instances, you should replace the malfunctioning adapter

    30. A NIC with a malfunctioning carrier sense mechanism could also be at fault

    31. They are an indication of a malfunctioning hardware device or a cable fault

    32. By noting which stations on the network were beaconing, it was possible to isolate the malfunctioning system or cable segment

    33. man extensions on the directory names because if the server on which the profiles are stored is malfunctioning or unavailable, the users cannot log on

    34. In some cases, the drives are hot-swappable, meaning that you can replace a malfunctioning drive without powering down the whole array

    35. When you replace or repair the malfunctioning drive, all of the data from the mirror is copied to it, thus reestablishing the redundancy

    36. The ship’s gravity had to be malfunctioning

    37. it is the reduced value of distant rewards due to a malfunctioning internal timing

    38. Her hourglass is malfunctioning, someone has put funeral-urn ashes in it instead of sand

    1. There are always malfunctions and complications

    2. Only Harvo had that power; the AI had to observe for any malfunctions or anomalies, but nothing on this scale had been attempted before

    3. The earthquake resulted in a series of malfunctions and mistakes

    4. comprehension, “we should be able to halt the malfunctions and

    5. the link between the malfunctions and the increase in dragons,

    6. natural risks, it has concomitantly increased the risks of infrastructural malfunctions

    7. If the energy pattern is disrupted, you will have malfunctions in the so-called solid object

    8. I have only one question: what do I do if my time distorter malfunctions and I am trapped down there in Berlin?”

    9. had been so frank about the dogs’ bladder malfunctions

    10. Malfunctions in the monitors, which are occasional, are always a cause of momentary panic

    11. “So that there is someone there to clean up the mess if it malfunctions,” Garcia said

    12. A man in a fast food restaurant is reading a newspaper with a headline that reads: DIANE D’S FAMILY NEVER GOT TO SEE HER LEVITATION PERFORMANCE LIVE AS TV MONITOR INSIDE TRAILER THEY WERE IN MALFUNCTIONS!

    13. “So? I think there’s like two or three incidents of transporter malfunctions that

    14. malfunctions, but everything seems fine

    15. The massive warp engines were complicated monsters prone to malfunctions

    16. and malfunctions of their mobile and Internet connections

    17.  Heater - two smaller rated heaters are better than one heater in case of malfunctions

    18. wattage heater in case of heater malfunctions

    19. I am continually amazed that dermatologists persist in viewing the skin as merely a protective envelope for the body, ascribing its eruptions to 'viruses' and imprecise malfunctions and supporting the myth that 'diet has nothing to do with acne

    20. analyses how malfunctions of a natural cycle relate to illnesses, gives

    21. If such malfunctions become nu-

    22. I would bet against the sudden rockets and dramatic collapses caused by malfunctions

    23. Sometimes the ventilator malfunctions and the kid could die

    24. ‘We know what series of malfunctions, mechanical and electrical, forced Py into his present state

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    malfunction misfunction